# tda_functions.R # Peter Bubenik, March 2018 library(rgl) myColorRamp <- function(colors, values) { if (diff(range(values))==0) v <- 0 else v <- (values - min(values))/diff(range(values)) x <- colorRamp(colors)(v) rgb(x[,1], x[,2], x[,3], maxColorValue = 255) } eucl.dist <- function(x1, x2) sqrt(sum((x1 - x2) ^ 2)) colMax <- function(data) apply(vertices,2, max) colMin <- function(data) apply(vertices,2, min) draw_filtered_triangulation <- function(triangles,vertices,triangle_values){ num_triangles <- dim(triangles)[1] M <- matrix(0,nrow=3*num_triangles, ncol=3) # columns: x,z,z coords; rows: three vertices of each triangle for (i in 1:num_triangles) { M[3*(i-1)+1,] <- vertices[triangles[i,1],] M[3*(i-1)+2,] <- vertices[triangles[i,2],] M[3*(i-1)+3,] <- vertices[triangles[i,3],] } cols <- myColorRamp(c("red", "blue"), triangle_values) cols3 <- character(3*num_triangles) for (i in 1:num_triangles) { cols3[3*(i-1)+1] <- cols[i] cols3[3*(i-1)+2] <- cols[i] cols3[3*(i-1)+3] <- cols[i] } open3d() triangles3d(M, col = cols3) } draw_filtered_graph <- function(edges,vertices,edge_values){ num_edges <- dim(edges)[1] M <- matrix(0,nrow=2*num_edges, ncol=3) # columns: x,y,z coords; rows: two vertices of each edge for (i in 1:num_edges) { M[2*(i-1)+1,] <- vertices[edges[i,1],1:3] M[2*(i-1)+2,] <- vertices[edges[i,2],1:3] } cols <- myColorRamp(c("red", "blue"), edge_values) cols2 <- character(2*num_edges) for (i in 1:num_edges) { cols2[2*(i-1)+1] <- cols[i] cols2[2*(i-1)+2] <- cols[i] } open3d() segments3d(M, col = cols2, lwd = 1) # for (i in 1:10){ # tube <- cylinder3d(M[(2*(i-1)+1):(2*(i-1)+2),]) # shade3d(addNormals(subdivision3d(tube, depth = 2)), col = "green") # } } animate_filtered_triangulation <- function(triangles,vertices,triangle_values,num_frames,file,animation_delay){ num_triangles <- dim(triangles)[1] ordered_by_val <- order(triangle_values) M <- matrix(0,nrow=3*num_triangles, ncol=3) # columns: x,y,z coords; rows: three vertices of each triangle for (i in 1:num_triangles) { M[3*(i-1)+1,] <- vertices[triangles[ordered_by_val[i],1],] M[3*(i-1)+2,] <- vertices[triangles[ordered_by_val[i],2],] M[3*(i-1)+3,] <- vertices[triangles[ordered_by_val[i],3],] } cols <- myColorRamp(c("red", "blue"), triangle_values[ordered_by_val]) cols3 <- character(3*num_triangles) for (i in 1:num_triangles) { cols3[3*(i-1)+1] <- cols[i] cols3[3*(i-1)+2] <- cols[i] cols3[3*(i-1)+3] <- cols[i] } open3d() par3d(windowRect = c(0,0,500,500)) observer3d(0,0,4) userMat1 <- matrix( data = c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.3420201, 0.9396926, 0, 0, -0.9396926, 0.3420201, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1), nrow=4, ncol=4, byrow = TRUE) userMat2 <- matrix( data = c(0.62316626, -0.7604749, 0.1825973, 0, 0.03232119, 0.2583160, 0.9655197, 0, -0.78142124, -0.5957775, 0.1855532, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1), nrow=4, ncol=4, byrow = TRUE) pts <- rbind(colMin(vertices),colMax(vertices)) # use to set constant frame points3d(pts,size=0.000001,col="white") for (i in 1:num_frames){ num_triangles_to_draw <- round(num_triangles*i/num_frames) triangles3d(M[1:(3*num_triangles_to_draw),], col = cols3[1:(3*num_triangles_to_draw)]) # partial triangulation par3d(userMatrix=userMat1*(num_frames-i)/num_frames + userMat2*i/num_frames) # rotate viewpoint rgl.snapshot(filename=paste(file,"_frame_",sprintf("%03d", i), ".png", sep="")) # write to file } system(paste("convert -delay ",animation_delay," -loop 0 ",file,"_frame*.png ",file,".gif",sep="")) # view animated gif with browser # system(paste("open -a /Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/ ",file,".gif",sep="")) } put_on_positive_integer_grid <- function(M, grid_size) 1+round((M-min(M))/(max(M)-min(M))*(grid_size)) pers_hom_filtered_triangulation <- function(triangles,triangle_values,grid_size,file,operating_system){ triangle_integer_values <- put_on_positive_integer_grid(triangle_values,grid_size) # perseus wants integers other than -1 and 0 triangles_and_values <- cbind(triangles,triangle_integer_values) output_filename <- paste(file,".prs",sep="") output_file <- file(output_filename,'w') writeLines(c("2","1"), output_file) write(t(triangles_and_values),file=output_file,ncolumns=4,append=TRUE) close(output_file) if (operating_system == 'Mac') perseus_file <- file.path("..",binary_directory,"perseusMac") else if (operating_system == 'PC') perseus_file <- file.path("..",binary_directory,"perseusWin") else if (operating_system == 'Linux') perseus_file <- file.path("..",binary_directory,"perseusLin") system(paste(perseus_file,"simtop",output_filename,file,"r",sep=" ")) # use top-down reduction engine instead of problematice bottom-up coreduction engine ph_0 <- as.matrix(read.table(paste(file,"_0.txt",sep=""))) ph_1 <- as.matrix(read.table(paste(file,"_1.txt",sep=""))) ph <- list(ph_0,ph_1) } pers_hom_filtered_graph <- function(edges,edge_values,grid_size,file,operating_system){ edge_integer_values <- put_on_positive_integer_grid(edge_values,grid_size) # perseus wants integers other than -1 and 0 edges_and_values <- cbind(edges,edge_integer_values) output_filename <- paste(file,".prs",sep="") output_file <- file(output_filename,'w') writeLines(c("1","1"), output_file) write(t(edges_and_values),file=output_file,ncolumns=3,append=TRUE) close(output_file) if (operating_system == 'Mac') perseus_file <- file.path("..",binary_directory,"perseusMac") else if (operating_system == 'PC') perseus_file <- file.path("..",binary_directory,"perseusWin") else if (operating_system == 'Linux') perseus_file <- file.path("..",binary_directory,"perseusLin") system(paste(perseus_file,"simtop",output_filename,file,"r",sep=" ")) # use top-down reduction engine instead of problematice bottom-up coreduction engine ph_0 <- as.matrix(read.table(paste(file,"_0.txt",sep=""))) if (file.size(paste(file,"_1.txt",sep="")) == 0){ ph_1 <- matrix(,nrow=0,ncol=2) } else{ ph_1 <- as.matrix(read.table(paste(file,"_1.txt",sep=""))) } ph <- list(ph_0,ph_1) } plot_persistence_diagram <- function(bd,title="",xlim=NULL,ylim=NULL){ bd_finite <- matrix(bd[bd[,2]!=-1,],ncol=2) bd_infinite <- matrix(bd[bd[,2]==-1,],ncol=2) plot(bd_finite,xlab="Birth",ylab="Death",pch=20,col="blue",asp=1,main=title,xlim=xlim,ylim=ylim) bd_infinite[,2] <- par("usr")[4] points(bd_infinite,pch=15,col="red") abline(0,1) } persistence_landscape_old <- function(bd_list,file,max_filtration_value,depth,degrees){ for (i in degrees){ bd <- bd_list[[i+1]] if (dim(bd)[1] > 0) bd[bd[,2]==-1,2] <- max_filtration_value #threshold infinite intervals filename <- paste(file,"_",i,sep="") output_file <- file(filename,'w') write(t(bd),file=output_file,ncolumns=2,append=FALSE) close(output_file) print(paste("../bin/PlotOfLandscape",filename,"0",depth-1,sep=" ")) system(paste("../bin/PlotOfLandscape",filename,"0",depth-1,sep=" ")) } } death_vector <- function(bd,max_filtration_value){ if (dim(bd)[1] > 0) bd[bd[,2]==-1,2] <- max_filtration_value #threshold infinite intervals dv <- sort(bd[,2],decreasing=TRUE) return(dv) } plot_persistence_landscape_from_files <- function(file,degree,max_depth){ depth <- 0 if (file.exists(paste(file,"_",degree,"_",depth,".dat",sep=""))){ PL <- as.matrix(read.table(paste(file,"_",degree,"_",depth,".dat",sep=""))) min_value <- min(PL[,1]) max_value <- max(PL[,1]) max_height <- max(PL[,2]) plot(0, type="n", main=paste("PL of ",file," in degree ",degree), xlab="(Birth+Death)/2", ylab="(Death-Birth)/2", xlim=c(min_value, max_value), ylim=c(0, max_height)) abline(0,0) depth <- 0 for (i in 0:max_depth) if (file.exists(paste(file,"_",degree,"_",i,".dat",sep=""))) depth <- i cols <- myColorRamp(c("blue", "yellow"), 1:(depth+1)) for (i in 0:depth){ PL <- as.matrix(read.table(paste(file,"_",degree,"_",i,".dat",sep=""))) lines(PL,col=cols[i+1]) } } } persistence_landscape_vector_int <- function(file,degree,max_depth){ depth <- 0 for (i in 0:max_depth) if (file.exists(paste(file,"_",degree,"_",i,".dat",sep=""))) depth <- i pl <- vector() for (i in 0:depth){ PL <- as.matrix(read.table(paste(file,"_",degree,"_",i,".dat",sep=""))) PLint <- round(PL*2) storage.mode(PLint) <- "integer" PLy <- rep(0,grid_size*2+1) for (j in 1:(dim(PLint)[1]-1)) for (k in PLint[j,1]:PLint[j+1,1]) PLy[k] <- PLint[j,2] + (k-PLint[j,1])*(PLint[j+1,2]-PLint[j,2])/(PLint[j+1,1]-PLint[j,1]) pl <- c(pl,PLy) } pl } persistence_landscape_value <- function(PL,param_val){ y_val <- 0 for(i in 1:(dim(PL)[1]-1)) if( (param_val >= PL[i,1]) & (param_val < PL[i+1,1])) y_val <- PL[i,2] + (param_val-PL[i,1]) * (PL[i+1,2]-PL[i,2]) / (PL[i+1,1]-PL[i,1]) y_val } persistence_landscape_vector <- function(file,pl_param_vals,max_depth){ depth <- -1 for (i in 0:max_depth) if (file.exists(paste(file,"_",i,".dat",sep=""))) depth <- i pl <- vector() if (depth >= 0){ for (i in 0:depth){ PL <- as.matrix(read.table(paste(file,"_",i,".dat",sep=""))) file.remove(paste(file,"_",i,".dat",sep="")) PLy <- rep(0,length(pl_param_vals)) for (j in 1:length(pl_param_vals)) PLy[j] <- persistence_landscape_value(PL,pl_param_vals[j]) pl <- c(pl,PLy) } file.remove(file) file.remove(paste(file,"_gnuplotCommand.txt",sep="")) } pl } plot_persistence_landscape_from_vector <- function(vec,ncol,main,fixed_max_y = 0){ if (fixed_max_y == 0) plot(0, type="n", xlim=c(0, ncol-1), ylim=c(min(vec),max(vec)), main=main,ylab="Persistence") else plot(0, type="n", xlim=c(0, ncol-1), ylim=c(min(vec),fixed_max_y), main=main,ylab="Persistence") abline(0,0) PL <- matrix(vec,,ncol=ncol,byrow=TRUE) depth <- dim(PL)[1] cols <- myColorRamp(c("blue", "yellow"), 1:depth) for (i in 1:depth) lines(cbind(0:(ncol-1),PL[i,]),col=cols[i]) } matrix_from_list_of_vectors <- function(list_of_vectors){ max_length <- 0 num <- length(list_of_vectors) for (i in 1:num) max_length <- max(max_length, length(list_of_vectors[[i]])) for (i in 1:num) list_of_vectors[[i]] <- c(list_of_vectors[[i]],rep(0,max_length-length(list_of_vectors[[i]]))) M <- matrix(0, nrow = num, ncol = max_length) for (i in 1:num) M[i,] <- list_of_vectors[[i]] M } combine_directions <- function(pl_vector_list,grid_size){ num_vectors <- length(pl_vector_list) max_length <- 0 for (i in 1:num_vectors) if (length(pl_vector_list[[i]]) > max_length) max_length <- length(pl_vector_list[[i]]) pldv <- rep(0,num_vectors*max_length) for (i in 1:num_vectors){ depth <- length(pl_vector_list[[i]])/(grid_size+1) if (depth > 0){ for (j in 1:depth) for (k in 1:(grid_size+1)) pldv[(j-1)*(num_vectors*(grid_size+1))+(i-1)*(grid_size+1)+k] <- pl_vector_list[[i]][(j-1)*(grid_size+1)+k] } } pldv } permutation_test <- function(M1,M2,N){ t_obs <- eucl.dist(colMeans(M1),colMeans(M2)) k <- dim(M1)[1] M <- rbind(M1,M2) n <- dim(M)[1] count <- 0 for (i in 1:N){ perm <- sample(1:n) t <- eucl.dist(colMeans(M[perm[1:k],]),colMeans(M[perm[(k+1):n],])) if (t>=t_obs) count <- count+1 } return(count/N) } svm3d <- function(x,y,z,cl,figure_list,xlab,ylab,zlab,main,cost=1){ # x,y,z,cl vectors of same length, cl is 1 or -1 (class) require("e1071") t <- data.frame(x=x, y=y, z=z, cl=cl) svm_model <- svm(cl~x+y+z, t, type='C-classification', kernel='linear', scale=FALSE, cost=cost) w <- t(svm_model$coefs) %*% svm_model$SV detalization <- 100 grid <- expand.grid(seq(from=min(t$x),to=max(t$x),length.out=detalization), seq(from=min(t$y),to=max(t$y),length.out=detalization)) z <- (svm_model$rho- w[1,1]*grid[,1] - w[1,2]*grid[,2]) / w[1,3] open3d() plot3d(grid[,1],grid[,2],z,xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab,zlab=zlab,main=main) # this will draw plane. points3d(t$x[which(t$cl==-1)], t$y[which(t$cl==-1)], t$z[which(t$cl==-1)], col='red') points3d(t$x[which(t$cl==1)], t$y[which(t$cl==1)], t$z[which(t$cl==1)], col='blue') text3d(t$x[which(t$cl==-1)], t$y[which(t$cl==-1)], t$z[which(t$cl==-1)],text=figure_list[which(t$cl==-1)],cex=0.7, col="red", adj=c(-0.2,-0.2)) text3d(t$x[which(t$cl==1)], t$y[which(t$cl==1)], t$z[which(t$cl==1)],text=figure_list[which(t$cl==1)],cex=0.7, col="blue", adj=c(-0.2,-0.2)) } pca_plot <- function(pl, main, labels, vector_length, plot_loadings = FALSE){ require("scatterplot3d") # Principal Component Analysis pca <- prcomp(pl,center=TRUE,scale.=FALSE,tol=0.01) plot(pca,type="l",main=main) # print(summary(pca)) # plot loading vectors loading_vectors <- t(pca$rotation) if (plot_loadings==TRUE) for (j in 1:3) plot_persistence_landscape_from_vector(loading_vectors[j,],vector_length,paste(main,"loading vector",j)) # static 3d scatterplot s3d <- scatterplot3d(pca$x[,1],pca$x[,2],pca$x[,3],color="blue",pch=19,type="h",xlab="pca1",ylab="pca2",zlab="pca3",main=main) s3d.coords <- s3d$xyz.convert(pca$x[,1],pca$x[,2],pca$x[,3]) # get projected 2d coordinates text(s3d.coords$x, s3d.coords$y, labels=labels, cex=.5, pos=4) # dynamic 3d scatterplot open3d() plot3d(pca$x[,1],pca$x[,2],pca$x[,3], col="blue", size=5,xlab="pca1",ylab="pca2",zlab="pca3",main=main) text3d(pca$x[,1],pca$x[,2],pca$x[,3],text=labels,cex=0.7, col="red", adj=c(-0.2,-0.2)) pca } pl_comparison <- function(plm_list, sample_classes, vector_length, classes_to_compare, N, cost, degrees, class_names, death_vector = FALSE, num_to_skip = c(0,0,0,0,0,0)){ require("scatterplot3d") num_classes <- length(sample_classes) ii <- 1:num_classes # find figures corresponding to the two groups group1 <- ii[which(sample_classes[]==classes_to_compare[1])] group2 <- ii[which(sample_classes[]==classes_to_compare[2])] comparison_classes <- c(sample_classes[group1],sample_classes[group2]) # degree <- 1 # degree of homology to use for (degree in degrees){ # for each degree of homology # plot Average Persistence Landscapes and their difference pl_matrix <- plm_list[[degree+1]] if (death_vector == TRUE && degree == 0){ pl_matrix <- pl_matrix[,-(1:num_to_skip[1])] } else{ pl_matrix <- pl_matrix[,-(1:(num_to_skip[degree+1]*length(pl_param_vals)))] } pl1 <- pl_matrix[group1,] pl2 <- pl_matrix[group2,] apl1 <- colMeans(pl1) apl2 <- colMeans(pl2) if (death_vector == TRUE && degree == 0){ vl <- length(apl1) } else{ vl <- vector_length } plot_persistence_landscape_from_vector(apl1,vl,paste("Average PL in degree",degree,"for",classes_to_compare[1])) plot_persistence_landscape_from_vector(apl2,vl,paste("Average PL in degree",degree,"for",classes_to_compare[2])) plot_persistence_landscape_from_vector(apl2-apl1,vl,paste(classes_to_compare[2],"-",classes_to_compare[1]," in degree",degree)) # Permutation test for significance of L^2 norm of this difference p_value <- permutation_test(pl1,pl2,N) print(paste("Permutation test in degree",degree,":",p_value)) # deg 0: 0.0005, deg 1: 0.0004, deg 2: 0.0006 # Principal Component Analysis pca <- pca_plot(pl=rbind(pl1,pl2),main=paste("PCA for PL in degree",degree),labels=comparison_classes,vl) # Classification using Support Vector Machine applied to first 3 PCA coordinates svm3d(pca$x[,1], pca$x[,2], pca$x[,3], c(rep(-1,length(group1)),rep(1,length(group2))), comparison_classes, "pca1", "pca2", "pca3",paste("PCA and SVM for PL in degree",degree), cost) } } # Support Vector Classification with k-fold Cross Validation classification_svm_short <- function(M,sample_classes,num_folds,C){ require("kernlab") svm_model <- ksvm(M,sample_classes,type="C-svc",scaled=c(),kernel="vanilladot",C=C,cross=num_folds) print(svm_model) } # Support Vector Classification with k-fold Cross Validation classification_svm <- function(M,svm_classes,num_folds,cost){ require("kernlab") num_folds <- min(num_folds,length(svm_classes)) # Perform k fold cross validation folds <- cut(seq(1,nrow(M)),breaks=num_folds,labels=FALSE) # Create k equally size folds folds <- folds[sample(length(folds))] # Randomly shuffle the folds # SVM for PL matrix - use ksvm from kernlab (slow); svm from e1071 results in stack overflow num_sv <- 0 # total number of support vectors pred_table <- matrix(0,nrow=nlevels(svm_classes),ncol=nlevels(svm_classes)) for(i in 1:num_folds){ # Segement your data by fold using the which() function testIndices <- which(folds==i,arr.ind=TRUE) testSet <- M[testIndices,,drop=FALSE] # prevent 1 row matrix from turning into a vector trainSet <- M[-testIndices,,drop=FALSE] # Fit the model svm_model <- ksvm(trainSet,svm_classes[-testIndices],type="C-svc",scaled=c(),kernel="vanilladot",C=cost) num_sv <- num_sv + nSV(svm_model) # Make the prediction (the dependent variable, without using the Type) svm_pred <- predict(svm_model, testSet) pred_table <- pred_table + table(pred = svm_pred, true = svm_classes[testIndices]) } print(pred_table) pred_accuracy <- sum(diag(pred_table)) / sum(pred_table) print(paste("Average number of Support Vectors:",num_sv/num_folds)) print(paste("Predication Accuracy:",pred_accuracy)) } # Support Vector Classification for Kernel with k-fold Cross Validation classification_svm_gram_short <- function(Gram,svm_classes,num_folds,cost){ require("kernlab") svm_model <- ksvm(Gram,svm_classes,type="C-svc",kernel="matrix",C=cost,cross=num_folds) print(svm_model) } # Support Vector Classification for Kernel with k-fold Cross Validation classification_svm_gram <- function(Gram,svm_classes,num_folds,cost){ require("kernlab") num_folds <- min(num_folds,length(svm_classes)) # Perform k fold cross validation folds <- cut(seq(1,nrow(Gram)),breaks=num_folds,labels=FALSE) # Create k equally size folds folds <- folds[sample(length(folds))] # Randomly shuffle the folds # SVM for PL matrix - use ksvm from kernlab (slow); svm from e1071 results in stack overflow num_sv <- 0 # total number of support vectors pred_table <- matrix(0,nrow=nlevels(svm_classes),ncol=nlevels(svm_classes)) i <- 1 for(i in 1:num_folds){ # Segement your data by fold using the which() function testIndices <- which(folds==i,arr.ind=TRUE) Ktrain <- as.kernelMatrix(Gram[-testIndices,-testIndices, drop=FALSE]) # training kernel # Fit the model svm_model <- ksvm(Ktrain,svm_classes[-testIndices],type="C-svc",kernel="matrix",C=cost) num_sv <- num_sv + nSV(svm_model) # Make the prediction (the dependent variable, without using the Type) Ktest <- as.kernelMatrix(Gram[testIndices, -testIndices,drop=F][,SVindex(svm_model), drop=F]) svm_pred <- predict(svm_model, Ktest) pred_table <- pred_table + table(pred = svm_pred, true = svm_classes[testIndices]) } print(pred_table) pred_accuracy <- sum(diag(pred_table)) / sum(pred_table) print(paste("Average number of Support Vectors:",num_sv/num_folds)) print(paste("Predication Accuracy:",pred_accuracy)) } # Classification of Persistence Landscapes via SVM and k-fold cross validation, in three ways pl_classification <- function(plm_list, sample_classes, vector_length, classes_to_use, degrees_to_use, num_folds, cost, pca_coords_to_use){ require("kernlab") pl <- numeric() for (i in degrees_to_use){ pl_matrix <- plm_list[[i+1]] pl <- cbind(pl, pl_matrix) } main="PCA for PL in degree(s)" for (i in degrees_to_use) main <- paste(main,i) # restrict the matrix pl to those figures that you want to use indices_to_use <- c() for (i in 1:length(classes_to_use)) indices_to_use <- c(indices_to_use,which(sample_classes[]==classes_to_use[i])) pl <- pl[indices_to_use,,drop=F] svm_classes <- factor(sample_classes[indices_to_use,drop=F]) # Principal Component Analysis pca_plot(pl,main,labels=sample_classes[indices_to_use],vector_length,plot_loadings=FALSE) # don't plot loading vectors - need to fix for degres 0:1 for example # SVM for using kernels - use ksvm from kernlab (can be slow) print("Classification using SVM, kernels, and k-fold cross validation") Gram <- crossprod(t(pl)) # Gram matrix # classification_svm_gram_short(Gram,svm_classes,num_folds,cost) classification_svm_gram(Gram,svm_classes,num_folds,cost) # Support Vector Classification with k-fold Cross Validation print("Classification using SVM and k-fold cross validation") # classification_svm_short(pl,svm_classes,num_folds,cost) classification_svm(pl,svm_classes,num_folds,cost) # SVM for first dozen or so PCA coordinates - use svm from e1071 (fast) print("Classification using PCA, SVM, and k-fold cross validation") pca <- prcomp(pl,center=TRUE,scale.=FALSE,tol=0.01) # classification_svm_short(pca$x[,pca_coords_to_use,drop=FALSE],svm_classes,num_folds,cost) classification_svm(pca$x[,pca_coords_to_use,drop=FALSE],svm_classes,num_folds,cost) } pl_classification_linear <- function(plm_list, sample_classes, vector_length, classes_to_use, degrees_to_use, num_folds, cost){ require("LiblineaR") pl <- numeric() for (i in degrees_to_use) pl <- cbind(pl, plm_list[[i+2]]) main="Difference of PL in degree(s)" for (i in degrees_to_use) main <- paste(main,i) # restrict the matrix pl to those figures that you want to use indices_to_use <- c() for (i in 1:length(classes_to_use)) indices_to_use <- c(indices_to_use,which(sample_classes[]==classes_to_use[i])) pl <- pl[indices_to_use,,drop=F] svm_classes <- factor(sample_classes[indices_to_use,drop=F]) # svm_model <- LiblineaR(pl,type=3,cost=cost,bias=FALSE) # w <- svm_model$W # for (i in 1:dim(w)[1]) # plot_persistence_landscape_from_vector(w[i,],(grid_size+1)*num_directions,main) SVA <- rep(0,2) # LiblineaR(pl,z,type=0,bias=FALSE,cross=10) SVA[1] <- LiblineaR(pl,type=3,cost=cost,bias=FALSE,cross=10) SVA[2] <- LiblineaR(pl,type=7,cost=cost,bias=FALSE,cross=10) SVA } ranked_distance_matrix <- function(dist_mat){ ltv <- dist_mat[lower.tri(dist_mat)] # get vector of lower triangular matrix entries rltv <- rank(ltv) # ranks of entries in ltv n <- dim(dist_mat)[1] rank_matrix <- matrix(0L,nrow=number_of_points,ncol=number_of_points) c <- 1 for (j in 1:(n-1)) for (i in (j+1):n){ rank_matrix[i,j] <- rltv[c] c <- c+1 } rank_matrix <- rank_matrix + t(rank_matrix) return(rank_matrix) } pers_hom_ripser_old <- function(points, ripser_threshold, ripser_dimension, filename){ # write pcd to text file pcd_filename <- paste(filename,".pcd",sep="") pcd_file <- file(pcd_filename,'w') write.table(points, pcd_file, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE) close(pcd_file) rps_filename <- paste(filename,".rps",sep="") ripser_command <- paste("./bin/ripser --format point-cloud --threshold", ripser_threshold, "--dim", ripser_dimension, pcd_filename,">",rps_filename) start.time <- Sys.time() system(ripser_command) end.time <- Sys.time() time.taken <- end.time - start.time # print(time.taken) ph <- ripser2barcode(filename) } ripser2barcode <- function(filename){ rps_filename <- paste(filename,".rps",sep="") rps_file <- file(rps_filename,'r') rps_lines <-readLines(rps_file) close(rps_file) new_degree <- vector(mode="logical",length(rps_lines)) for (i in 4:length(rps_lines)){ if (substring(rps_lines[i],1,1) == "p"){ new_degree[i] <- TRUE } } new_degrees_at <- which(new_degree!=0) ph <- vector("list",length(new_degrees_at)) new_degrees_at <- c(new_degrees_at,(length(rps_lines)+1)) for (i in 1:(length(new_degrees_at)-1)){ num_pairs <- new_degrees_at[i+1]-new_degrees_at[i]-1 bd_pairs <- matrix(0,nrow=num_pairs,ncol=2) for (j in 1:num_pairs){ j_shifted <- j + new_degrees_at[i] pair_string <- gsub(")","",gsub("[","",gsub(" ","",rps_lines[j_shifted],fixed=T),fixed=T),fixed=T) pair <- scan(text = pair_string, sep = ",", quiet = TRUE) if (is.na(pair[2])) pair[2] <- -1 bd_pairs[j,] <- pair } ph[[i]] <- bd_pairs } ph } pers_hom_ripser <- function(rip.input, rip.format, rip.threshold = -1, rip.dim = -1){ # rip.input = point cloud or distance matrix # rip.format = "point-cloud" or "lower-distance" # rip.threshold = maximum diameter of Rips filtration, -1 for all diameters # rip.dim = max dimension of homology computed, -1 for all dimensions # by Alexander Wagner # Convert input to character array if (rip.format == "point-cloud"){ rip.input <- do.call(paste, c(as.data.frame(rip.input))) } if (rip.format == "lower-distance"){ rip.input <- paste(t(rip.input)[upper.tri(rip.input)], collapse = " ") } # Create system command based on whether threshold or not rip.args <- paste("--format", rip.format) if (rip.dim != -1){ rip.args <- paste(rip.args, paste("--dim", rip.dim)) } if (rip.threshold != -1){ rip.args <- paste(rip.args, paste("--threshold", rip.threshold)) } # Use Ripser barcode <- system2(command = "./bin/ripser", args = rip.args, stdout = TRUE, input = rip.input) # Convert text output to list of matrices giving barcodes new.degree <- grepl(pattern = "persistence", x = barcode) new.degrees.at <- which(new.degree) ph <- vector("list", length(new.degrees.at)) new.degrees.at <- c(new.degrees.at, (length(barcode) + 1)) for (i in 1:(length(new.degrees.at) - 1)){ num.pairs <- new.degrees.at[i + 1] - new.degrees.at[i] - 1 bd.pairs <- matrix(0, nrow = num.pairs, ncol = 2) for (j in 1:num.pairs){ pair.string <- gsub(")", "", gsub("[", "", gsub(" ", "", barcode[j + new.degrees.at[i]], fixed=T), fixed=T), fixed=T) pair <- scan(text = pair.string, sep = ",", quiet = TRUE) if (is.na(pair[2])){ pair[2] <- -1 } bd.pairs[j, ] <- pair } ph[[i]] <- bd.pairs } return(ph) } pers_hom_rips_perseus <- function(points, step_size, num_steps, filename, binary_directory, operating_system){ ambient_dim <- dim(points)[2] num_points <- dim(points)[1] points_with_radius <- cbind(points,rep(0,num_points)) # give each point an initial radius of 0 # write pcd to text file perseus_filename <- paste(filename,".prs",sep="") perseus_file <- file(perseus_filename,'w') write(ambient_dim,perseus_file) write.table(t(c(1, step_size, num_steps)), perseus_file, append = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE) write.table(points_with_radius, perseus_file, append = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE) close(perseus_file) if (operating_system == 'Mac'){ perseus_file <- file.path("..",binary_directory,"perseusMac") } else if (operating_system == 'PC'){ perseus_file <- file.path("..",binary_directory,"perseusWin") } else if (operating_system == 'Linux') perseus_file <- file.path("..",binary_directory,"perseusLin") perseus_command <- paste(perseus_file,"brips",perseus_filename,filename,sep=" ") system(perseus_command) ph_0 <- as.matrix(read.table(paste(filename,"_0.txt",sep=""))) ph_list <- list(ph_0) if (!file.exists(paste(filename,"_1.txt",sep="")) || (file.size(paste(filename,"_1.txt",sep="")) == 0)){ ph_1 <- matrix(,nrow=0,ncol=2) } else{ ph_1 <- as.matrix(read.table(paste(filename,"_1.txt",sep=""))) } ph <- list(ph_0,ph_1) } pers_hom_filtered_cubical_complex <- function(filtration_array, filename, binary_directory, operating_system){ dimension <- length(dim(filtration_array)) # write filtration_array to perseus input text file perseus_filename <- paste(filename,".prs",sep="") perseus_file <- file(perseus_filename,'w') write(dimension, perseus_file) for (i in 1:dimension) write(dim(filtration_array)[i], perseus_file) filtration_vector <- c(filtration_array) for (i in 1:length(filtration_vector)) write(filtration_vector[i], perseus_file) close(perseus_file) if (operating_system == 'Mac'){ perseus_file <- file.path("..",binary_directory,"perseusMac") } else if (operating_system == 'PC'){ perseus_file <- file.path("..",binary_directory,"perseusWin") } else if (operating_system == 'Linux') perseus_file <- file.path("..",binary_directory,"perseusLin") perseus_command <- paste(perseus_file,"cubtop",perseus_filename,filename,sep=" ") system(perseus_command) ph <- vector("list",dimension) for (i in 1:dimension){ if (!file.exists(paste(filename,"_",i-1,".txt",sep="")) || (file.size(paste(filename,"_",i-1,".txt",sep="")) == 0)){ ph[[i]] <- matrix(,nrow=0,ncol=2) } else{ ph[[i]] <- as.matrix(read.table(paste(filename,"_",i-1,".txt",sep=""))) } } ph } persistence_landscape <- function(bd_list,max_filtration_value){ pl_list <- list() for (i in length(bd_list)){ bd <- bd_list[[i]] if (dim(bd)[1] > 0) bd[bd[,2]==-1,2] <- max_filtration_value #threshold infinite intervals pl_text <- system2(command = "./bin/ComputePersistenceLandscape", stdout = TRUE, input = paste(t(bd),collapse = " ")) # Convert text output to list of matrices giving persistent landscape critical points and values lambda_label <- integer(length(pl_text)) # how many landscape functions? for (j in 1:length(pl_text)){ if (substring(pl_text[j],1,1) == "#") lambda_label[j] <- 1 } lambda_label_locations <- which(lambda_label == 1) lambda_label_locations <- c(lambda_label_locations,(length(lambda_label)+1)) pl <- list() for (j in 1:(length(lambda_label_locations)-1)){ num_crit_pts <- lambda_label_locations[j+1]-lambda_label_locations[j]-1 lambda <- matrix(0, nrow=num_crit_pts, ncol=2) for (k in 1:num_crit_pts){ lambda[k,] <- t(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(pl_text[lambda_label_locations[j]+k],split=" ")))) } pl[[j]] <- lambda } pl_list[[i]] <- pl return(pl_list) } } persistence_landscape_discretize <- function(pl_exact,pl_param_vals){ pl_discrete <- list() for (i in 1:length(pl_exact)){ pl_vector <- vector() for (j in 1:length(pl_exact[[i]])){ PLy <- rep(0,length(pl_param_vals)) for (k in 1:length(pl_param_vals)) PLy[k] <- persistence_landscape_value(pl_exact[[i]][[j]],pl_param_vals[k]) pl_vector <- c(pl_vector,PLy) } pl_discrete[[i]] <- pl_vector } pl_discrete }