Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae                                                        27 October 2022

Michael W. Binford

Department of Geography

Land Use and Environmental Change Institute                         (352) 392-0494 (Office)

University of Florida                                                                    (352) 392-8855 (FAX)

Gainesville, FL 32611                                                              


 l980     Ph.D. Zoology (Limnology) and Geology (Geomorphology and Hydrology), Indiana University.

l975     M.S.  Fishery Biology and Experimental Statistics, Louisiana St. University.

l973     B.S.   Biology (Fisheries), Kansas State University

Professional Appointments

Current Position: Professor of Geography, University of Florida, and Expert, U.S. National Science Foundation.

2019-2023 Expert, Division of Biological Infrastructure, U.S. National Science Foundation.

2017-2019 Program Director, Division of Biological Infrastructure; Macrosystems Biology and NEON-Enabled Science and NEON Program, U.S. National Science Foundation.

2011-2016 Chair and Professor of Geography, University of Florida

2011 – Visiting Senior Scientist, J.W. Jones Ecological Research Center, Ichauway, GA

2002-2005 – University of Florida Research Foundation Professor

2000 – Present Professor of Geography, University of Florida

2000-2001 Robin and Jean Gibson Term Professor of Geography

1997 – 2000 Associate Professor of Geography, University of Florida (U.F. Tenure 1999)

1997 – Present Affiliate Associate Professor, then Professor, Land Use and Environmental Change Institute, School of Natural Resources and Environment, Center for Latin American Studies, Center for African Studies, University of Florida

1996 – 1997 Senior Research Fellow in Landscape Ecology, GSD, Harvard University.

1993-1994 Acting Program Director; MLA I and MLA II in Department of Landscape Architecture, Graduate School of Design, Harvard University

1991 – 1996 Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture in the Field of Landscape Ecology, Graduate School of Design, Harvard University.

1994–1997 Associate of the Harvard Forest

1986-1991 Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture in the field of Landscape Ecology and Research Associate, Aga Khan Unit for Housing and Urbanization. Graduate School of Design, Harvard University.

1986 – 1990 Adjunct Assistant Curator, Florida State Museum.

l980 – 1986 – Research Associate. Florida State Museum and Department of Environmental Engineering Sciences, University of Florida;

Academic Administration

2011-2016 Chair and Professor of Geography, University of Florida

Managed budget and other departmental resources; managed faculty hiring and annual evaluation; managed tenure and promotion review; supervised office staff; monitored undergraduate and graduate curriculum; coordinated class scheduling; oversaw recruitment of graduate students; oversaw annual evaluation of graduate students; represented department to College and University administration and other academic and support units; communicated College and University policies and priorities to department faculty, staff, and students; created and maintained records regarding enrollment, personnel, budget allocations, and schedule; worked with faculty, staff, and students to create and enforce department policies and procedures; worked with graduate student representatives to maintain open channels of communication and ensure student representation in departmental decision making; mentored untenured faculty and graduate students; worked with staff of University of Florida Foundation to identify and pursue funding opportunities; evaluated and took efforts to maintain department morale and positive climate. Continued teaching, mentoring undergraduate and graduate students, and conducting research.

 Professional Organizations

 American Association for the Advancement of Science (Elected Fellow, 1994)

American Association of Geographers

American Geophysical Union

Ecological Society of America: Vice-Chair, Paleoecology Section l983-l984, Chair, Paleoecology Section l984-l985; Member, Program Committee 1985-1986; Chair, Ad Hoc Committee on Travel Fellowships for Foreign Ecologists 1985-1986.

International Biogeography Society

Society of Sigma Xi

Professional Service

Expert, U.S. National Science Foundation Division of Biological Infrastructure. Oversight Committee for National Ecological Observatory Network and Macrosystems Biology and NEON-Enabled Science. 2019-2022.

Occasional referee and panel member for NASA (Land-Use/Land-Cover Change Program Panel; Carbon Science Panel; Interdisciplinary Science Panel); NSF (Macrosystems Biology and Early NEON Science Panel, Archaeology, Earth Sciences, Geography, Regional Science, Ecology Panel, International, Climate Dynamics, NSF/EPA Joint Watershed, and Ecosystems programs); journals: Proceedings of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, Journal of Applied Ecology, Limnology and Oceanography, Journal of Paleolimnology, Ecology, Ecological Monographs, Biogeochemistry, Geology, the Journal of the Geological Society of America, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, Professional Geographer, Applied Geography, Environmental Protection Agency, National Environment Research Council of the U.K.

Southeastern US Ecological Knowledge Partnership Steering Committee, Ecological Society of America, 2006-2007.

Board of Advisors, Journal of Paleolimnology, 1994 – 1998

Associate Editor, Journal of Paleolimnology, 1987- 1994.

Department and University Service Including Interdisciplinary Leadership

Chair, Department of Geography, Merit and 3rd-year Review, and Colloquium Committees.

Member, Department of Geography, Steering Committee

Member, Department of Geography Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee 2020-

Member, Department of Geography Graduate Admissions and Awards Committee; 2017-2019

Member, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Committee on Interdisciplinary Scholarship, 2016-2017

Member, CAIRES (Center for Adaptive Innovation, Resilience, Ethics, & Science) Advisory Board, University of Florida, 2015-2017

Member, Geospatial Information Task Force, University of Florida; 2014-2015

Member, Task Force on the Future of the School of Natural Resources and Environment. 2012-2013.

Member, Faculty Advisory Committee, University of Florida Water Institute 2012-2015

Member, Faculty Advisory Committee, Center for Remote Sensing, University of Florida 2009–present.

Member, Special Advisory Committee to the President, search for CLAS dean, 2007-2008.

Chair: Search Committee for Assistant/Associate Professor of Medical Geography, 2009-2010, Environmental Health Geographer/joint appointment with Emerging Pathogens Institute, UF 2007-2008; Assistant Professor of Economic Geography with Environmental Emphasis, 2005-2006; Climatology Assistant Professor, AY 2004-2005, Land-Use/Land-Cover Change Associate or Assistant Professor 2000-2001.

Member, Search Committee for UF Sociology and Criminology & Law Department Chair (2012-2013),

Various Years: Mentorship Committee for Dr. Moulay Anwar Sounny-Slitine, Assistant Instructional Professor in Geography, Dr. Kevin Ash, Assistant Professor of Geography, Dr. Yujie Hu, Assistant Professor of Geography, Dr. Katherine Serafin, Assistant Professor of Geography, Dr. Corene Matyas, Assistant Professor of Geography, Dr. Brian Child, Associate Professor of African Studies and Geography, Dr. Youliang Qiu, Assistant Research Scientist in Geography, Dr. Sabine Grunwald, Assistant Professor of Soil and Water Science, Dr. Graeme Cumming, Assistant Professor of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, Dr. Jane Southworth, Assistant Professor of Geography.

Chair, College of Liberal Arts and Science Committee on Ecology and Environment, 2002-2005

Chair, School of Natural Resources and Environment Faculty Advisory Committee, 2004-2006

Vice-Chair, Board of Directors; UF Interdisciplinary Concentration in Geographic Information Systems 2002 – 2014

Chair 2002-2007, Member 2007-present, Ad-Hoc University of Florida Committee Pursuing National Science Foundation/National Ecological Observatory Network program funding

Chair 2006-2007 and Member, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Tenure and Promotion committee, 2004-2006

Member, Search committee for College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Academic Dean 2003-2004.

Chair 2002-2003 and Member, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee, 2000-2002.

Member, Search committee for Director of the Water Institute

Member, Board of Directors, Katharine Ordway Preserve, 1999-2002

Member, University of Florida Committee on Interdisciplinary Graduate Degree Programs in Environmental Science.

Member 1992-1993, Harvard University Environmental Science and Public Policy Program development committee.

Graduate Students Supervised

Ph.D. Students

Di Yang, 2019. Forest Mosaics: Spatial Forest Management Patterns from Stands to Regional Scales in Southeastern U.S. Coastal Plain and Piedmont. University of Florida. Currently Assistant Professor, University of Wyoming.

Carolyn Staub, 2015. Hydrologic Processes on Small Islands: Linkages between Climate, Human Activity and Water Availability in Mauritius. University of Florida.  Currently Climate Adaptation Specialist, Abt Associates, UF, Washington, DC.

Narcisa Pricope, 2011. Using Remote Sensing to Create Indicators of Ecosystem Variability in a Semi-Arid Savanna Watershed in the Kavango-Zambezi Region of Southern Africa. University of Florida. Currently Associate Professor of Geography, University of North Carolina Wilmington.

Andrea Gaughan, 2011. Variability and Change in a Dryland System: Climate-Land Interaction in the Okavango-Kwando-Zambezi Catchment of Southern Africa. University of Florida. Currently Associate Professor of Geography and Geosciences, University of Louisville.

Risa Patarasuk, 2011. Longitudinal analysis of road network development and land-cover dynamics in Lop Buri Province, Thailand, 1989-2006. University of Florida. Currently GIS Analyst, Alachua County Environmental Protection Department, Gainesville, FL.

Kari MacLauchlin (co-chair). 2011. Development of a Market for Transferable Fishing Privileges in the Florida Spiny Lobster Commercial Fishery. University of Florida. Currently Fisheries Economist, South Atlantic Fishery Management Council. North Charleston, SC.

Luke Rostant (co-chair). 2011. The efficacy of community-based monitoring in Namibia, the event book system. University of Florida. Currently Lecturer in Ecology, University of The West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago.

Tracey Van Holt, 2009. Influence of landscape change on the nearshore fisheries in southern Chile. University of Florida. Currently Research Associate Professor, New York University Stern Center for Sustainable Business.

Alisa Coffin, 2009. Road network development and landscape dynamics in the Santa Fe River Watershed, north-central Florida, 1975 to 2005. University of Florida. Currently Research Ecologist, Southeast Watershed Research Station, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Tifton, GA.

Janet Puhalla (co-chair), 2009. Land Use and Agricultural Intensification in Mugandu Wetland, Kabale District, Uganda. University of Florida. Currently Lecturer of Geography, SUNY Plattsburgh, New York.

Chris Baynard. 2008. Ecological footprint of energy development in eastern Venezuela’s heavy oil belt. University of Florida. Currently Associate Professor of Economics and Geography, University of North Florida, Jacksonville.

Lin Cassidy, 2007. Linking Social-Ecological Systems and Land-Use Land-Cover Change through a Complex Adaptive Systems Approach: A Cross-Border Study of Sisaket, Thailand and Ordar Mean Chey, Cambodia. University of Florida. Independent Consultant and Adjunct Associate Professor, Okavango Research Institute, Maun, Botswana;

Andrea Chavez, 2009. Public Policy and Spatial Variation in Land Use and Land Cover in the Southeastern Peruvian Amazon. Currently Assistant Scientist, Center for Latin American Studies, University of Florida.

Andrés Guhl, 2004. Coffee and landscape change in the Colombian countryside 1970-2002. University of Florida. Currently Associate Professor, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia.

Kristin Conway, 2004. Human use of two species of river turtles (Podocnemis spp.) in lowland eastern Bolivia. University of Florida. Currently Professor and Department Chair of Geography and Anthropology, California Polytechnic Pomona.

Justine Delahunty, 2002. Religion, war, and changing landscapes: an historical and ecological account of the yew tree (Taxus baccata l.) in Ireland. University of Florida. Currently Associate Professor of Environmental, Geographical, and Geological Sciences, Bloomsburg University, Bloomsburg, PA.

Ryan Jensen, 2000. Measurement, comparison, and use of remotely derived Leaf Area Index predictors. University of Florida. Currently Professor and former Chair, Geography, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT.

Kristina Hill, 1997. The representation of categorical ambiguity: a comparison of fuzzy, probabilistic, Boolean, and index approaches in suitability analysis. Harvard University. Currently Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning and Design, U. California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.

M.S. and M.A. Students

Joe Andreoli, 2022. Predicting the potential geographic distributions of three invasive non-native cichlids in Florida with climate change, Thesis, University of Florida.

Morgan Ridler, 2017. Land-Cover Change Influenced by an Altered Flooding Regime of the Tonle Sap Lake in the Floodplain of Siem Reap and Battambang Provinces, Cambodia. Thesis, University of Florida.

Carolyn Staub, 2011. Elephant Browsing in Majete Wildlife Reserve, South Western Malawi. University of Florida.

Matthew Graham, 2010. Assessing Burn History, Fire Severity, and Mapping Fuels Mitigation Treatments in the Wildland Urban Interface of North Central Florida. University of Florida.

Kelly Gleason, 2010. Elevational Gradient Resembles Latitudinal Gradient of Global Language Distributions. University of Florida.

Lucy Magembe, 2007. Transformation of valley-bottom cultivation and its effects on Tanzanian wetlands: a case study of Ndembera wetland area in Iringa region. University of Florida.

Andrea Gaughan, 2006. Spatial and temporal land-cover transformation in the Angkor basin: a changing landscape in Cambodia, 1989-2005. University of Florida.

Kristi Capobianco, 2005. Excavation site prediction using high resolution satellite imagery and GIS data development of archaeological deposits for En Bas Saline, Haiti University of Florida.

Paul Sjoberg, 2004. Modeling coastal forest decline: an investigation at Seahorse Key, Florida. University of Florida.

Justin Saarinen, 2004. Storm runoff due to land-use and land-cover change: simulating hydrological response to alternative futures in a Southern California watershed. University of Florida.

Grants and Contracts:

Binford, M.W. (PI) Intergovernmental Personnel Act Support for Program Officer Appointment to U.S. National Science Foundation. $422,343. 7/09/2017-7/09-2019.

Binford, M.W. Binford, M.W. (institutional PI) Collaborative Research: MSB-FRA: The future of US forest function under changing climate, disturbance, and forest management. National Science Foundation, Macrosystems and Early NEON Science Program. $417,148, 8/1/2017 – 7/31/2023. Awarded August 2017. Removed as PI while working at NSF. Reinstated as PI August 2019.

Binford, M.W. (institutional PI) Collaborative Research: Building forest management into Earth system modeling: Scaling from stand to continent. National Science Foundation, Macrosystems Biology Program; EF 1241860. $274,523. 1 April 2013 – 31 May 2016.

Southworth, J. (PI), G. Kiker, Y. Qiu, R. Munoz-Carpena, P.R. Waylen, M.W. Binford, E. Keys, B. Child (all Co-Is). Understanding and predicting the impact of climate variability and climate change on land use and land cover change via socio-economic institutions in Southern Africa. NASA Land-Use/Land-Cover Change Program. 1 May 2009 – 30 June 2012. $870,000.

Binford, M.W. (PI) and N. Pricope1 (Co-I). Doctoral Dissertation Research: Using Remote Sensing to Create Indicators of Socio-Ecological System Resilience in Savannas of the Kavango-Zambezi Region of Southern Africa. National Science foundation BCS- 0824720. 15 Aug 2008 31 July 2010. $11,996.

Hayes, J.P., D.J. Levey, M. Monroe, M.W. Binford. R.D. Holt. Planning Grant for the Ordway-Swisher Biological Station. National Science Foundation. 1 September 2008 – 31 August 2009. 20,807 (collaborative grant with UF faculty from Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, Zoology, and Forest Resources and Conservation)

Goldman, A. (PI), B. Child (co-I), M.W. Binford (co-I). Collaborative Research: Parks as Agents of Social and Environmental Change in Eastern and South Africa. Human and Social Dynamics Program, National Science Foundation. 1 September 2006 – 28 February 2013. $398,113.

Martin, T.A. (PI), G. Starr, W.P. Cropper, H.L. Gholz, and M.W. Binford (co-Is). Reducing carbon cycle uncertainties in pine forests in the southeastern U.S. Coastal Plain. U.S. Department of Energy, National Institute of Climatic Change Research (NICCR). $374,999 for 3 years.

Keys, E., C.J. Matyas, D.M. Brommer, M.W. Binford, P.G. Dixon. Crop and Forest Losses Due to Hurricane Dean. National Science Foundation, Small Grants for Exploratory Research, 1 September 2007 – 31 August 2008. $9,000.

Binford, M.W. (PI), P.R. Waylen, J.W. Jones, and J.A. Southworth. Economic Growth, Social Inequality, and Environmental Change in Thailand and Cambodia. SES-HSD Agents of Change Program, National Science Foundation, 15 September 2004-15 February 2008, $217,349. Subcontract to A. Kolata and R. Townsend, University of Chicago, National Opinion Research Center.

Zarin, D., P.I. and 28 others, including M.W. Binford. Working Forests in the Tropics, National Science Foundation, IGERT program. $2,330,689, 1 July 2002 to 30 June 2007.

Goldman, A., M.W. Binford, C.A. Chapman, L.J. Chapman, J. Southworth. Collaborative Research: Consequences of Parks for Land Use, Livelihood Diversification, and Biodiversity in East Africa. Geography and Regional Science Program, National Science Foundation. 1 April  2004 – 30 March 2006. $166,200.

Binford, M.W., P.I.; J. Delahunty, co-I. Yew (Taxus baccata L.) population dynamics in Youghal, County Cork, Ireland: Cultural and climatological influences; 6,000 BP to present National Science Foundation, Geography and Regional Science Program, Dissertation Improvement Grants. $10,000. 1 July 2001 – 31 December 2002.

van Holt, T. and M.W. Binford, P.I. Twenty years of land-cover and land-use change effects on nearshore marine resources in southern Chile. NASA Earth Systems Science Fellowship. January 2004 – December 2006, $24,000/yr, annually renewable.

Binford, M.W., P.I., Hydrological Aspects of Alternative Futures for the Context Region of the Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton. Subcontract to the Desert Research Institute SERDP Project. $69,161. Jan 2001 – September 2002.

Binford, M.W., P.I. Environmental Risk, Land-Use and Land-Cover Change, and Income-growth Inequities in Thailand, 1975-2000. UF College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Research Awards Program. $16,000. July 2001-June 2002.

Binford, M.W., P.I. From Tower to Region: Integration of Patch-Size NEE Using Experimental and Modeling Footprint Analysis. Subcontract to NIGEC award to Monique LeClerc, University of Georgia. $73,000. September 2000 – Sept 2003.

Binford, M.W., P.I., K. Conway, co-I. Human Use and Potential Conservation of River Turtles (Podocnemis sp.) in Eastern Lowland Bolivia. National Science Foundation, Geography and Regional Science Program, Dissertation Improvement Grants. $10,000. 1 July 2000 – 31 June 2001.

Binford, M.W., P.I., H.L. Gholz, S.E. Smith, and G.Barnes (co-investigators). Land-Use and Land-Cover Change: Decadal-Scale Dynamics of Land Ownership, and Carbon Storage Patterns in the Southeastern Lower Coastal Plain Region of the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Office of Earth Science, Land Use/Land Cover Change Program. $350,000; 1 May 2000 – 31 December 2003.

Binford, M.W., P.I. Aerial Photograph Library Management and Database Services. St. Johns River Water Management District. June 1998 – January 2002. $91,855 (four contracts).

Binford, M.W., P.I., K. Conway, co-I. Human Use and Potential Conservation of River Turtles (Podocnemis sp.) in Eastern Lowland Bolivia. InterAmerican Foundation, $3,580. 1 May 2000 – 31 Aug 2000.

Binford, M.W., P.I. Geographic Information System as a Tool For Community Land Use Planning In Acre, Brazil. Inter-American Foundation (MALAS Student Fellowship for Karla Rocha). $3,915. June 1999-December 1999.

Binford, M.W. (PI). Contrasting Landscape Dynamics in the Guaporé River Basin, Bolivia and Brazil. UF College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Research Awards Program. $8,000, 1 April 1998 – 31 December 1998.

Binford, M.W., P.I. The University of Florida Laboratory for Advanced Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS Integration and Analysis to Regional and Global Environmental Assessments. Science Division of the Office of Mission to Planet Earth. $108,952 ($94,952 from NASA, $14,000 University of Florida Matching Funds). 1 October 1997 – 30 November 1999.

Binford, M.W., P.I.  Human-Climate Interactions in the Lake Titicaca Basin of Bolivia U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency, Office of Global Programs. $206,538. 1 May 1995 – 30 April 1999.

Steinitz, Carl, P.I., Michael W. Binford and Stephen Ervin, Co-Investigators. Alternative Future Roles for Camp Pendleton, California, in the Maintenance of Biodiversity. Environmental Protection Agency, $466,886. 1 August 1994 – 31 July 1997.

Foster, David, P.I. and Michael W. Binford, Co-Investigator. Regional Vegetation Response to Human Disturbance in Central New England. U.S. National Science Foundation, Ecology Program., $225,000, July 1994 – 30 June 1997.

M.W. Binford, P.I. Collaborative Research: Human-Environment Interactions in the Bolivian Altiplano: Climate, Limnology and Tiwanaku Agroecosystems.  U.S. National Science Foundation. $145,372. 1 August 1992-28 February 1995.

M.W. Binford, P.I. Survey of Lakes and Lake Sediments to be used for Studies in Urban Paleolimnology. Milton Fund Grant, Harvard University, $6000. January-December 1992.

M.W. Binford, P.I. The Impacts of Traditional and Modern Agriculture on Land-Inland Water Ecotones in the Central Andes. U.S. Man and the Biosphere Program, Department of State. $48,000.  2 October 1989 – 31 September 1990.

M.W. Binford. P.I.  Paleolimnological Studies of Tiwanaku Ecosystems. Subcontract to National Science Foundation grant BNS-8607541 to University of Illinois-Chicago, Department of Anthropology, Alan Kolata, P.I., The Technology and Organization of Agricultural Production in the Tiwanaku State, $7,652.74.  February 1987-December 1987.

M.W. Binford, P.I., Duncan Patten, Co-P.I. Travel Fellowships for Foreign Ecologists to Attend the 1986 ESA/INTECOL Meeting.  National Science Foundation. BSR-8608199, $25,000. July 1986-December 1986.

M.W. Binford. P.I. Paleoecological Investigation of Recent Lake Acidification:  Uncertainty Analysis of Pb-210 Dating Models. Part of Subcontract to T.L. Crisman and R.W. Bienert from Indiana University Contract (D. Whitehead and D. Charles, Co-P.I.’s). Electric Power Research Institute. $26,000. July 1985-December 1986.

M. W. Binford, P.I., and E.S. Deevey, co-P.I. National Science Foundation. Historical Factors in West Indian Ecology and Biogeography: Late Pleistocene and Holocene Environments in Haiti. BSR-8500548. $31,520.  April l985 – October l986.

Publications (* student)

Kaddoura, Y. O., Wilkinson, B., Merrick, T., Barnes, G., Duffy, K., Broadbent, E., Abd-Elrahman, A., Binford, M., & Richardson, A. D. 2022. Georeferencing oblique PhenoCam imagery. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 190, 301–321.

Felkner, J. S., Lee, H., Shaikh, S., Kolata, A., & Binford, M. 2022. The interrelated impacts of credit access, market access and forest proximity on livelihood strategies in Cambodia. World Development, 155, 105795.

Shaikh, Sabina and Kolata, Alan and Johnson, Jonathan and Binford, Michael, 2021. Home and Away: Drivers and Perceptions of Migration Among Urban Migrants and their Rural Families in the Lower Mekong River Basin of Cambodia. Available at SSRN: or

Felkner, J. S., Shaikh, S., Hara, K., Kolata, A., Binford, M., Arias, M. E., Chen, L., Elliott, V., Maher, S., Ward, J., Perez-Felkner, L., & Duprey, A. 2020. A Scientific Research Agenda for Water Sustainability in the Mekong (SSRN Scholarly Paper ID 3763132). Social Science Research Network.

Marsik, Matthew, Caroline G. Staub, William J. Kleindl, Jaclyn M. Hall, Chiung-Shiuan Fu, Di Yang, Forrest R. Stevens, and Michael W. Binford. 2018. “Regional-Scale Management Maps for Forested Areas of the Southeastern United States and the US Pacific Northwest.” Scientific Data 5 (August): 180165.

Kleindl, W., P. Stoy, M. Binford, A. Desai, M. Dietze, C. Schultz, G. Starr, C. Staudhammer, D. Wood. 2018. Toward a social-ecological theory of forest macrosystems for improved ecosystem management. Forests 20189(4), 200;

Van Holt, T., M.W. Binford, K.M. Portier, and R. Vergera. 2016. A stand of trees does not a forest make: Tree plantations and forest transitions. Land Use Policy 56:147-157.

Bailey, K.M.*, R.A. McCleery, M.W. Binford, and C. Zweig. 2016. Land-cover change within and around protected areas in a biodiversity hotspot. Journal of Land Use Science. DOI:10.1080/1747423X.2015.1086905.

Hall, J.M., C.G. Staub, M.P. Marsik, F.R. Stevens, M.W. Binford. 2015. Scaling categorical spatial data for Earth systems models. Global Change Biology 21:1-3.

Pricope, N.G.*, M.W. Binford, J.D. All. 2014. Disentangling environmental variability from land management decisions in changing semi-arid savannas of southern Africa. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 80:1005-1013.

Goldman, A., J. Hall., M.W. Binford, and J. Hartter. 2013. Environmental protection and affection in East Africa. Ethics, Policy & Environment 16:270-272.

Cassidy, L.*, J. Southworth, C. Gibbes, and M.W. Binford. 2013. Beyond classifications: combining continuous and discrete approaches to land cover change analyses within the Lower Mekong River Region. Applied Geography. Vol. 39:26-45.

Staub, C.G.*, Binford, M.W. & Stevens, F.R., 2013. Elephant herbivory in Majete Wildlife Reserve, Malawi. African Journal of Ecology, DOI:10.1111/aje.12064.

Gaughan, A.E.* F.R. Stevens, C. Gibbes, J. Southworth & M.W. Binford, 2012. Linking vegetation response to seasonal precipitation in the Okavango–Kwando–Zambezi catchment of southern Africa. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 33(21), pp.6783–6804.

Pricope, N.G.* and M.W. Binford. 2012. A spatio-temporal analysis of fire recurrence and extent for semi-arid savanna ecosystems in Southern Africa using moderate resolution satellite imagery. Journal of Environmental Management. 100:72-85

Van Holt, Tracy*, C. Moreno, M. Binford, K. Portier, S. Mulsow, and T. Frazer. 2012. The influence of landscape change on a nearshore fishery in southern Chile. Global Change Biology. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2012.02674.x

Urdaz-Rodríguez, J.*, G. Fosgate, A.R. Alleman, O. Rae, A. Donovan. M.W. Binford, A. Zaragoza, P. Melendez. 2012. Association between ecological factors and the presence of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus larvae in Puerto Rico. Exp. Appl. Acarol. DOI 10.1007/s10493-012-9573-6. Published online 26 May 2012.

Patarasuk, R.* & Binford, M.W., 2012. Longitudinal analysis of the road network development and land-cover change in Lop Buri province, Thailand, 1989–2006. Applied Geography, 32(2), pp.228-239.

Cassidy, Lin*, Michael Binford, Jane Southworth, and Grenville Barnes. 2010. Social and ecological factors and land-use land-cover diversity in two provinces in southeast Asia. Journal of Land Use Science. doi:10.1080/1747423X.2010.500688.

Southworth, J., J. Hartter, M. W Binford, A. Goldman, C. A Chapman, L. J Chapman, P. Omeja, and E. Binford. 2010. Parks, people and pixels: evaluating landscape effects of an East African national park on its surroundings. Tropical Conservation Science 3, no. 2: 122–142.

Hartter, J., J. Southworth, M.W. Binford. 2009. Parks as a Mechanism to Maintain and Facilitate Recovery of Forest Cover: Examining Reforestation, Forest Maintenance and Productivity in Uganda. Ch. 12 (pp 275 – 296) in Nagrenda, H., and J. Southworth. Reforested landscapes. Springer Landscape Series.

Rivero, R.B., S. Grunwald, M.W. Binford, T.Z. Osborne. 2009. Integrating spectral indices into prediction models of soil phosphorus in a subtropical wetland. Remote Sensing of Environment 113 (2009) 2389–2402.

Gaughan, A.E.*, M.W. Binford, J. Southworth. 2009. Tourism, forest conversion, and land transformations in the Angkor basin, Cambodia, Applied Geography, Volume 29, Issue 2, April 2009, Pages 212-223.

Shearer, A.W., D.A. Mouat, S.D. Bassett, M.W. Binford, C.W. Johnson, J.A. Saarinen*, A. Gertler, and J. Kahyaoglu-Koracin. 2009. Land Use Scenarios: Environmental Consequences of Development. CRC-Taylor Francis, Boca Raton, Florida. 421 pages.

Binford, M.W. and J.A. Saarinen*. 2009. Hydrological consequences associated with the alternative futures. Ch. 8, pp 107-135 in A.W. Shearer, D.A. Mouat, S.D. Bassett, M.W. Binford, C.W. Johnson, J.A. Saarinen, A. Gertler, and J. Kahyaoglu-Koracin. 2009. Land Use Scenarios: Environmental Consequences of Development. CRC-Taylor Francis, Boca Raton, Florida. 421 pages.

Shearer, A.W., S.D. Bassett, D.A. Mouat, M.W. Binford. 2009. Discussion and Conclusions. Ch. 11, pp 373-387 in A.W. Shearer, D.A. Mouat, S.D. Bassett, M.W. Binford, C.W. Johnson, J.A. Saarinen*, A. Gertler, and J. Kahyaoglu-Koracin. 2009. Land Use Scenarios: Environmental Consequences of Development. CRC-Taylor Francis, Boca Raton, Florida. 421 pages.

Goldman, A., Hartter, J., Southworth, J., Binford, M. 2008. Studying the Human Landscape around Kibale National Park. In: Wrangham, R. and E. Ross (Eds.). Science and Conservation in a Ugandan Forest: How Long-Term Research Can Help Habitat Management. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Prabha, T. V., A. Karipot and M.W. Binford. 2007. Characteristics of secondary circulations over an inhomogeneous surface simulated with large-eddy simulation. Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 123:239-261.

Zhang, G., Chr.Thomas, M. Y.Leclerc, A.Karipot, H. L.Gholz, M.Binford and Th.Foken. 2007. On the effect of clearcuts on turbulence structure above a forest canopy. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 88:133-137.

Binford, M.W., H.L. Gholz, G. Starr, and T.A. Martin. 2006. Regional carbon dynamics of the Southeastern Coastal Plain: balancing ecosystem type, timber harvesting, environmental variation, and fire. J. Geophys. Res. 111, D24S92, doi:10.1029/2005JD006820.

Southworth, J., G.S. Cumming, M. Marsik, and M.W. Binford. 2006. Linking Spatial and Temporal Variation at Multiple Scales in a Heterogeneous Landscape. Professional Geographer 58:406-420

Weng, C., M.B. Bush, J.H. Curtis, A.L. Kolata, T.D. Dillehay, M.W. Binford. 2006 Deglaciation and Holocene climate change in the western Peruvian Andes. Quaternary Research.66:87-96.

Shearer, A.W., D.A. Mouat, S.D. Bassett, M.W. Binford, C.W. Johnson, and J.A. Saarinen*. 2006. Examining development-related uncertainties for environmental management: Strategic planning scenarios in southern California. Landscape and Urban Planning 77:359-381.

Binford, M.W. and R. Karty. 2006. Riparian greenways and water resources. Ch. 4 in D.A. Smith (ed.). Ecology of Greenways. 2nd Ed. Island Press. Washington, D.C.

Loescher, H.W., Starr, G., Martin, T.A., Binford, M., Gholz, H.L, 2006 The effect of local atmospheric circulations on daytime carbon dioxide flux measurements over a Pinus elliottii canopy. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 45: 1127-1140

Cumming, G.S. G. Barnes, S. Perz, M. Schmink, K.E. Sieving, J. Southworth, M. Binford, R.D. Holt, C. Stickler, and T. Van Holt*. 2005. An Exploratory Framework for the Empirical Measurement of Resilience. Ecosystems 8(8): 975-987

Binford, M.W., T.J. Lee, R.M. Townsend. 2004. Sampling Design for an Integrated Socio-Economic and Ecologic Survey Using Satellite Remote Sensing and Ordination. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. 101:11517-11522.

Rocha, K.S.*, M.W. Binford, and M. Schmink. 2004. Mapeando uso e cobertura do solo em projeto de assentamento utilizando técnicas de Sensoriamento Remoto e Métodos Participativos.  Uáquiri: A Geografia e a Amazônia em Questão 2:107-118.

Jensen, R.R.* and M.W. Binford. 2004. Measurement and Comparison of Leaf Area Index Estimators Derived from Satellite Remote Sensing Techniques. International Journal of Remote Sensing 25(20):4251-4265. Tugend, K.I., M.S. Allen, and M.W. Binford. 2004. Potential use of remote sensing to assess effects of wave action on plant re-establishment. J. Aquat. Plant Manage. 42:54-60.

Barnes, G., A. Agrawal, L. Genc, B. Ramachandran, V. Sivaraman, B. Pudi, M.W. Binford, and S. Smith. 2003. Developing a spatio-temporal cadastral database using county appraisal data from northern Florida. Surveying and Land Information Science 63(4):243-251.

Felkner, J.S.* and M.W. Binford. 2002. Modeling a soil moisture index using geographic information system in a developing country context. Ch. II.10, pages 513-538 in R France (ed.). Handbook of Water Sensitive Planning and Design. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

Hill, K.*, and M.W. Binford. 2002. The role of category definition in habitat models: practical and logical limitations of using Boolean, indexed, probabilistic and fuzzy categories. Chapter 1I in J.M. Scott, J. M., P. J. Heglund, F. Samson, J. Haufler, M. Morrison, M. Raphael, B. Wall (eds.). Predicting Species Occurrences: Issues of Scale and Accuracy.

Jensen, R.R.* and M.W. Binford. 2001. Using low-resolution satellite data to quantify terrestrial carbon in tropical areas. Geocarto International 16:17-22.

Brenner, M., D.A. Hodell, J.H. Curtis, M.F. Rosenmeier, M.W. Binford, and M.B. Abbott. 2001. Abrupt climate change and pre-Columbian Cultural Collapse. Ch. 6 Ch. 6 (pages 87-103 in V. Markgraf. Interhemispheric Climate Linkages. Academic Press, 848 pages.

Kolata, A.L., Michael W. Binford, Mark Brenner, John W. Janusek and Charles Ortloff. 2000. Environmental thresholds and the empirical reality of state collapse: a response to Erickson. Antiquity. 74: (284) 424-426

Kaushal, S.* and M.W. Binford. 1999. Sediment C:N ratios and sources in a central Massachusetts lake. Journal of Paleolimnology. 22:439-442.

Higuera-Gundy, A., M. Brenner, D.A. Hodell, J.H. Curtis, M.W. Binford. 1999. Vegetation response to climate variation in Haiti: late Pleistocene to present. Quaternary Research 52:159-170.

Biesboer, D.D., M.W. Binford and A.L. Kolata. 1999. Nitrogen Fixation in Soils and Canals of Rehabilitated Raised-Fields of the Bolivian Altiplano. Biotropica 31:255-267.

Binford, M.W., A.L. Kolata, M. Brenner, J. Janusek, M.T. Seddon, M. B. Abbott, and J. Curtis. 1997. Climate variation and the rise and fall of an Andean civilization. Quaternary Research 47:235-248.

Abbott, M.B., M.W. Binford, M. Brenner, and K.R. Kelts. 1997. A 3,500 14C yr high-resolution record of lake level changes in Lake Titicaca, South America. Quaternary Research 47:122-129.

Steinitz, C., M.W. Binford, P. Cote, T. Edwards, Jr., S.Ervin, R.T.T. Forman, C. Johnson, R. Kiester, D. Mouat, D. Olson, A. Shearer, R. Toth, D. White, and R. Wills. 1996. Biodiversity and Landscape Planning: Alternative Futures for the Region of Camp Pendleton, California. Harvard University Graduate School of Design.

Binford, M.W. and A. Kolata. 1996. The Natural and Cultural Setting. Ch. 2 in A. Kolata, (ed.) Tiwanaku and its Hinterland: Archaeological and Paleoecological Investigations in the Lake Titicaca Basin of Bolivia. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C.

Binford, M.W., M. Brenner and B.W. Leyden. 1996. Paleoecology and Tiwanaku Agroecosystems. Ch. 4 in A. Kolata, (ed.) Tiwanaku and its Hinterland: Archaeological and Paleoecological Investigations in the Lake Titicaca Basin of Bolivia. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C.

Carney, H.J., M.W. Binford, and A.L. Kolata. 1996. Nutrient fluxes and retention in Andean raised-field agriculture: implications for long-term sustainability. Ch. 7 in A. Kolata, (ed.) Tiwanaku and its Hinterland: Archaeological and Paleoecological Investigations in the Lake Titicaca Basin of Bolivia. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C.

Binford, M.W. and M. Buchenau. 1993. Riparian Corridors and Water Resources. ch. 4 in D. Smith and P. Hellmund, (eds.), Ecology of Greenways. University of Minnesota Press.

Norton, S.A., R.W. Bienert, jr., M.W. Binford and J.S. Kahl. 1992. Stratigraphy of total metals in PIRLA sediment cores. Journal of Paleolimnology 7:191-214.

Binford, M.W., M. Brenner and D.R. Engstrom. 1992. Temporal sedimentation patterns in the nearshore littoral of Lago Huiñaimarca. Ch II.3, pp 29-39 in C. DeJoux and A. Iltis (eds.), Lake Titicaca: A Synthesis of Limnological Knowledge. Monographiae Biologicae, Vol. 68. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dordrecht. 573 pages. {English Language version}.

Binford, M.W., M. Brenner, and D.R. Engstrom. 1991. Patrones de Sedimentación temporal en la zona litoral del Huiñaimarca {Temporal sedimentation patterns in the nearshore littoral of Lake Huiñaimarca (Titicaca Menor}. pp 47-58 in C. DeJoux and A. Iltis (eds.), El Lago Titicaca: Sintesis del conocimiento limnologico actual. Mission ORSTOM en Bolivie e HISBOL, Casilla 12154, La Paz, Bolivia. {Spanish Version Translated by A. Higuera-Diaz}.

Hodell, D.A., J.H. Curtis, G.A. Jones, A. Higuera-Gundy, M. Brenner, M.W. Binford and K. Dorsey. 1991. Caribbean climate change from 10.3 to 3.0 kyr BP: Evidence from a high-resolution lacustrine 18O Record. Nature 352:790-793

Brenner, M., K. Dorsey, S. Xueliang, W. Zuguan, L. Ruihua, M.W. Binford, T.J. Whitmore and A.M. More. 1991. Paleolimnology of Qilu Hu, Yunnan Province, China. Hydrobiologia 214: 333-340.

Brenner, M., B.W. Leyden, and M.W. Binford. 1990. Paleolimnology of two shallow lakes in the Guatemalan savannas. Journal of Paleolimnology 4:239-252.

Sweets, P.R., R.W. Bienert, jr., M.W. Binford, and T.L. Crisman. 1990. Paleoecological investigation of recent lake acidification in North Florida lakes. Journal of Paleolimnology 4:103-137.

Charles, D.F., M.W. Binford, E.T. Furlong, R.A. Hites, M.J. Mitchell, S.A. Norton, F. Oldfield, M.J. Paterson, J.P. Smol, A.J. Uutala, J.R. White, D.R. Whitehead and R.J. Wise. 1990. Paleoecological Investigation of Recent Lake Acidification in the Adirondack Mountains, N.Y. Journal of Paleolimnology 3: 195-241.

Brenner, M., M.W. Binford, and E.S. Deevey. 1990. Lakes. 364-391 in R. L. Myers. and J. J. Ewel (eds.). Ecosystems of Florida. University of Florida Press, Gainesville, FL 765 pp.

Binford, M.W. 1990. Calculation and Uncertainty Analysis of 210Pb Dates for PIRLA project cores. Journal of Paleolimnology 3:253-267.

Binford, M.W. and Mark Brenner. 1989. Resultados del estudios del primer año de la limnologia en los ecosistemas de Tiwanaku. pp 213-236 in A.L. Kolata (ed.), Arqueologiá de Lukurmata, Vol. II. Instituto Nacional de Arqueologiá y Producciones Puma Punka. La Paz.

Moore, A.M., M. Brenner, M.W. Binford, E.S. Deevey, and X.-K. Ou. 1988. Field notes on a paleolimnological expedition to five lakes on the Yunnan Plateau. Journal of Yunnan University. Vol. 10 (Suppl.):28-36.

Deevey, E.S., M. Brenner, A.M. Moore, M.W. Binford, K.T. Dorsey, X.-L. Song, Z.-G. Wang and Z.-H. Hu. 1988. Paleolimnology and Limnology of Qilu Hu, Tonghai County, Yunnan — Preliminary Results. Journal of Yunnan University. Vol. 10 (Suppl.):57-62.

Brenner, Mark and M.W. Binford. 1988. A sedimentary record of human disturbance from Lake Miragoane, Haiti. Journal of Paleolimnology. 1:85-97.

Binford, M.W. 1988. Paleolimnological and Paleoecological Examination of Climate in the Continental American Tropics and Subtropics. pp 25-28 in G. Sharp and T.J. DeVries (eds.), Paleoecology Workshop sponsored by NOAA and NSF. Convened 15-17 February 1988, Boston, MA.

Brenner, Mark and M.W. Binford. 1988. Relationships between concentrations of sedimentary variables and trophic state in Florida lakes. Canadian Journal of  Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 45:294-300.

Binford, M.W. and Mark Brenner. 1988. Reply to Comment by Benoit and Hemond.  Limnology and Oceanography 33:303-309.

Binford, M.W., Mark Brenner, Thomas J. Whitmore, Antonia Higuera-Gundy, E.S. Deevey, Jr., and Barbara Leyden. 1987. Ecosystems, Paleoecology and Human Disturbance in Subtropical and Tropical America. Quaternary Science Reviews 6:115-128.

Binford, M.W. 1987. A Primer on Water Quality and Water Quality Management for Planners and Designers. Aga Khan Program for Islamic Art and Architecture at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Monograph Series. 154 pages.

Binford, M.W. 1986. 210Pb Dates and their associated uncertainties for PIRLA cores.  Unpublished Report Series, Electric Power Research Institute.  72 pages.

Crisman, T.L., U.A.M. Crisman and M.W. Binford. 1986. Interpretation of bryozoan microfossils in lacustrine sediment cores. Hydrobiologia 143:113-118.

Deevey, Edward S., M.W. Binford, Mark Brenner, and Thomas J. Whitmore. 1986. Sedimentary records of accelerated nutrient loading in Florida lakes. Hydrobiologia 143:49-53.

Brenner, Mark and M.W. Binford. 1986. Material transfer from water to sediment in Florida lakes. Hydrobiologia 143:55-61.

Binford, M.W. 1986. Ecological correlates of net accumulation rates of cladoceran remains in lake sediments. Hydrobiologia 143:123-128.

Binford, M.W. and Mark Brenner. 1986.  Dilution of 210Pb by organic sedimentation in lakes of different trophic states, and application to studies of sediment-water interactions. Limnology and Oceanography 31:584-595

Binford, M.W.  l984.  Dating lake sediment cores with 210Pb. in S.A. Norton (ed.). Paleolimnological Analysis of The Impact of Acidic Precipitation and Related Pollutants on Lake Ecosystems. Proceedings of E.P.A. workshop. 22-24 May, l984,  Rockport Maine.

Binford, M.W., E.S. Deevey, and T.L. Crisman. l983.  Paleolimnology:  An historical perspective on lacustrine ecosystems. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics. 14:255-286. (Review)

Deevey, E.S., Mark Brenner, M.W. Binford.  l983.  Paleolimnology of the Petén lake district, Guatemala: III. Late Pleistocene and Gamblian environments of the Maya area.  Hydrobiologia 103:211-216.

Binford, M.W.  l983 Paleolimnology of the Petén lake district, Guatemala: I. Erosion and deposition of inorganic sediment as inferred from granulometry. Hydrobiologia 103:199-203.

Binford, M.W.  l983. Ecological history of Lake Valencia, Venezuela: Interpretation of animal microfossils and some chemical, physical, and geological features. Ecological Monographs 52:307-333  (Monograph)

Bradbury, J.P., B. Leyden, M. Salgado-Labouriau, W.M. Lewis, Jr., C. Schubert, M.W. Binford, D.G. Frey, D.R. Whitehead, F.H. Weibezahn. l981.  Late Quaternary environmental history of Lake Valencia, Venezuela. Science. 214:1299-1305.

Binford, M.W.  l978.  Copepoda and Cladocera communities in a river-swamp system. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 20:2524-2530.

Book and Software Reviews

Binford, M.W. 2008. Review of Pilkey, O.H. and L. Pilkey-Jarvis. Useless Arithmetic: Why Environmental Scientists Can’t Predict the Future. Florida Geographer.

Binford, M.W. 1997. IDRISI 2.0 for Windows. First Impressions, Geo Info Systems. September.

Binford, M.W. 1990. Review of R.B. Davis (ed.) Paleolimnology and the Reconstruction of Ancient Environments. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Quarterly Review of Biology 65:493.

Binford, M.W. l984.  Review of Chapra, S.C. and K.H. Reckhow. Engineering Approaches to Lake Management. American Scientist. 72:503-504


Professional and Academic Honors


Who’s Who in America, 2008-

Center for Khmer Studies, Senior Research Fellow 2006-2007

University of Florida Research Foundation Professor, 2002-2005.

Robin and Jean Gibson Term Professor in Geography, Academic Year 2000-2001

College Award for “Continuing Meritorious Contributions to Undergraduate Research, 1998-1999.” College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Florida.

American Society of Landscape Architects, 1997 Merit Award for the Project Landscape Planning, Biodiversity and Landscape Planning: Alternative Futures for the Region of Camp Pendleton, California. (M.W. Binford, co-Investigator and co-Author).

Who’s Who in Science and Engineering, 1991-

Who’s Who in the East, 1996-

Nominated by Harvard University for Pew Charitable Trusts Fellowship in Conservation and Environment, 1994

Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Elected 1993

Society of Sigma Xi, Scientific Honorary Society


Invited Seminars and Workshops (2010 – 2021)

Starr, G., C.L. Staudhammer, M. Binford, P. Stoy, H. W. Loescher. 2020. Land-Atmosphere Interactions in the Southeastern United States: Challenges and Opportunities for Research. Department of Energy ARM/ARS Faculty and PI Meeting. June 22-26. Virtual Meeting.

Binford, M.W. 2021. History and Future of the Macrosystems Biology Program at NSF. Macrosystems Biology and NEON-Enabled Science Principal Investigators’ Annual Meeting. Virtual Meeting.

Binford, M.W. Macrosystems Biology, the Convergence of Geography and Biology, Keynote Address for 2nd Annual Symposium: Collaborations in Biodiversity Research, UF Biodiversity Institute, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, May 7, 2018.

Binford, M.W. Across Scales from mm to Mm and Hours to Millennia: Zooplankton to Macrosystems through Paleolimnology. U.S. National Science Foundation, Division of Biological Infrastructure and Division of Environmental Biology. Invited Seminar March 8, 2017.

Binford, M.W. Macrosystems Biology: Forest Management and Vegetation Dynamics in the Southeastern U.S. Coastal Plain and Piedmont. J.W. Jones Ecological Research Center, Ichauway, GA. 3 May 2013. Invited Seminar

Binford, M.W. and S. Bohlman. Land Use and Forest Process Related to Dams. Invited presentation to International Symposium: Water, Forests and People: Towards Integrative Research on Dams, Natural Resources and Society in the Amazon. 23-25 January 2012. University of Florida, Gainesville.

Michael W. Binford, Grenville Barnes, Henry Gholz. 2011. Linking regional carbon storage to land-ownership changes in the southeastern United States.  Poster Presentation, NASA Land-cover/land-use change Science Team Meeting, March 28-30, 2011, Adelphi, MD. National Meeting.

Binford, M.W. Special Lecture: Geospatial Technologies in Health Management; CDHAM Course On Health Management, Uniformed Health Services University, Rockville, MD; 21 August 2011.

Binford, M.W. Land Ownership and Carbon Storage in Industrial Forests of the Southeastern US Coastal Plain. Invited seminar, J.W. Jones Ecological Research Center, Ichauway, GA. 4 August 2011.

Binford, M.W. and S. Bohlman. Land Use and Forest Process Related to Dams. Invited presentation to International Symposium: Water, Forests and People: Towards Integrative Research on Dams, Natural Resources and Society in the Amazon. 23-25 January 2012. University of Florida, Gainesville.

Binford, M.W.  2010. Retrospective and Prospective Perspectives on Natural and Anthropogenic Climate Change: A Primer and a Prospectus. World Universities Congress: “What should be the new aims and responsibilities of universities within the framework of global issues?” Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkey, Oct. 20-24, 2010; Session Theme: Understanding and preventing global climate change.


Contributed Abstracts and Papers Presented at Meetings (2010 – 2021)


M.W. Binford, 2018. Macrosystems Biology and Early NEON Science, a part of Geographers at NSF in honor of Bill Easterling, Geographer and Assistant Director of Geosciences Directorate, New Orleans, LA. April 10-14, 2018.

Fu, C. S., *Yang, D., & Binford, M. (2018). The role and impact of land ownership on forest disturbance in the Southeastern United States. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 51.

Staudhammer, C. L., Binford, M., Desai, A. R., Dietze, M., Duffy, P., Fu, C. S., Kleindl, W., Rollinson, C., Schultz, C., Starr, G., Marsik, M., Stoy, P. C., & *Yang, D. (2018). The Future of US Forest Function Under Changing Climate, Disturbance, and Forest Management. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 53.

*Yang, D., Fu, C. S., & Binford, M. (2018). Design and Implementation of a Citizen-based Regional Land-Use Mapping Strategy Linking Forest Management to Surrounding Lands. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 22.

Marsik, M., M.W. Binford, C-S Fu, D. Yang, C. Staub, J. Hall. 2016. Mapping forest management at regional scales in the southeast U.S. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, San Fancisco, CA. March 29-April 2, 2016.

*Yang, D., Hall, J., Fu, C. S., & Binford, M. W. (2015). ­­Estimating Forest Management Units from Road Network Maps in the Southeastern U.S. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 33, GC33B-1278. San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec 2015. (Poster)

M.W. Binford1, Jaclyn Hall, John Felkner, Alan Kolata, Matti Kummu, Sabina Shaikh, Sampling riparian villages in Cambodia’s Mekong River-Tonle Sap floodplains to study potential effects of climate change and upstream hydropower development. 2014 Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Tampa, FL.

Hall, J., M.W. Binford, B.M. Condon, H.M. Gholz, G. Barnes. 2014. The influence of prices on timber harvests and carbon storage on a landscape scale in the southeastern United States. 2014 Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Tampa, FL.

Binford, M.W. and C.G. Staub. 2013. Forest management and vegetation dynamics in the southeastern U.S. coastal plain and piedmont. 2013 Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers,

Binford, M.W., Grenville Barnes, Henry Gholz. 2011. Linking regional carbon storage to land-ownership changes in the southeastern United States.  Poster Presentation, NASA Land-cover/land-use change Science Team Meeting, March 28-30, 2011, Adelphi, MD. National Meeting.

Binford, Michael W., T. McCabe, P. Leslie, A. Goldman. 2010. Remote Sensing approaches to spatial and temporal dynamics of defensive agriculture in the greater ecosystem of Tarangire National Park, Tanzania. 2010 Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Washington, D.C.


Foreign Language Competency

Spanish – 2.5 (4 = near native, 1 = beginner)

German – reading only