My research adopts an aging perspective on emotion, motivation, and social cognition and thus is at the intersection of developmental, social, and cognitive psychology. In particular, my research program focuses on examining the extent to which emotional (e.g., faces displaying different emotion expressions, positive and negative personality traits) and self-relevant information (e.g., related to one’s own age, personal goals and agendas, age stereotypes) affect attention, decision making, and memory, how these effects change across the adult lifespan, and what the consequences are for emotion regulation, health, and well-being. I conduct experimental research using a multi-methods approach that combines convergent measures, including self-report, behavior observation, eye tracking, genetics, hormonal markers, and functional neuroimaging techniques, with the aim to integrate introspective, behavioral, and neurobiological data. Some of my recent work is interventional with a specific orientation towards improvement of emotional, motivational, and social functioning in aging such as via medicinal products (e.g., oxytocin administration) as well as neurofeedback training.