Manojit Roy
Post-Doctoral Associate
Ph.D., University of Pune (India)
Now at the University of Michigan
I am a theoretical ecologist, and I use mathematical and computational models to address questions in population/community ecology and infectious disease epidemiology. Among my current interests are: 1) Using individual-based models of populations and communities, with neighborhood interactions among individuals, to explore the role of the spatial range and type of these interactions in generating aggregation (“clustering”) patterns of the individuals. 2) Using spatially explicit metapopulation and metacommunity models to study the conditions for population persistence and species coexistence in spatio-temporally varying environments. 3) Using both ODE-based and explicit (spatial and network-based) models of populations and communities to explore the patterns of spread of an infectious disease through the population/community, conditions of pathogen invasion success and endemism, and effects of the “background” community interactions on host-pathogen dynamics. A central focus of my research is in understanding the interplay of spatial and social interactions, both ecological and epidemiological, in shaping real ecological communities.