
I am a Ph.D. candidate in political science at the University of Florida, specializing in comparative politics. I earned my Master of Arts in political science from UF in 2016, and prior to attending UF, I studied at the University of Central Florida, where I earned my Bachelor of Arts in political science and history.

My dissertation explores why regionalist parties in Scotland and Quebec continue to experience electoral and office success despite defeats regarding their core objective: independence. Broadly, I am interested in political parties, legislatures, electoral systems, federal and regional politics, and nationalism. In addition to comparative politics, I have an interest in American politics, which is my secondary field.


Ross Cotton and Cary Fontana. 2018. “Political Parties at Critical Junctures: Explaining the Decisions to Offer Referendums on Constitutional Change in the United Kingdom.” Contemporary British History, available online here. Print version forthcoming.


CPO 3103: Western European Politics (Spring 2019) [Syllabus]
CPO 4042: Politics in Post-Industrial Societies (Spring 2018)

Contact Information

Spring 2019 Office Hours: Anderson Hall 206, Monday 9:35 to 10:25am, Wednesday 9:35 to 11:30am, and by appointment.