C.L. Colbert & N.E. Rowland. Sodium preference and appetite in rats in an operant protocol. Physiology & Behavior 83: 715-721, 2005.
C.H. Vaughan, M.C. Moore, C. Haskell-Luevano & N.E. Rowland. Meal patterns and foraging in melanocortin receptor knockout mice. Physiology & Behavior 84: 129-133, 2005.
N.E. Rowland, N. Nasrallah, K.L. Robertson. Accurate caloric compensation in rats for electively consumed ethanol-beer and ethanol-polycose mixtures. Pharmacology, Biochemistry & Behavior 80: 109-114, 2005.
E.C. Crews & N.E. Rowland. Role of angiotensin in body fluid homeostasis of ICR mice: effect of losartan on water and NaCl intakes. American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory Integrative Comparative physiology 288: R638-44, 2005.
N.E. Rowland & K.L. Robertson. Effect of two types of environmental enrichment for singly housed mice on food intake and weight gain. Lab Animal 34: 29-32, 2005.
L.J. Starr & N.E. Rowland. Characteristics of salt appetite in chronically sodium-depleted rats using a progressive ratio schedule of procurement. Physiology & Behavior 88: 433-442, 2006. (doi 10.1016/j.physbeh.2006.04.018)
A. Mitra, A. Mecca, M.J. Katovich, N.E. Rowland. Effects of central and peripheral injections of apelin on fluid intake and cardiovascular parameters in rats. Physiology & Behavior 89: 221-225, 2006. (doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2006.06.006)
C. Vaughan, M. Moore, C. Haskell-Luevano, N.E. Rowland. Food motivated behavior of melanocortin-4 receptor knockout mice under a progressive ratio schedule. Peptides 27: 2829-2835, 2006. (doi:10.1016/j.peptides.2006.07.008)
C. Vaughan, C. Haskell-Luevano, A. Andreasen, N.E. Rowland. Effect of oral preload, CCK or bombesin administration on short term food intake of melanocortin 4-receptor knockout (MC4RKO) mice. Peptides 27: 3226-3233, 2006. (doi: 10.1016/j.peptides.2006.08.002)
J. Peris, A. Zharikova, M. Lingis, M. MacNeil, M-T Wu, Z. Li & N.E. Rowland. Brain ethanol levels in rats after voluntary ethanol consumption using a sweetened gelatin vehicle. Pharmacology, Biochemistry & Behavior 85: 562-568, 2006.
J.E. Embury, C. Charron, A. Martynyuk, A.G. Zori, B. Liu, S.F. Ali, N.E. Rowland, P.J. Laipus. PKU is a reversible neurodegenerative process within the nigrostriatum that begins as early as 4 weeks of age in Pahenu2 mice. Brain Research 1127:136-50, 2007.
N.E. Rowland. Food or fluid restriction in common laboratory animals: balancing welfare considerations with scientific inquiry. Comparative Medicine 57: 149-160, 2007.
N.E. Rowland. Matching salt intake to physiological need in rats using foraging protocols. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 40: 713-720, 2007.
N.E. Rowland, C.H. Vaughan, C.M. Mathes, A. Mitra. Feeding behavior, obesity, and neuroeconomics. Physiology and Behavior 93: 97-109, 2008.
N.E. Rowland & C. Mathes. Appetitive and consummatory aspects of food intake in rodents. Chapter in Appetite and food intake: behavioral and physiologic considerations. Edited by R.B.S.Harris & R.D.Mattes; Taylor & Francis, 2008. Pp 43-59.
N.E. Rowland. Caloric compensation in response to beer consumption. Chapter in Beer in Health and Disease Prevention, volume 1, edited by V. Preedy. 2008 (in press).
Z. Li, A. Zharikova, C.H. Vaughan, N.E. Rowland & J. Peris. Persistent increase in breakpoints for self-administration of ethanol-containing gel. Psychopharmacology (in press)
Z. Li, A. Zharikova, J. Bastian, L. Esperon, N. Hebert, C. Mathes, N. E. Rowland & J. Peris. High Temporal Resolution of Amino Acid Levels in Rat Nucleus Accumbens During Operant Ethanol Self-Administration: Involvement of Elevated Glycine in Anticipation. Journal of Neurochemistry (in press)
N.E. Rowland, K.L. Robertson, F. Soti & W.R. Kem. Inhibition of nicotine self-administration in rats by nicotine analogs. Psychopharmacology (in press).
C.M. Mathes, M. Ferrara, & N.E. Rowland. Cannabinoid CB1 receptor antagonists reduce caloric intake by decreasing palatable diet selection in a novel dessert protocol in female rats. American Journal of Physiology Regulatory (in press).