Description and Goals

COURSE TITLE:                 Computational Linear Algebra


CATALOG DESCRIPTION:            Linear equations, matrices, and determinants; vector spaces and linear transformations; inner products and eigenvalues. This course emphasizes computational aspects of Linear Algebra.


COURSE CONTENT:                       MAS 3114 is designed to serve science, computer science, quantitative science, engineering majors, and mathematics minors. Mathematics majors are required to take MAS 4105.


MAS 3114 is a 3 credit course on linear algebra that is the computational nature of topics. These topics include linear algebra, matrices, determinants, vectors, vector spaces, linear transformations, inner products, eigenvalues, and applications.


Computer projects are assigned. We require the students to learn MATLAB, a programming environment, for the projects. Proofs are not stressed as much as in MAS 4105 Linear Algebra 1.


PREREQUISITES:                experience with a scientific programming and a grade of C or better in MAC 2312: Calculus 2 (or in MAC 2512 or in MAC 3473)