Sharon D. Wright Austin. The Caribbeanization of Black Politics: Group Consciousness and Political Participation in America, (State University of Albany Press, 2018), 256 pages.
Sharon D. Wright Austin. The Transformation of Plantation Politics in the Mississippi Delta: Black Politics, Concentrated Poverty, and Social Capital in the Mississippi Delta (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2006), 280 pages.
Sharon D. Wright. Race, Power, and Political Emergence in Memphis (New York: Routledge Press, 2000), 218 pages.
Manuscripts Under Contract
Sharon D. Wright Austin, editor. Political Black Girl Magic: The Elections and Governance of Black Female Mayors. Under contract. Temple University Press.
Caroline Shenaz Hossein, Sharon D. Wright Austin, editors. Racial Capitalism and the African Diaspora: Case Studies of Cooperatives and Collectives in Democratic States. Under contract. Oxford University Press.
Caroline Shenaz Hossein, Sharon D. Wright Austin, Tatiana Benjamin, Sherice Nelson and Silvane da Silva. Solidarity Banking & Invincible Women: Understanding the Worldwide Phenomenon of ROSCAs and community economies among African and Asian People. Under contract. Cambridge University Press.
Refereed Journal Articles-Published
Sharon D. Wright Austin. 2021. Contemporary Black Populism and the Development of Multiracial Coalitions: The 2018 Stacey Abrams and Andrew Gillum Gubernatorial Campaigns. Political Science Quarterly. June 15.
Sharon D. Wright Austin, Editor of a special issue of The National Political Science Review: The Journal of the National Conference of Black Political Scientists entitled The Caribbeanization of Black Politics. Volume 19.1: 2018.
Sharon D. Wright Austin, “The Group Consciousness and Political Participation of African Americans and Black Ethnics.” The Caribbeanization of Black Politics special issue of The National Political Science Review: The Journal of the National Conference of Black Political Scientists. Volume 19.1: 2018.
Sharon D. Wright Austin, Sekou M. Franklin, and Angela K. Lewis. “The Effects of Concentrated Poverty on Black and White Political Participation in the Southern Black Belt.” National Political Science Review 15 (2013): 57-69.
Sharon D. Wright Austin, Richard T. Middleton IV, and Rachel Yon. The Effect of Racial Group Consciousness on the Political Participation of African Americans and Black Pan-Ethnics in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Political Research Quarterly 65, 3 (September 2012): 629-641.
Baodong Liu, Sharon D. Wright Austin, and Byron D’Andra Orey. Church Attendance, Social Capital, and Black Voting Participation. Social Science Quarterly 90, 3 (September 2009): 576-592.
Sharon D. Wright Austin and Richard T. Middleton IV. The Limitations of the Deracialization Concept in the 2001 Los Angeles Mayoral Election. Political Research Quarterly 57, 2 (June 2004): 283-293.
Sharon D. Wright and Richard T. Middleton IV. The 2001 Los Angeles Mayoral Election: Implications for Deracialization and Biracial Coalition Theories. Politics and Policy (formerly known as the Southeastern Political Review) 29, 1 (2002): 692-707.
Sharon D. Wright. The Tennessee Caucus of Black State Legislators. The Journal of Black Studies 31, 1 (September 2000): 3-19.
Sharon D. Wright. Political Organization or Machine: The Impact of Harold E. Ford’s Endorsements in Memphis Mayoral Elections. National Political Science Review: The Journal of the National Conference of Black Political Scientists 7(Fall 1999): 210-220.
Sharon D. Wright. Electoral and Biracial Coalition: Possible Election Strategy for African American Candidates in Louisville, Kentucky. The Journal of Black Studies 25, 6 (July 1995): 749-758.
Refereed Book Chapters-Published
Sharon D. Wright Austin. African American, Black Ethnic, and Dominican Political Relations in Contemporary New York City. In Black Politics in Transition: Immigration, Suburbanization, and Gentrification, eds. Candis Watts Smith and Christina M. Greer. (New York: Routledge, 2018).
Sharon D. Wright Austin and Danielle King. President Barack Obama and Racial Politics. In Barack Obama’s Historic Legacy: A Two Year Assessment, ed. John Davis. (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011).
Sharon D. Wright Austin and Richard T. Middleton IV. Racial Politics of Gaming in the Delta. In Resorting to Casinos: The Mississippi Gaming Industry, ed. Denise von Hermann (Oxford, MS: University Press of Mississippi, 2006).
Sharon D. Wright Austin and Richard T. Middleton IV. The 2001 Los Angeles Mayoral Election: Implications for Deracialization and Biracial Coalition Theories. In Black and Latino/a Politics: Issues in Political Development in the United States, eds. Jessica Lavariega Monforti and William E. Nelson Jr. (Miami, FL: Barnhardt and Ash, 2006) [reprint of “The 2001 Los Angeles Mayoral Election: Implications for Deracialization and Biracial Coalition Theories.” Politics and Policy (formerly known as the Southeastern Political Review) 29, 1 (2002): 692-707.]
Sharon D. Wright Austin and Richard T. Middleton IV. Sustainability in the Twin Cities of Biloxi-Gulfport, Mississippi. In Governing Middle-Sized Cities: Studies in Mayoral Leadership, eds. Wilbur C. Rich and James Bowers (Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2000).
Sharon D. Wright and Minion K.C. Morrison. The African American Political Experience. In The Historical and Bibliographical Guide to the African American Experience, eds. Arvarh Strickland and Robert E. Weems Jr. (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2000).
Sharon D. Wright. Clinton and Racial Politics. In The Postmodern Presidency: Bill Clinton’s Legacy in U.S. Politics, ed. Steven Schier (Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1999).
Sharon D. Wright. The Activism of Black Women in Congress, 1967-1997. In African American Women’s Activism Since the Civil Rights Movement, ed. Kimberly Springer. (New York: New York University Press, 1999).
Sharon D. Wright. The Deracialization Strategy and African American Candidates in Memphis Mayoral Elections. In Race, Politics and Governance in the United States, ed. Huey L. Perry (Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Press, 1997).