Maxine L. Margolis

MargolisProfessor Emerita, University of Florida and Senior Research Scholar, Institute of Latin American Studies, Columbia University

Areas of Interest/Research

My research specialties include Brazilian culture and society, international migration and gender roles cross-culturally. One of my books, Mothers and Such: Views of American Women and Why They Changed (1984), analyzes the material causes for shifts in American attitudes towards women’s employment, housework and child care from Colonial days to the present. A new edition, True to Her Nature, was published in 2000.Her most recent publication dealing with gender roles is Women in Fundamentalism: Modesty, Marriage and Motherhood (2020).

Over the last two and one half decades my research has focused on Brazilian emigration. In addition to numerous articles, I have written three books on the subject: Little Brazil: Brazilian Immigrants in New York City (1994); An Invisible Minority: Brazilians in New York City (2009); and Goodbye Brazil: Emigrés from the Land of Soccer and Samba (2013). The latter book was published in Portuguese as Goodbye Brazil: Emigrantes Brasileiros no Mundo, also in 2013.

Contact Information



Fellow, American Academy of Arts & Sciences, elected 2009
Lifetime Contribution Award, Brazilian Studies Association, 2014

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information

137 East 36th Street, Apt. 23F
New York, New York 10016

870 Scott Greene Road
Roxbury, New York 12474


B.A. New York University, 1964, Anthropology
Ph.D. Columbia University, 1970, Anthropology

Teaching Experience

Assistant Professor of Anthropology, University of Florida, 1970-74
Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Florida, 1974-83
Visiting Associate Professor of Anthropology, Florida State University, London Study Centre, 1982
Professor of Anthropology, University of Florida, 1983-present
Visiting Professor, Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro, 1997
Professor Emerita of Anthropology, University of Florida, 2008-present
Adjunct Senior Research Scholar, School of International and Public Affairs & Institute of Latin American Studies, Columbia University, 2008-present

Major Fellowships and Grants

Fulbright-Hays Graduate Research Fellowship, 1967-68
National Science Foundation Research Grant, 1971
Wenner-Gren Foundation Research Grant, 1971
Tinker Foundation Publication Stipend, 1978
Fulbright Research Fellowship in Brazil, 1978
Wenner-Gren Foundation Research Grant, 1988
National Science Foundation Research Grant, 1994
Fulbright Senior Lecturer/Researcher, Brazil, 1997


Portuguese (fluent); Spanish (good); French (fair)

Field Research

Bahia, Brazil, 1965, 1982; Paraná, Brazil, l966, 1967-1968, 1978; Minas Gerais, Brazil, 1990; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1997; Eastern Paraguay, 1980.

New York City, 1988-1989. 1990-1999; 2000-present;  Danbury, Connecticut, 1999.

Books, sole authored

1973 The Moving Frontier: Social and Economic Change in a Southern Brazilian Community. Gainesville: University of Florida Press.

1984 Mothers and Such: Views of American Women and Why They Changed. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press (paperback edition, 1985).

1994 Little Brazil: An Ethnography of Brazilian Immigrants in New York City. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

1994 Little Brazil: Imigrantes Brasileiros em Nova York, revised Portuguese language edition of Little Brazil: An Ethnography of Brazilian Immigrants in New York City. Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil: Papirus Editora.

1998 An Invisible Minority: Brazilians in New York City. New Immigrants Series. Nancy Foner, series ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

2000 True to Her Nature: Changing Advice to American Women. Prospect Heights, IL:Waveland Press.

2009 An Invisible Minority: Brazilians in New York City. Expanded and revised edition. Gainesville: University Press of Florida.

2013 Goodbye Brazil: Emigrés from the Land of Soccer and Samba. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.

2013 Goodbye Brazil: Emigrantes Brasileiros no Mundo. São Paulo: Editora Contexto.

2020 Women and Fundamentalism: Modesty, Marriage and Motherhood. New York: Rowman & Littlefield.

Books, co-edited

1979 Brazil: Anthropological Perspectives, ed. with William E. Carter. New York: Columbia University Press.

1995 Science, Materialism and the Study of Culture: Readings in Cultural Materialism, edwith Martin F. Murphy. Gainesville: University Press of Florida.

Articles and Book Chapters

1972 Brazilian Agricultural Cycles: What Happens to the Community? The Latinamericanist 7(3):104.

1972 The Coffee Cycles on the Paraná Frontier. Luso-Brazilian Review 9(1):3-12.

1975 The Ideology of Equality on a Brazilian Sugar Plantation. Ethnology l4(4):373-83.

1976 In Hartford, Hannibal, and (New) Hampshire, Heloise is Hardly Helpful. Ms. Magazine 9(2):28-36, June.

1977 Historical Perspectives on Frontier Agriculture as an Adaptive Strategy. American Ethnologist 4(1):42-64

1978 From Betsy Ross Through Rosie the Riveter: Changing Attitudes Towards Women in the Labor Force. Michigan Discussions in Anthropology 3(1):1-40.

1979 Seduced and Abandoned: Agricultural Frontiers in Brazil and the United States. In Brazil: Anthropological Perspectives, ed. by Maxine L. Margolis and William E. Carter, pages 160-79. New York: Columbia University Press.

1979 Green Gold and Ice: The Impact of Frost on the Coffee Growing Region of Northern Paraná, Brazil. Mass Emergencies 4:135-44 [Special Issue on Natural Disasters and Economic Development].

1980 Natural Disaster and Socioeconomic Change: Post-Frost Adjustments in Paraná, Brazil. Disasters: International Journal of Disaster Studies and Practice 4(2):231-35.

1982 Blaming the Victim: Ideology and Sexual Discrimination in the Contemporary United States. In Researching American Culture: A Guide for Student Anthropologists, ed. by Conrad Phillip Kottak, pages 212-26. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

1987 The Mismeasure of Woman. Florida Journal of Anthropology 12(1):1-9.

1989 A New Ingredient in the `Melting Pot’: Brazilians in New York City. CITY & SOCIETY 3(2):179-87.

1989 The Bi-National Frontier of Eastern Paraguay. Co-authored with John F. Wilson and James Diego Hay. In The Human Ecology of Tropical Land Settlement in Latin American, ed. by Debra A. Schumann and William L. Partridge, pages 199-237. Boulder: Westview Press.

1990 From Mistress to Servant: Downward Mobility Among Brazilian Immigrants in New York City. Urban Anthropology 19(3):1-17.

1992 Anthropologists at Work: First Home: Brazilians in New York City. In Discovering Anthropology, by Daniel R. Gross, pages 532-33. Mayfield.

1992 Women in International Migration: The Case of Brazilians in New York City. Conference Paper No. 66. Columbia University-New York University Consortium for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 1992.

1992 Turning the Tables?: Male Strippers and the Gender Hierarchy in America. Co-authored with Marigene Arnold. In Sex and Gender Hierarchies, ed. by Barbara D. Miller, pages 334-50. New York: Cambridge University Press.

1994 Immigration Chaos Keeps U.S. in Cheap Labor. New York Times, Sept 21, p. 18.

1995 Social Class, Education and the Brain Drain among Brazilian Immigrants to the United States. Network 5(1):6. Centro de Estudos Norte-Americanos, Conjunto Universitário Candido Mendes, Rio de Janeiro.

1995 Transnationalism and Popular Culture: The Case of Brazilian Immigrants in the United States. Journal of Popular Culture 29(1):29-41.

1997 Brazilians. American Immigrant Cultures, ed. by David Levinson and Melvin Ember. New York: Macmillan Reference, pp. 99-104.

1997 O Imigrante Instruído. Op-ed article in Jornal do Brasil.

1998 Do Looks Matter at the Border? New York Times, January 28, p. 26.

1998 We Are Not Immigrants: Contested Categories Among Brazilians in New York City and Rio de Janeiro. In Diasporic Identity, ed. by Carol A. Mortland. Selected Papers in Refugee and Immigrant Issues Vol. VI. General Anthropology Division, American Anthropological Association, pp. 30-50.

2000 Some Political Dimensions of Transnationalism: The Brazilian Case. Network 9(2):7. Centro de Estudos Norte-Americanos, Conjunto Universitário Candido Mendes, Rio de Janeiro.

2001 Dr. Norma Wollner, Eminent Brazilian Immigrant. In Making It in America: A Biographical Sourcebook of Eminent Ethnic Americans, Elliot R. Barkan, ed. ABC-Clio Books.

2001 Putting Mothers on the Pedestal. In Family Patterns, Gender Relation, 2nd edition, ed. by Bonnie J. Fox. New York: Oxford University Press.

2001 Brazil. In Countries and Their Cultures. (with M.E. Bezerra and J.M. Fox), ed. by Melvin Ember and Carol R. Ember. New York: Macmillan Reference, pp. 283-301.

2001 With New Eyes: Returned International Immigrants in Rio de Janeiro. In Raízes e Rumos: Perspectivas Interdisciplinares em Estudos Americanos, ed. by Sonia Torres. Rio de Janeiro: Editora 7 Letras, pp. 239-244.

2001 Introduction. The Rise of Anthropological Theory, Marvin Harris (orig. 1968). Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press, pp. vii-xiii.

2001 Notes on Transnational Migration: The Case of Brazilian Immigrants. In Negotiating Transnationalism: Selected Papers in Refugese and Immigrants, ed. by Marycarol Hopkins and Nancy Wellmeier. General Anthropology Division, American Anthropological Association, pp. 202-222.

2001 Separation and Divorce in Brazilian Immigrant Families. In Contemporary Ethnic Families in the United States: Characteristics, Variations, and Dynamics, ed. by Nijole V. Benokraitis. New York: Prentice Hall.

2002 After Little Brazil: Brazilian Immigrants in the Contemporary United States. JCAS Symposium Series 19, Emigracion Latinoamericana: Comparacion Interregional entre America del Norte, Europa y Japon. Japan Center for Area Studies, Osaka, Japan, pages 43-58.

2003 Bibliographical Essay: Marvin Harris. With Conrad Phillip Kottak. American Anthropologist 105(3):685-688.

2003 Na virada do milênio: A emigração brasileira para os Estados Unidos. (At the Turn of the Millenium: Brazilian Emigration to the United States”) In Fronteiras Cruzadas: Etnicidade, Gênero e Redes Sociais ((Crossing Frontiers: Ethnicity, Gender and Social Networks), ed. by Ana Cristina Braga Martes and Soraya Fleischer. Petropolis, RJ, Brazil: Editora Paz e Terra, pages 51-72.

2004 The Relative Status of Men and Women. In Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender: Men and Women in the World’s Cultures, ed. by Carol Ember and Melvin Ember. Kluwer Academic/Plenum, pages 137-45.

2004 Brazilians in the United States, Canada, Europe, Japan and Paraguay. In Encyclopedia of Diasporas, ed. by Melvin Ember, Carol R. Ember & Ian Skoggard. Kluwer Academic/Plenum, pp. 602-15.

2004 Be Careful What You Wish For. Anthropology News 45 (Sept):3.

2005 Involving the Brazilian Diaspora in Brazilian Studies. Lasa Forum XXXVI (2):11-12. Latin American Studies Association.

2005 Brazilians in New York State. In The Encyclopedia of New York State, ed. by Peter Eisenstadt. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press.

2006 Marvin Harris. In Encyclopedia of Anthropology, ed. by H. James Birx. New York: Sage.

2006 Prefacio. O Manuel do Imigrante, by Joceli Meyer and Eryck Duran.

2007 Becoming Brazucas: Brazilian Identity in the United States. Proceedings of the Symposium “What About the Other Latinos? Central and South Americans in the United States.” David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, pages 210-27.

2008 Race in Brazil. In Encyclopedia of Race and Racism. Vol. 1, ed. by John H. Moore. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, pp. 245-249.

2008 September 11 & Transnationalism: The Case of Brazilian Immigrants in the United States. Human Organization 67(1):1-11.

2008 Children of Immigrants. New York Times, January 28, p. 22.

2008 Brazilian Americans. In Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Society, ed. by Richard T, Schaefer. New York: Sage, pp. 204-05.

2008 Brazilian Immigration to the U.S.: Future Research & Issues for the New Millennium. In Becoming Brazuca: Brazilian Immigration to the U.S., ed. by Leticia Braga and Clémence Jouët-Pastré. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, pp. 339-63.

2009 Brasileiros no Estrangeiro: A etnicidade, a auto-identidade e o “outro.” Revista de Antropologia 51(1):283-302. São Paulo: Universidade de São Paulo.

2010 Foreward. In Visible Migrants: The Health and Socioeconomic Integration of Brazilians in the Boston Metropolitan Area, ed. by Marcelli, Enrico, Louisa Holmes, David Estella and Fausto da Rocha. Brazilian Imnmigrant Center and San Diego State University.

2011 The Brazilian Exodus. In Brazil Today: An Encyclopedia of Life in the Republic, ed. by John J. Crocitte. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, pp. 219-21.

2013 Brazilians, 1940-Present. In Encyclopedia of Immigration, ed. by Elliott Barkan. ABC-CLIO, 3:775-84.

2013 “Cultural Materialism.” In Encyclopedia of Theory in Anthropology, ed. by Richard L. Warms and Jon McGee. New York: Sage.

2014 “Charles Wagley: Mentor and Colleague.” Boletim de Museu Goeldi.

2015 “Dekasseguis: Japanese Brazilians Abroad.” LASA Forum XLVI (4) October.

2017 “They Look Like Us but They Don’t Act Like Us”: The Transnational Experience of Japanese Brazilians in Japan. In Global Latinos: Latin American Diasporas and Regional Migrations, ed. by Mark Overmyer-Veláquez and Enrique Sepúlveda. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 163-81.

2018 “O que é ser brasileiro na emigração??” In A nova face da emigração internacional no Brasil. Lucia Bógus and Rosana Baeninger, eds. São Paulo: Editora da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, pp. 19-30.

2020 “Trump e Bolsonaro: Aves de Mesma Plumagem,” Folha de São Paulo On-Line, August 19.

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