Research Interests and Specialization

With an M.A. in Applied Linguistics and a Ph.D. in Literature and Cultural Studies (both concentrating on Russian area studies), I have focused much of my work on the complex interrelationship between language, culture, and politics, particularly during times of radical political and social change. My first book, Speaking in Soviet Tongues: Language Culture and the Politics of Voice in Early Soviet Russia examines the emergence of a new language of state in the decades following the Bolshevik Revolution, and the role played in that process by institutions of literature, linguistics, journalism, and education. My second book, After Newspeak: Language Culture and Politics in Russia from Gorbachev to Putin (Cornell University Press, 2014) offers a cultural history of the Russian language since the collapse of the Soviet Union. I’ve also co-edited the volume, Digital Russia: The Language, Culture, and Politics of New Media Communication (Routledge, 2014).

I am currently completing a book manuscript, “Networking Putinism: The Rhetoric of Power in the Digital Age,” which examines the impact of the internet and social media on political discourse spanning the presidency of Vladimir Putin (and the life of the Russian-language internet to date). Most recently I received funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities to work on the project during summer 2023, as well as a year-long residential fellowship from the National Humanities Center, during which I completed the manuscript (currently under review at a top U.S. university press).

I’ve just recently (June 2024) published an extended encyclopedia article on the history of Russian political language and its study

My most recent peer-reviewed publications both appeared in leading Russian-language venues.

Current projects having me venturing further into the area of Internet and New Media Studies and their impact on Russian politics and civil communication in general. See my Current Research and  Publications page for recent lectures and articles on this topic.

Recent media interviews, and other public outreach events include…

  • Interview on French arrest of “Telegram” CEO and founder Pavel Durov, with “Background Briefing with Ian Masters,” KPKM-FM radio, Los Angeles (26 August 2024)
  • Interview on Russian Federation Presidential Elections, with “Background Briefing with Ian Masters,” KPKM-FM radio, Los Angeles (18 March 2024).
  • Interview on Evgenii Prigozhin and Putin’s wartime Victory Day celebration on Red Square, with “Background Briefing with Ian Masters,” KPKM-FM radio, Los Angeles (10 May 2023).
  • Presentation (unrecorded) to over 100 AP Politics high-school students on Russian political culture and ideology (20 September 2022).
  • Interview on Mikhail Gorbachev’s impact on Russian political language with Voice of America (“Как говорил Горбачёв?” [“How did Gorbachev speak?”], 31 August 2022).
  • Interview with on Gorbachev’s death and internal battles within Russian security services over Ukraine war policy, with “Background Briefing with Ian Masters,” KPKM-FM radio, Los Angeles (31 August 2022).
  • Interview on Russian patriotism and propaganda in the midst of Putin’s war on Ukraine. with “Background Briefing with Ian Masters,” KPKM-FM radio, Los Angeles (11 May 2022).
  • Interview on “How Propaganda is Preparing the Russian People for War with Their Neighbor,” with “Background Briefing with Ian Masters,” KPKM-FM radio, Los Angeles (20 February 2022).
  • Interview on Russian troop build-up on Ukrainian border with “Background Briefing with Ian Masters,” KPKM-FM radio, Los Angeles (3 January 2022)


I’ve taught a number of courses in Russian language, literature, and culture during my tenure at UF, and look forward to a return to the classroom in the fall of 2024. Click here for my schedule of upcoming courses.

Follow the menu-bar links for details

Contact Information

Office: 261 Dauer Hall
Phone: (352) 273-3786

Mailing address:
Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
University of Florida
P.O. Box 115565
Gainesville, FL 32611-5565.