Information for Students

Society and the Individual (SYP 3000) Students: Midterm Study Guide (October, 2009)

      Your midterm exam on October 15th will cover all of the reading materials for the first 8 reading weeks of the semester as indicated by the syllabus (including “The Social Construction of Subjective Experience”). The lecture notes are particularly important, but you will need to study the assigned readings as well because I will include a question or two from most of the readings.  Make sure you understand the three theoretical perspectives we studied in this class (symbolic interactionism, social exchange, and the IRC model).  PLEASE learn the three perspectives!  You will do VERY  POORLY on this exam if you do not understand them.  You should know the various features of each perspective and be able to distinguish the persperctives from one another.  You also should be able to apply them, or see how they could be relevant to different types of situations. At least 10 questions will focus on these perspectives.

       The exam will include 50 multiple choice questions worth either 7 or 10 points apiece depending on whether you decide to write the term paper.  Bring a #2 pencil. You will have the entire class period to take the exam.  Please be on time so that everyone hears the same directions and students are not disrupted by others coming in late.  Only under very, very rare circumstances do I give make-up exams and any student who approaches me about this option will need to do so BEFORE March 3rd. Such a student will forfeit having any potential curve applied to his/her final score, irrespective of their reason for requesting a makeup exam.  A curve might be applied to those students who take the exam during the regular class time.  (see syllabus for exam policies)

       The computerized program I use is supported by the university and requires that I have 5 answer categories.  Because I’m a nice guy, I will only ask you to choose from 4 possible answers.  Thus, for each question there will be one answer that reads “xxxxx.”  You should (you must) ignore this answer category.  If you choose it you will automatically get it wrong!  I will test the depth of your understanding by including some questions which have legitimate answer categories “all of the answers are correct” or “none of the answers are correct.”  You should not be afraid to choose this answer if you feel confident it is the correct answer.

    Also, in the fall 2008 the Department was migrated to a new computer system and that system sometimes does not process the computer program for creating testing as efficiently as the old system.  There may be some odd symbols interspersed throughout the exam because the computer program does not always read accurately symbols like question marks, dashes, or apostrophes.

The questions will vary in difficulty.  Some will require you to process information dealing with different theories or concepts and demonstrate your understanding of the material.  For example: 

  1. As discussed in class, a major criticism of the social exchange model of human behavior is that:

 (1) it inappropriately assumes that human behavior can sometimes have an important rational component
(2) it tends to overemphasize the idea that individuals are confronted with various alternatives
(3) it does not give enough attention to individuals’ ability to search for and find alternative ways of behaving
(4) the emotional dimensions to social life are not treated adequately
(5) xxxxx

Other questions will be relatively straight forward and will simply determine whether you can recall the definition of a key concept.  For example:

  1. According to the IRC model, a person’s knowledge about the stock market represents:

 (1) an aspect of the norm of reciprocity
(2) personalized cultural capital
(3) none of the answers are correct
(4) a form of univocal reciprocity
(5) xxxxx

  1. Reification:
    (1) is a strategy for bridging the gap between social structure and social process
    (2) refers to the notion that sometimes people treat abstract ideas as being concrete
    (3) all of the answers are correct
    (4) xxxxx
    (5) can be accounted for most accurately by using the social exchange perspective

In some instances I will provide you with a brief scenario to encourage you to think about social psychological processes and concepts.  As part of the scenario I will ask you a question to determine if you have a clear and deep understanding of the concept.  An example might be:

  1. Assume the year is 2015 and you run into one of your close friends and classmates from this course (Society and the Individual) at an amusement park. Your former classmate is accompanied by her husband (Dareous) and child and you start to talk about childrearing.  In the course of your conversation you jokingly ask your former classmate if her child has blurted out any bad words yet like like Marsiglio did with his mom.  Both you and your former classmate start to laugh.  Dareous is quite puzzled by your hysterical laughter because he is ignorant of the fact that you  and your former classmate share:

 (1) personalized cultural capital
(2) generalized cultural capital
(3) similar reputations
(4) emotional energy
(5) xxxxx

 If I (Dr. Marsiglio)  were taking this exam I would do the following:

  1. Read and highlight all of the material by the end of the weekend!
    2. Have complete, well-organized, and legible notes.
    3. Develop athorough understanding of the theoretical perspectivescovered in the course.  Think about their key assumptions and criticisms.  Compare and contrast them to each other.
    4. Study the key concepts and force myself to come up with my own examples to illustrate them.
    5. Perhaps study with someone to force myself to talk about these concepts aloud.
    6. Study Cahill’s initial comments about each of the articles included in Inside Social Life.
    7. Read Hewitt’s work in a way that I retain a solid understanding of the concepts central to the SI perspective.
    8. Review Tuesdays with Morrie and be prepared to interpret Mitch and Morrie’s story using concepts we’ve discussed in class.
    9. Spend a lot of time studying my notes!
    10.  Go over the discussion questions thoroughly.
    11. Visualize how good I will feel if I do well on the exam!

Correct answers for Q’s above: 1. (4), 2. (3), 3. (2), 4. (1)


Men & Masculinities (Summer, 2009): Final Exam and Final Course Grades

I just submitted your final grades to the registrar this afternoon.  I curved the final exam 2 questions or 8 points out of 200.  The top raw score was 49/50.  Each question was worth 4 points, so that person ended up receiving 204/200 (congrats!).

Here is the final grade distribution for the entire course (see syllabus for the scale)

A    (930 and higher):   1
A-   (900-929):              6
B+  (870-899)               4
B    (830-869)               4
B-   (800-929)               3
C+  (770-799)               0
C     (730-769)              2

As I mentioned in class, there is NO EXTRA CREDIT, so please do not contact me about it.

Have a great summer AND life.  In my mind, you were part of an exceptional class.  THANKS!

Secret ATT Mid MP PJE Final Total
Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 100 250 100 350 200 1000
01 10 8 10 10 10 8 10 10 10 10 10 98 230 91 304 172 895 B+
02 10 9 10 10 10 7 10 10 10 10 10 99 220 94 323 168 904 A-
03 10 8 10 10 10 8 10 10 0 10 10 96 210 93 273 156 828 B-
04 10 9 10 0 10 7 9 10 10 10 10 95 200 89 311 188 883 B+
05 10 9 10 10 10 7 10 10 10 10 10 99 220 86 320 184 909 A-
06 10 9 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 29 200 88
07 10 0 10 10 10 6 10 10 10 10 10 96 230 94 339 204 963 A
08 10 8 10 10 10 8 10 10 10 10 10 98 210 90 268 172 838 B
09 10 9 0 0 10 5 0 10 0 10 10 64 205 90 329 160 848 B
10 10 9 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 99 210 95 330 172 906 A-
11 0 9 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 145
12 0 9 0 0 10 8 0 0 0 0 0
13 10 0 10 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 60 225 93 318 152 848 B
14 10 9 10 10 10 7 10 10 10 10 10 99 225 95 325 172 916 A-
15 10 9 10 10 10 8 9 0 10 10 10 96 225 85 296 168 870 B+
16 0 9 0 10 10 6 9 10 0 10 10 74 215 84 282 168 823 B-
17 10 9 10 10 10 6 0 10 10 10 10 95 205 90 333 164 887 B+
18 10 9 10 10 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 79 175 79 268 140 741 C
19 10 9 10 0 10 7 9 10 10 10 10 95 205 95 334 172 901 A-
20 0 9 10 0 10 6 10 10 9 10 10 85 175 93 307 172 832 B
21 10 9 10 0 10 8 10 10 10 10 10 97 220 94 321 172 904 A-
22 0 0 10 10 10 7 10 0 10 10 10 77 180 95 319 156 827 B-
23 10 9 10 10 10 5 9 10 0 0 10 83 170 79 244 168 744 C

Midterm Exam Grades: Men & Masculinities, Summer 2009

The scores below include your 6 attendance scores thus far and your midterm exam score.  All midterm scores below INCLUDE a 2 question or 10 point curve.  The top raw score was 44/50 which was converted to 46/50 or 230/250.

Grade Distribution

A   (225-250)               4
B   (200-224)             12
C   (175-199)               3
D  (150-174)                2
E   (below 150)            1

Secret ATT Mid MP PJE Final Total
Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 100 250 100 350 200 1000
01 10 8 10 10 10 8 230
02 10 9 10 10 10 7 220
03 10 8 10 10 10 8 210
04 10 9 10 0 10 7 200
05 10 9 10 10 10 7 220
06 10 9 0 0 0 0 200
07 10 0 10 10 10 6 230
08 10 8 10 10 10 8 210
09 10 9 0 0 10 5 205
10 10 9 10 10 10 9 210
11 0 9 10 0 0 0 145
12 0 9 0 0 10 8
13 10 0 10 10 0 10 225
14 10 9 10 10 10 7 150
15 10 9 10 10 10 8 225
16 0 9 0 10 10 6 215
17 10 9 10 10 10 6 205
18 10 9 10 10 10 0 175
19 10 9 10 0 10 7 205
20 0 9 10 0 10 6 175
21 10 9 10 0 10 8 220
22 0 0 10 10 10 7 180
23 10 9 10 10 10 5 170

Study Guide for Men and Masculinities (Summer), EXAM is during the class period June 2, 2009.

Your midterm exam will cover all of the reading materials for the first 3 READING  weeks of the semester as indicated by the syllabus.   The lecture notes are particularly important, but you will need to study the assigned readings as well.   I will ask questions about reading material that we did not cover in class.

       The exam will include 50 multiple choice questions worth 5 points apiece.  Remember that the exam is worth 250 out of the 1,000 points for the course.  You will have the entire class period to complete the exam.  Please be on time (5-10 minutes early ideally) so that everyone hears the same directions and students are not disrupted by others coming in late.  If you arrive late, you will still have to finish the exam by the end of the period 12:15.  Only under very, very rare circumstances do I give make-up exams and any student who approaches me about this option will need to do so BEFORE June 2.  Such a student will FORFEIT having any potential curve applied to his/her final score that might be applied to those students who take the exam during the regular class time.  (see syllabus for exam policies)

       The computerized program I use is supported by the university and requires that I have 5 answer categories.  Because I’m a nice guy, I will only ask you to choose from 4 possible answers. Thus, for each question there will be one answer that reads “XXXXX”  You should (you must) ignore this answer category.  If you choose it, you will automatically get it wrong!  I will test the depth of your understanding by including some questions which have legitimate answer categories “all of the specific answers are correct” or “none of the specific answers are correct.”  You should not be afraid to choose this answer if you feel confident it is the correct answer.

The questions will vary in difficulty.  Below you will find several sample questions taken from a couple sections of the course thus far.  This should give you some sense of the kinds of questions you will see on the exam.  Obviously, these questions do NOT represent the breath of the questions you will see on the exam.  The correct answers are listed below after my study suggestions for this exam (don’t peek).

  1. QQ Based on our class discussion and class reading middleclass men’s use of hormonal treatments
    and cosmetic surgery
    in the 1990s: 
    (1) is much higher than it was twenty years ago 
    (2) has leveled off during the past decade, but is higher than it was twenty years ago
    (3) is similar to the rates for men from the lower socioeconomic classes
    (4) represents about five percent of all treatments and surgeries involving men and women 
    (5) xxxxxx

2. QQ According to our class discussion, which of the following
statements is correct:
(1) the “conduct of fatherhood” has progressed more quickly than
the “culture of fatherhood” in recent years
(2) mothers’ changing employment patterns during the past
30 years or so have had a major impact on the “culture of
(3) the “conduct of fatherhood” was largely responsible for shaping
the “culture of motherhood”
(4) the “culture of fatherhood” and the “conduct of fatherhood” were
out of sync about a decade ago but now they are basically consistent
with one another
(5) xxxxx

3. QQ The diagram of the scripting perspective that was handed out in
AA (1) how cultural scenarios tend to affect interpersonal scripting
(2) how sexual scenarios influence intrapsychic scripting
(3) all of the specific answers are correct
(4) stressed the reciprocal relationship between intrapsychic processes
and subjective expected utility

(5) xxxxx

  1. Which of the following most accurately represents the pattern of committed suicides among teenagers in the U.S.?
    AA S
    (1) xxxxx
    (2) girls are between 1-2 times more likely to commit suicde than boys
    (3) boy are about 10 times more likely to commit suicide than girls
    (4) boys are about 4 times more likely to commit suicide than girls
    5) boys and girls commit suicides at about the same rate
  2. If a researcher applied a social constructionist approach to understanding gay men’s desires for children in
    the early 2000s, he or she would most likely:
    (1) xxxxx
    (2)  explore the meanings of family gay men negotiate with their intimate partners
    (3)  study how men’s reproductive physiology restricts gay men’s ability to have  as much control of the
    fertility process as lesbians do
    (4)  none of the specific answers are correct
    (5)  consider how recent social movements and policies have affected the way gay men think about families
    If I were taking this exam I would do the following:
  3. Read and highlight all of the material by the end of the weekend then review my materials!
    2. Have complete, well-organized, and legible notes.
    3. Develop a thorough understanding of the theoretical perspectives covered in the course.  Think about their key assumptions and be able to apply them.
    4. Develop a clear understanding of the key concepts discussed in class.
    5. Develop a clear understanding of the main observations and conclusions in the individual articles/chapters.
    6. Perhaps study with someone to force myself to talk about these concepts aloud.
    7. Spend a lot of time studying my notes!
    8. Do not spend time remembering dates or specific statistics (know general patterns associated  with the data).  Typically, if statistics are used on the exam, you will be able to answer questions correctly by knowing the general pattern or whether some figure is low, medium, or high.
    9. Focus MUCH MORE on the concepts, patterns, ideas rather than who said what.
    10. Visualize how good I will feel on June 2 after I do well on the exam!

Correct answers: 1: 1;  2: 2;   3: 3;   4: 4, 5: 5

Sociology of Reproduction and Gender Students (Final Grade Info)

Your various grades, including your final exam and course grades, appear below.   I curved the final exam 3 questions (15 points).   The high score before the curve was 47/50 which was converted to 50/50 or 250/250 points.  The two highest scores for the course were 967 and 965 (congrats).

Please recall my statement before class and my guidelines in the syllabus: I do not add points to students’ scores nor do I provide opportunities for extra credit.  I will not respond to requests to add points to students’ point totals.  The distribution for the course grades are as followers:

A  = 6
B+= 1
B  = 7
C =  5
D = 2
E  = 1

Thanks for helping to make this a memorable class–I trust that you’ll take something away from this course that influences how you see and experience yourself in the reproductive realm for years to come.

 Secret Int MID Pap Fin
 Code Pro EX Ex Tot
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 100 150 250 250 250 1000
01 0 10 10 9 10 10 0 10 3 10 10 82 140 225 228 675 225 900   A
02 10 10 8 0 10 10 10 0 10 0 0 68 126 210 194 598 210 808   B
03 10 10 0 9 10 0 0 0 3 0 0 42 132 170 197 541 180 721   C
04 10 10 10 8 10 10 10 10 10 9 0 97 121 180 185 583 195 778   C+
05 10 0 8 0 0 10 0 10 9 10 10 67 125 210 227 629 205 834   B
06 10 10 10 8 0 0 10 10 10 10 10 88 130 160 227 605 215 820   B
07 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 100 141 265 239 745 220 965   A
08 10 10 10 8 10 10 10 10 7 10 10 98 119 160 216 593 215 808   B
09 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 126 125 185 444 444   E
10 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 144
11 0 10 8 10 0 10 0 0 3 0 0 41 147 175 218 581 581   E
12 0 0 10 9 10 0 10 10 10 0 10 69 129 150 172 520 185 705   C
13 10 10 10 10 0 10 9 10 10 9 0 87 140 210 227 664 190 854   B
14 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 100 141 195 181 617 205 822   B
15 10 10 0 8 10 0 X 10 7 0 10 65 121 130 169 485 160 645   D
16 X 10 9 8 0 10 0 0 3 0 0 40 119 185 208 552 175 727   C
17 10 10 10 8 10 0 10 9 7 0 0 74 130 195
18 10 10 9 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 99 142 245 231 717 250 967   A
19 0 8 8 0 8 10 0 0 9 9 10 62 132 200 198 592 200 792   C+
20 10 10 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 97 139 205 242 683 235 918   A
21 10 10 9 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39 123
22 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 3 0 10 93 117 155 182 547 150 697   D+
23 10 10 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 100 127 245 245 717 240 957   A
24 10 10 10 8 10 10 10 0 3 10 10 91 130 170 210 601 205 806   B
25 10 0 10 8 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 88 138 155 216 597 200 797   C+
26 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 100 141 225 213 679 220 899   B+
27 10 10 8 9 0 0 10 0 9 10 0 56 127 185 50 418 195 613   D
28 0 10 9 10 10 0 10 10 3 10 10 82 143 240 227 692 225 917   A
29 10 8 8 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 97 135 160 195 587 180 767   C
30 0 10 0 9 0 10 10 10 9 10 10 78 126 160 214 578 170 748   C
31 10 10 0 8 0 0 10 10 7 10 10 75 130 130 183 518 175 693   D+

S & I Students (FINAL GRADE INFO):

Your various grades, including your final exam and course grades, appear below.   I curved the final exam 5 questions (30 points).   The high score before the curve was 40/50 which was converted to 45/50 or 270/300 points.  Please recall my statement before class and my guidelines in the syllabus: I do not add points to students’ scores nor do I provide opportunities for extra credit.  I will not respond to requests to add points to students’ point totals.  The distribution for the course grades are as followers:

A  = 5
B+= 0
B  = 8
C =  6
D = 1
E  = 1

I hope that you all have fun summers and productive/happy lives!

Secret Tot Mid Paper Fin Tot
 Code Att Ex Ex Pts
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 100 300 300 300 1000
01 10 9 0 10 10 10 0 0 10 0 10 69 234 243 168 714 C
02 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 90 288 271 270 919 A
03 0 10 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 20 240
04 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 100 234 260 234 828 B
05 10 10 10 0 10 10 0 9 0 0 0 59 114
06 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 90 228 280 180 778 C+
07 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 8 0 10 97 198 262 204 761 C
08 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 0 90 300 289 264 943 A
09 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 100 288 274 264 926 A
10 10 10 10 10 0 10 0 0 8 0 10 68 222 286 192 768 C
11 10 10 0 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 90 270 233 252 845 B
12 10 10 8 10 10 10 10 9 8 10 10 97 306 273 264 940 A
13 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 8 10 10 99 276 284 270 929 A
14 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 0 9 0 9 87 246 283 252 868 B
15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 10 0 18 180 260 234 692 D+
16 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 100 228 251 222 801 B
17 10 10 0 10 0 10 10 8 9 10 10 87 222 282 210 801 B
18 10 9 0 10 9 10 10 9 6 0 9 82 216 228 150 676 D+
19 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 180 208 180 578 E
20 0 10 0 0 0 0 10 9 8 0 0 37 120 252 198 607 D
21 10 10 0 0 0 10 0 8 10 0 10 58 264 285 246 853 B
22 10 9 10 10 0 10 0 0 6 0 9 64 186 237 192 679 D+
23 10 10 8 5 10 10 10 9 8 10 10 95 222 252 246 815 B
24 0 10 0 10 0 10 10 10 0 0 0 50 150
25 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 8 9 0 10 87 210 267 198 762 C
26 10 9 8 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 98 180 254 180 712 C
27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 216 271 192 689 D+
28 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 9 10 10 99 222 224 204 749 C
29 10 10 0 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 10 90 240 280 192 802 B

Society and the Individual (SYP 3000) Students: MIDTERM EXAM SCORES

Here are the midterm scores as well as your attendance scores to date.  I applied a rather substantial curve to the midterm exam: 6 questions (36 points).  The top score prior to the curve was 45 questions correct out of 50.  With the curve, multipled by the 6 points per  question weighting, that person received 306/300 (congrats!).

To find your score look for your secret code on the far left-hand side and then read across.

Number of students
(Curve include)

A  (270 and above)                 6
B  (240 -269)                          5
C  (210-239)                         10
D (180-209)                           5
E (below 180)                        2

Att Ex  Pap Ex Pts
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 100 300 300 300 1000
01 10 9 0 10 10 10 234
02 10 10 0 10 10 10 288
03 0 10 0 0 0 0 240
04 10 10 10 10 10 10 234
05 10 10 10 0 10 10 114
06 10 10 10 10 0 10 228
07 10 10 10 10 10 10 198
08 10 10 10 10 10 10 300
09 10 10 10 10 10 10 288
10 10 10 10 10 0 10 222
11 10 10 0 10 10 10 270
12 10 10 8 10 10 10 306
13 10 10 10 10 10 10 276
14 10 10 10 10 9 10 246
15 0 0 0 0 0 0 180
16 10 10 10 10 10 10 228
17 10 10 0 10 0 10 222
18 10 9 0 10 9 10 216
19 0 10 0 0 0 0 180
20 0 10 0 0 0
21 10 10 0 0 0 10 264
22 10 9 10 10 0 10 186
23 10 10 8 5 10 10 222
24 0 10 0 10 0 10 150
25 10 10 10 0 10 10 210
26 10 9 8 10 10 10 180
27 0 0 0 0 0 0 216
28 10 10 10 10 10 10 222
29 10 10 0 10 10 0 240

Sociology of Reproduction and Gender (SYD 4820) Students: MIDTERM EXAM SCORES

Here are the midterm scores, internet project, and attendance scores to date.  I applied a rather substantial curve to the midterm exam: 6 questions (30 points).  The top score prior to the curve was 47 questions correct out of 50.  With the curve, multipled by the 5 points per  question weighting, that person received 265/250 (congrats!).

To find your score look for your secret code on the far left-hand side and then read across.

                                   Number of students
(Curve include)

A (225-250)                             6
B (200-224)                             5
C (175-199)                             6
D (150-174)                            9
E (below 150)                         3

Int MID Pap Fin Tot
Pro EX Ex
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 100 150 250 250 250 100
01 0 10 10 9 10 10 140 225
02 10 10 8 0 10 10 126 210
03 10 10 0 9 10 0 132 170
04 10 10 10 8 10 10 121 180
05 10 0 8 0 0 10 125 210
06 10 10 10 8 0 0 130 160
07 10 10 10 9 10 10 141 265
08 10 10 10 8 10 10 119 160
09 0 0 0 8 0 0 126 125
10 0 0 0 10 0 0 144
11 0 10 8 10 0 10 147 175
12 0 0 10 9 10 0 129 150
13 10 10 10 10 0 10 140 210
14 10 10 9 10 10 10 141 195
15 10 10 0 8 10 0 121 130
16 X 10 9 8 0 10 119 185
17 10 10 10 8 10 0 130 195
18 10 10 9 8 10 10 142 245
19 0 8 8 0 8 10 132 200
20 10 10 8 9 10 10 139 205
21 10 10 9 10 0 0 123
22 10 10 10 10 10 10 117 155
23 10 10 8 10 10 10 127 245
24 10 10 10 8 10 10 130 170
25 10 0 10 8 0 10 138 155
26 10 10 9 10 10 10 141 225
27 10 10 8 9 0 0 127 185
28 0 10 9 10 10 0 143 240
29 10 8 8 10 10 10 135 160
30 0 10 0 9 0 10 126 160
31 10 10 0 8 0 0 130 130


Sociology of Reproduction and Gender: Study guide for Exam (March 3rd, Tuesday)

Your CHALLENGING exam will cover all of the reading materials for the first 8 READING weeks of the semester as indicated by the syllabus.  Thus you are responsible for Sex, Men, and Babies and 13 articles/chapters.  This material INCLUDES the articles for the section on Interview Training.  Although the lecture notes are particularly important, you will most likely do very poorly on this quiz if you have not read and studied the readings.

The exam will include 50 multiple choice questions worth 5 points apiece.  Remember that the exam is worth 250 out of the final 1,000 points for the course.  You will have the entire class period to take the exam.   I want everyone to hear the same directions and it is rude to come in late and disrupt other students who have already started to take the exam.  Only under very, very rare circumstances do I give a make-up exam and any student who approaches me about this option will need to do so BEFORE March 3rd.  Such a student will FORFEIT having any potential curve applied to his/her final score that might be applied to those students who take the exam during the regular class time (see syllabus for exam policies).

The computerized program I use is supported by the university and requires that I have 5 answer categories.  Because I’m a nice guy, I will only ask you to choose from 4 possible answers.  Thus, for each question there will be one answer that reads “XXXXX”  You should (you must) ignore this answer category.  If you choose it, you will automatically get it wrong!  I will test the depth of your understanding by including some questions that have legitimate answer categories “all of the specific answers are correct” or “none of the specific answers are correct.”  You should not be afraid to choose this answer if you feel confident it is the correct answer.

The questions will vary in difficulty.  Below you will find 4 sample questions taken from a couple sections of the course thus far.  This should give you some sense of the kinds of questions you will see on the quiz.  Obviously, these questions do NOT represent the breath of the questions you will see on the quiz.  The correct answers are listed below after my study suggestions for this exam (don’t peek).

Sample Questions:

QQ Authoritative knowledge in the medical community:
AA S (1) all of the specific answers are correct
(2) minimize pregnant women’s feelings about being in control
of their own body and pregnancy
(3) currently marginalizes midwives’ opportunities to be
involved in hospital births
(4) xxxxx
(5) provides physicians with the most power in the birthing

QQ According to our class discussion about the possibility that
women would become more valued if sex preselection technology
were widely adopted we noted that:
AA S (1) most women would actually stand to benefit a great deal
(2) at least some women might be valued more, but not for
reasons that accentuated their professional skills in the
employment sector
(3) women would be exploited and would probably not experience any benefits
(4) none of the specific answers are correct
(5) xxxxx

QQ One of the main questions related to the study of men=s relationship-based modes of procreative consciousness is:
AA S (1) to figure out how key aspects of men=s sense of fatherhood
readiness influence their desires to have children
(2) to understand the types of properties associated with men=s turning points
(3)  to determine when and how men=s experiences in one relationship influence their experiences in subsequent relationships
(4) to learn more about how men=s thoughts about manhood are linked to their paternity views
(5) xxxxx

QQ Couvade syndrome is:
AA S (1) a disruptive mental condition that some women experience who are unable to become pregnant despite their best efforts
(2) xxxxx
(3) involuntary and unconscious bodily symptoms some men experience while their partner is pregnant
(4) none of the specific answers are correct
(5) a destructive form of interpersonal conflict between partners who have a fundamental difference of opinion about whether a pregnancy should be brought to term or aborted

If I were taking this exam I would do the following:

  1. Make sure I’ve read and highlighted all of the material by the end of the weekend then review my materials!
    2. Have complete, well-organized, and legible notes.
    3. Study the key concepts, main points/observations/conclusions, and general empirical patterns for each of the articles.
    4. Thoroughly reviewedSex, Men, and Babies. Know the key concepts
    5. Perhaps study with someone to force myself to talk about the concepts aloud.
    6. Spend a lot of time studying my notes!
    7. Be familiar with the key statistics and empirical patterns that were noted in class.  However, you do NOT have to memorize statistics from the readings.  Knowing general patterns is useful though.
    8.  Visualize how good I will feel Tuesday night after I do well on the exam!

Correct answers for Q’s above:

  1. (1 )
    2.   (2)
    3.   (3)
    4.   (4)

Enjoy your studying.  I’ll SEE YOU Tuesday.


Study Guide for Men and Masculinities: October 11, 2005, 5:10 p.m.

Your midterm exam will cover all of the reading materials for the first 7 READING  weeks of the semester as indicated by the syllabus.  Thus, it is inclusive of the section on Male Bodies: Perceptions and Health Issues.  The lecture notes are particularly important, but you will need to study the assigned readings as well.   I will ask questions about reading material that we did not cover in class.

The exam will include 50 multiple choice questions worth 5 points apiece.  Remember that the exam is worth 200 out of the 1,000 points for the course.  You will have 90 minutes to complete the exam (5:10-6:40 p.m.).  WE WILL HAVE CLASS AFTERWARDS THOUGH WE WILL NOT DISCUSS THE EXAM.  Please be on time so that everyone hears the same directions and students are not disrupted by others coming in late.  If you arrive late, you will still have to finish the exam by 6:40 p.m.  Only under very, very rare circumstances do I give make-up exams and any student who approaches me about this option will need to do so BEFORE October 11.  Such a student will FORFEIT having any potential curve applied to his/her final score that might be applied to those students who take the exam during the regular class time.  (see syllabus for exam policies)

The computerized program I use is supported by the university and requires that I have 5 answer categories.  Because I’m a nice guy, I will only ask you to choose from 4 possible answers. Thus, for each question there will be one answer that reads “XXXXXX”  You should (you must) ignore this answer category.  If you choose it, you will automatically get it wrong!  I will test the depth of your understanding by including some questions which have legitimate answer categories “all of the specific answers are correct” or “none of the specific answers are correct.”  You should not be afraid to choose this answer if you feel confident it is the correct answer.

The questions will vary in difficulty.  Below you will find several sample questions taken from a couple sections of the course thus far.  This should give you some sense of the kinds of questions you will see on the exam.  Obviously, these questions do NOT represent the breath of the questions you will see on the exam.  The correct answers are listed below after my study suggestions for this exam (don’t peek).

1. QQ Based on our class discussion and class reading middle class men’s use of hormonal treatments
and cosmetic surgery
 in the 1990s: 
AA S (1) is much higher than it was twenty years ago 
(2) has leveled off during the past decade, but is higher than it was twenty years ago
(3) is similar to the rates for men from the lower socioeconomic classes
(4) represents about five percent of all treatments and surgeries involving men and women 
(5) xxxxxx

2. QQ Based on your readings and our class discussions which of the following is correct:
AA S (1) mythopoetics rely on a fundamentalist biblical interpretation of men’s and women’s essentially fixed
and categorically different natures
(2 leaders of the mythopoetic men’s movement and the Promise Keepers are each
concerned with what they see as a recent “feminization” of men
(3) one central belief of the mythopoetic movement is that women and minority men are the only real
victims of oppression due to sexism
(4) xxxxxx
(5) according to Robert Bly, the famous poet who was a major voice in the mythopoetic movement,
masculinity rituals lead either to hypermasculinity or to a “femininity” that softens and deadens men’s
masculine, life-affirming potential

3. QQ Messner’s approach, as presented in his chapter Men and Masculinities and his triangle diagram entitled
The Terrain of the Politics of Masculinties:
AA S (1) emphasizes the importance of a micro, social psychological approach
(2) xxxxxx
(3) treats power issues as crucial to his analysis of gender
(4) all of the specific answers are correct
(5) emphasizes the similarities in problems rich men and poor women face

4. Which of the following most accurately represents the pattern of committed suicides among teenagers in the U.S.?
(1) xxxxx
(2) girls are between 1-2 times more likely to commit suicde than boys
(3) boy are about 10 times more likely to commit suicide than girls
(4) boys are about 4 times more likely to commit suicide than girls
5) boys and girls commit suicides at about the same rate

If I were taking this exam I would do the following: 

1. Read and highlight all of the material by the end of the weekend then review my materials!
2. Have complete, well-organized, and legible notes.
3. Develop a thorough understanding of the theoretical perspectives covered in the course.  Think about their key assumptions and be able to apply them.
4. Study the descriptions of the social movements associated with men.
5. Develop a clear understanding of the key concepts discussed in class.
6. Develop a clear understanding of the main observations and conclusions in the individual articles/chapters.
7. Perhaps study with someone to force myself to talk about these concepts aloud.
8. Spend a lot of time studying my notes!
9. Do not spend time remembering dates or specific statistics (know general patterns associated  with the data).  Typically, if statistics are used on the exam, you will be able to answer questions correctly by knowing the general pattern or whether some figure is low, medium, or high.
10. Focus MUCH MORE on the concepts, patterns, ideas rather than who said what.
11. Visualize how good I will feel on October 11 after I do well on the exam!

Correct answers: 1: 1;  2: 2;   3: 3;   4: 4



Men & Masculinities: Reading Assignment, TYPED answers due Tuesday November 4th in class

Please reflect on the following as you read SMB and BRIEFLY answer ALL of # 1, #2, and #3. Bring your typed answers to class.  This will count toward your attendance points.

1. I’m interested in having you develop a working knowledge of the key concepts: procreative consciousness (PC) and procreative responsibility (PR).

 (a) What is procreative consciousness?

       Procreative responsibility
       Latent vs wide awake
       Situational (situated) and global
       Individual vs relationship-based
       Process (what does it mean in this case)?
       Properties (knowledge, emotional response, temporal orientation, child visions)
       What aspects of “knowing” are important, why?

2. How is the “turning point” concept related to the symbolic interactionist perspective?

3. Identify the key features of the concept “fatherhood readiness.”


Men and Masculinities: Study Guide for First Exam (October 14)


1. QQ One of the basic differences between male friendship patterns
as they exist in the United States compared to those that exist
in some non-Western cultures in Africa and South America is that
friendships in the U.S. tend to be:
AA S (1) less formalized
(2) none of the answers are correct
(3) much more intimate
(4) xxxxx 
(5) more likely to last a lifetime

2. QQ In survey research, how do wives and husbands, on average,
tend to respond to the question: Who is your best friend?
AA S (1) wives choose their mother or daughter while husbands choose
either a work colleague or someone with whom they do an activity,
such as sports
(2) husbands choose their wife, but wives are more likely
than their husbands to choose someone other than their spouse
(3) both husbands and wives choose their spouse
(4) wives choose their husband and husbands choose someone other
than their wife 
(5) xxxxx

3. QQ As discussed in lecture, one explanation for why men may be
satisfied in general with their same gender friendships is that
AA S (1) typically remain close to their childhood friends
(2) typically dislike their friendships with women so their male
friends are viewed as more enjoyable
(3) xxxxx 
(4) may be content with low intimacy friendships
(5) derive a great deal of satisfaction when they self disclose
information to their male friends about their romantic

4. QQ As discussed in class, one of the important aspects of the
mental states associated with the typical male social perception pattern is:
AA S (1)  xxxxxx
(2) fairness
(3) subjectivity 
(4) intuition
(5) none of the specific answers are correct



Sociology of Reproduction and Gender Students (For April 8, 2003). 

Please think about these questions as you read Ragone’s book about surrogacy.  Please provide me with a typed answer to #1 as part of your class attendance score.

1. What were some of the key research questions Ragone explored?  What other research questions do you feel are relevant to surrogacy?  What types of interview questions might you ask in order to address those questions?

2. What are the key practical differences between open and closed surrogacy programs?

3. What is the significance of surrogacy arrangements in term of gender issues and surrogates’ public/private roles?

4. What two strategies do couples use to relate to the surrogate mother in open programs?

5. How is surrogate motherhood consistent with American kinship ideology?

6. What are the three shifts Ragone identifies that are critical to the western conceptualization of conception, reproduction, and parenthood?

7. What are the similarities and differences between surrogacy and DI?

8. What does the future hold for surrogacy?  Trends?  Major developments?  Possible dilemmas?
Sociology of Reproduction and Gender Students (For April 1, 2003).

Please look over and think about the following six questions about infertility for our class Tuesday night.   I would like you to type an answer to #5 and turn it in Tuesday during class.

1.  How does infertility differ from an illness?

2. How can infertility be viewed as a chronic illness?

3. From an S.I. perspective, how are women’s and men’s sense of self affected?  How do they manage their identities?

4. How does the medical model shape individuals” search for meaning in relation to infertility?

5. How and where are concerns about “control,” and “negotiation” played out in the lives of infertile couples?  (self, couple, medical professionals)

6. How does infertility affect couples’ relationships and experiences with intimacy?

Sociology of Reproduction and Gender Students (For April 8, 2003).

Please think about these questions as you read Ragone’s book about surrogacy.  Please provide me with a typed answer to #1 as part of your class attendance score.

1. What were some of the key research questions Ragone explored?  What other research questions do you feel are relevant to surrogacy?  What types of interview questions might you ask in order to address those questions?

2. What are the key practical differences between open and closed surrogacy programs?

3. What is the significance of surrogacy arrangements in term of gender issues and surrogates’ public/private roles?

4. What two strategies do couples use to relate to the surrogate mother in open programs?

5. How is surrogate motherhood consistent with American kinship ideology?

6. What are the three shifts Ragone identifies that are critical to the western conceptualization of conception, reproduction, and parenthood?

7. What are the similarities and differences between surrogacy and DI?

8. What does the future hold for surrogacy?  Trends?  Major developments?  Possible dilemmas?
Sociology of Reproduction and Gender: Please note that the due date for the interview project has been changed from March 18th to March 25th.  We will be going over the material for week 12 Pregnancy, Pregnancy Resolution, and Abortion on the 18th instead.
Society and Individual: Grades will be posted by your secret code, by 5:30 p.m.. THURSDAY.

Principles of Sociology
September 24, 2002

 Study Guide for First Exam (October 3)

Your midterm exam on October 3 will cover all of the reading materials for the first 5 weeks of the semester as indicated by the syllabus (Chapters 1-5, Tuesdays with Morrie, Lectures). The lecture notes are particularly important, but you will need to study the assigned reading as well.

The exam will include 50 multiple choice questions worth 5 points apiece.  Remember that the exam is worth 250 out of the final 1,000 points for the course.  You will have the entire class period to take the exam.  Please be on time so that everyone hears the same directions and students are not disrupted by others coming in late.  Only under very, very rare circumstances do I give make-up exams and any student who approaches me about this option will need to do so BEFORE October 1.  Such a student will forfeit having any potential curve applied to his/her final score that might be applied to those students who take the exam during the regular class time.  (see syllabus for exam policies)

The computerized program I use is supported by the university and requires that I have 5 answer categories.  Because I’m a nice guy, I will only ask you to choose from 4 possible answers.  Thus, for each question there will be one answer that reads “XXXXX”  You should (you must) ignore this answer category.  If you choose it, you will automatically get it wrong!  I will test the depth of your understanding by including some questions which have legitimate answer categories “all of the specific answers are correct” or “none of the specific answers are correct.”  You should not be afraid to choose this answer if you feel confident it is the correct answer.

The questions will vary in difficulty.  Below you will find a sample of ten questions.  Take this sample exam after you’ve studied for awhile and see how well  you do.  The correct answers are listed below after my study suggestions for this exam (don’t peek).

1. QQ Which of these perspectives is sometimes criticized because
it tends to neglect the larger social structures and processes
of society?
AA S (1) conflict perspective
(2) an ethnically neutral perspective
(3) symbolic interactionism 
(4) XXXXX 
(5) structural functionalism

2. QQ The traditional scientific approach to sociology, often
linked to the philosophical position called “positivism,”
asserts that the best path to knowledge is through:
AA S (1) empiricism or sensory observation
(2) understanding the link between personal and historical
(3) reasoning based on a theological foundation
(4) understanding the meanings people assign to their
social experiences
(5) XXXXX 

3. QQ Which of the following concepts is most central to ideologies?
AA S (1) primary groups
(2) XXXXX 
(3) folkways
(4) values 
(5) roles

4. QQ If Stephanie were riding in an elevator with several strangers
she would find herself in a(an):
(2) secondary group 
(3) primary socialization group 
(4) category
(5) aggregate 

5. QQ  Two researchers in Illinois studying working conditions
discover that as the workroom is brightened up through
better lighting, productivity of the workers goes up.  When
lighting was further improved, productivity went up again.
To further substantiate their scientific conclusion, the
researchers try dimming the lights.  To their surprise,
productivity of workers again went up!  These researchers were
the victim of:
AA S (1) the Placebo Effect
(2) a double-blind experiment
(4) a quasi-experimental research design
(5) the Hawthorne Effect

6. QQ The process of creating new cultural elements such as
the telephone, the airplane, and the computer are called?
AA S (1) diffusion
(2) discovery
(3) invention
(4) integration 

7. QQ  Which of the following is a criticism of the global cultural
AA S (1) people don’t always attach the same meaning to material goods
(3) it incorrectly assumes that goods are affordable and
(4) all of the specific answers are correct
(5) all of the global flows have been uneven

8. QQ When we say that using the sociological perspective amounts
to “seeing the strange in the familiar,” we mean that
AA S (1) work to avoid the idea that behavior is simply a matter
of what people decide to do
(2) focus on the bizarre elements of society
(3) understand that individuals’ explanations for their
behavioral choices are sufficient for our understanding of why
people do the things they do
(4) understand that even people who are familiar to us often
have some very strange habits

9. QQ Which type of leader focuses on instrumental concerns, makes
decisions on his or her own, and demands strict compliance
from subordinates?
(2) democratic
(3) authoritarian
(4) bureaucratic
(5) laissez-faire

10.  QQ Which of the following terms describes the widespread cultural
norms and values we use as a reference to evaluate ourselves?
(2) generalized other 
(3) significant other
(4) socialization
(5) looking-glass self

If I were taking this exam I would do the following:

1. Read and highlight all of the material by the end of the weekend then review my materials!
2. Have complete, well-organized, and legible notes.
3. Develop a thorough understanding of the theoretical perspectives covered in the course.  Think about their key assumptions.
4. Study the key concepts and force myself to come up with my own examples to illustrate them.
5. Perhaps study with someone to force myself to talk about these concepts aloud.
6. Review Tuesdays with Morrie and be prepared to interpret Mitch and Morrie’s story using concepts we’ve discussed in class.
7. Spend a lot of time studying my notes!
8. Do not spend time remembering dates or specific statistics (now general patterns associated
9. Focus MUCH MORE on the concepts or perspective rather than who said what.
10. Visualize how good I will feel on October 3 after I do well on the exam!

Correct answers for Q’s above:
1.   (3)
2.   (1)
3.   (4)
4.   (5)
5.   (5)
6.   (3)
7.   (4)
8.   (1)
9    (3)
10. (2)