Time and Location
MWF Period 6 (12:50-13:40) LIT 233
The Analysis Seminar continues to provide an opportunity for analysis-minded graduate students to further themselves both academically and professionally.
Participants will participate! Presentations will be expected from all registered students. These presentations may address research currently being pursued by their presenters; indeed, the Analysis Seminar has traditionally offered a convenient forum in which to conduct dry runs for oral qualifiers and talks to be given at mathematical meetings. They may also be essentially expository, addressing present-day topics and long-forgotten gems (and anything between).
April 22: TBA
Speaker: Meric Augat
April 20: Cubic Hamiltonians
Speaker: Paul Robinson
April 17: Team teaching
Speaker: Reuben Bernstein-Goff/Larie Ward
April 15: Philosophy of the Hahn-Banach theorem 2
Speaker: Reuben Bernstein-Goff
April 13: Elliptic integrals 5.5
Speaker: Nemo
April 10: Philosophy of the Hahn-Banach theorem 1
Speaker: Reuben Bernstein-Goff
April 8: Polynomials defining distinguished varieties II
Speaker: Udeni Wijesooriya
April 3: Elliptic integrals 5
Speaker: Paul Robinson
April 3: Elliptic integrals 4
Speaker: Paul Robinson
April 1: Arena of Closures
Speaker: Jeramiah Hocutt
March 30: Elliptic integrals 3
Speaker: Paul Robinson
March 27: Elliptic integrals 2
Speaker: Paul Robinson
March 25: Elliptic integrals 1
Speaker: Paul Robinson
March 23: Elliptic integrals 0
Speaker: Paul Robinson
March 20: Free function theory through matrix invariants
Speaker: Igor Klep
March 18: Images of noncommutative Polynomials: What makes the trace vanish?
Speaker: Igor Klep
March 16: TBA
Speaker: Meric Augat
March 13: Operatorial arboriculture
Speaker: Larie Ward
March 11: Elliptic functions 9.5
Speaker: Nemo
Abstract: Paul Robinson will be giving the GMA Colloquium at 4:05pm in the Atrium; you are welcome to attend this in place of the regular Analysis Seminar.
February 27: A look at the Polylogarithmic Hardy Space – (A SEAM 2015 Talk)
Speaker: Joel Rosenfeld
February 25: Density and measure
Speaker: Paul Robinson
February 23: Elliptic functions 9
Speaker: Paul Robinson
February 20: TBA
Speaker: Ben Russo
February 18: Polynomials defining distinguished varieties I
Speaker: Udeni Wijesooriya
February 16: No seminar – replaced by ninth-period colloquium
Speaker: Professor Serban Stratila (Bucharest)
February 13: Elliptic functions 8
Speaker: Paul Robinson
February 11: Scalar commutators
Speaker: Jeramiah Hocutt
February 9: Elliptic functions 7
Speaker: Paul Robinson
February 6: Geometric spectral theory and a 2×2 matrix example
Speaker: Reuben Bernstein-Goff
February 4: Elliptic functions 6
Speaker: Paul Robinson
February 2: Unbounded operators and the Cayley transform 3
Speaker: Ben Russo
January 30: Unbounded operators and the Cayley transform 2
Speaker: Ben Russo
January 28: Unbounded operators and the Cayley transform 1
Speaker: Ben Russo
January 26: Elliptic functions 5
Speaker: Paul Robinson
January 23: Descriptive set theory
Speaker: Jindra Zapletal
January 21: Elliptic functions 4.5
Speaker: Nemo
January 16: Elliptic functions 4
Speaker: Paul Robinson
January 14: Elliptic functions 3
Speaker: Paul Robinson
January 12: Elliptic functions 2
Speaker: Paul Robinson
January 9: Elliptic functions 1
Speaker: Paul Robinson
January 7: Introduction to elliptic functions
Speaker: Paul Robinson
December 10: Introductions
Speaker: Analysts (et alia?)
December 8: Hausdorff Dimension
Speaker: Toby Boas
December 5: Vacuous Analysis 4
Speaker: Nemo
December 3: A C[0, 1]-characterization of the positive integers, with applications
Speaker: Paul Robinson
December 1: Halmos on Montgomery and normal operators (and McCullough on SEAM)
Speaker: Paul Robinson
November 24: Preautomorphisms in Free Analysis
Speaker: Meric Augat
November 21: Tree shifts update
Speaker: Larie Ward
November 19: Vacuous Analysis 3
Speaker: Nemo
November 17: A problem that I solved this weekend
Speaker: Paul Robinson
November 14: The Daniell integral
Speaker: Udeni Wijesooriya
November 12: It’s normal to commute
Speaker: Jeramiah Hocutt
November 10: The C^* Clifford algebra 3
Speaker: Paul Robinson
November 7: The C^* Clifford algebra 2
Speaker: Paul Robinson
November 5: The C^* Clifford algebra 1
Speaker: Paul Robinson
November 3: Operator determinants
Speaker: Paul Robinson
October 31: Tree Shifts Problem Session
Speaker: Larie Ward
October 29: Vacuous analysis 2
Speaker: Nemo
October 27: Tree Shifts and Sz.-Nagy Foias Coefficients 2
Speaker: Larie Ward
October 24: Tree Shifts and Sz.-Nagy Foias Coefficients 1
Speaker: Larie Ward
October 22: Another Halmos Problem Book
Speaker: Paul Robinson
October 20: Vacuous analysis 1
Speaker: Nemo
October 15: A Functional Monster
Speaker: Reuben Bernstein-Goff
October 13: On an example by Choi
Speaker: Ben Russo
October 10: Additional discussion of the Cantor set
Speaker: Toby Boas
October 8: Trigonometry
Speaker: Paul Robinson
October 6: First-year fun-for-all
Speaker: Paul Robinson
October 3: The Inverse Function Theorem for Free Analysis
Speaker: Meric Augat
October 1: The Riesz Representation Theorem
Speaker: Udeni Wijesooriya
September 29: Computing adjoints of Moebius composition operators on Dirichlet space 3
Speaker: Reuben Bernstein-Goff
September 26: Computing adjoints of Moebius composition operators on Dirichlet space 2
Speaker: Reuben Bernstein-Goff
September 24: Computing adjoints of Moebius composition operators on Dirichlet space 1
Speaker: Reuben Bernstein-Goff
September 22: GNS 101
Speaker: Jeramiah Hocutt
September 19:Hilbert Spaces and the Riemann Mapping Theorem 3
Speaker: Mike Jury
September 17:Hilbert Spaces and the Riemann Mapping Theorem 2
Speaker: Mike Jury
September 15: Hilbert Spaces and the Riemann Mapping Theorem 1
Speaker: Mike Jury
September 12: Capacity and the Choquet integral
Speaker: Murali Rao
September 10: The de Giorgi integral 2
Speaker: Paul Robinson
September 8: The de Giorgi integral 1
Speaker: Paul Robinson
September 5: My Love/Hate Relationship with the Cantor Set
Speaker: Benjamin Russo
September 3: Constructive Approximation with Constrained Centers in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces 2
Speaker: Joel Rosenfeld
August 29: Constructive Approximation with Constrained Centers in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces 1
Speaker: Joel Rosenfeld
August 27: Inclusions of Lebesgue Spaces 2
Speaker: Paul Robinson
August 25: Inclusions of Lebesgue Spaces 1
Speaker: Paul Robinson