Course Description
An overview of ancient Egyptian civilization through lectures on Egyptian archaeology, history, and society. Thursday sessions are specially designed as an easy introduction to Egyptian hieroglyphs. No former experience is required to attend. Course code: CLA 3160. General Education Requirement: HN. Class number: 11105. Credits: 03. Zoom link: available on Canvas. Times: T 5-6, R 6. CLA 3160 is a course offered in the Department of Classics at the University of Florida. Department contact: Kenneth Van Doren, 125b Dauer Hall, (352) 273-3701.
Study Materials
- R. David, Handbook to Life in Ancient Egypt (Revised edition: Oxford 1998).
- T. Zauzich, Hieroglyphs Without Mystery (English Translation: Austin 1992).
Lectures (slides only; pdf format)
Module I: I.1, I.2, I.3. I.4. Module II: II.1, II.2, II.3, II.4. Module III: III.1, III.2, III.3. Module IV: IV.1, IV.2, IV.3, IV.4. Module V: V.1, V.2, V.3. Egyptian Writing and Language (Module VI): VI.1, VI.2, VI.3, VI.4
Selected links on Egyptian history and archaeology
- Theban Mapping Project (a professional online resource ran by the American University in Cairo).
- Digital Egypt for Universities (another superb professional resource by University College London).
- Egyptology Resources (professional website by the Fitzwilliam Museum of Cambridge University).
- Nova Online: Mysteries of the Nile (a popular but very good site by PBS with great suggestions for ‘Classroom Resources).
- Absolute Egyptology (Egyptologist O. Vendel’s personal website, with very thorough Egyptian history outlines).
Selected links on Egyptian hieroglyphs
- Hieroglyphic Typewriter (a fun site for beginners).
- JShesh (open source professional hieroglyphic processor and fonts).
Course Requirements and Grading
- Six quizzes, equally weighted (40% of final grade):
Format: 20 questions (10 MC, 10 T/F). Points per question: 5. Total points per quiz: 100. - Two exams, equally weighted (60% of final grade):
Format: Midterm 50 questions (25 MC, 25 T/F), points per question: 2. Final 100 questions (50 MC, 50 T/F), points per question: 1. Total points per exam: 100.
Exams are cumulative (midterm examination: sessions 1-14; final examination: sessions 1-28.)
General information on current UF policies for assigning grade points is available in the Undergraduate Catalog.
Practice Materials
- Practice Quiz 1 (pdf). Practice Quiz 2 (pdf). Practice Quiz 3 (pdf). Practice Quiz 4 (pdf). Practice Quiz 5 (pdf). Practice Quiz 6 (pdf).
- Key to Practice Quiz 1 (pdf). Key to Practice Quiz 2 (pdf). Key to Practice Quiz 3 (pdf). Key to Practice Quiz 4 (pdf). Key to Practice Quiz 5 (pdf). Key to Practice Quiz 6 (pdf).
- Hieroglyph vocabulary list (pdf).
Simulations based on these practice materials are also avalable for students to test their knowledge (from the QUIZZES tab in Canvas).
Attendance and General Course Policy
- Attendance. Requirements for class attendance and make-up exams, assignments, and other work in this course are consistent with university policies that can be found in the online Undergraduate Catalog. Please have the camera on for the entire duration of class (unless you need to be excused for a a brief time).
- Laptop policy. On quiz days (see calendar below) students are required to bring to class a laptop, handheld, or other web-enabled device that would allow them to connect to e-learning.
- Class Etiquette. Students are strongly discouraged from logging out in the middle of a lecture (except for briefly muting the camera when needed, see Attendance above). Those who need to be absent or log out early must obtain the instructor’s permission (using canvas mail or the chat feature in Zoom). Microphones should be muted at all times except when asking a question (see Questions below).
- Makeup Examinations. Makeup exams are given only in extraordinary circumstances. Students who are unable to take exams at the appointed dates should notify the instructor’s assistants in advance.
- Questions. All questions on administrative matters (grading, etc.) can be addressed to the instructor’s assistant(s); for questions pertaining to the content of the lectures, students should consult directly with the instructor. To ask a question during class it is recommended to use the Raise Hand feature first.
- Honor Code. Students in CLA 3160 are expected to comply with the Academic Honor Code of the University of Florida.
- Disclaimer on Sexual and Religious Content. As ancient attitudes towards sexuality and religion differ considerably from ours, some of the material examined in this course may result offensive to modern sensibility. Students who have a problem in dealing with such topics should consult with the instructor.
ADA Requirements
Students requesting classroom accommodation must first register with the Dean of Students Office. The Dean of Students Office will provide documentation to the student who must then provide this documentation to the Instructor when requesting accommodation. For information about services available to students with special needs, contact the Disability Resource Center.
Course Evaluations
Students are expected to provide feedback on the quality of instruction in this course based on 10 criteria. These evaluations are conducted online at Evaluations are typically open during the last two or three weeks of the semester, but students will be given specific times when they are open. Summary results of these assessments are available to students at”
- Robert S. Wagman. Office Hours: MF 9:35-10:25 am or by appt. Campus address: 125c Dauer Hall.
E-mail: - Jack Orces (Teaching Assistant). Office Hours: TBA. Campus address: 125 Dauer Hall.
Readings and Class Calendar
- Module I. Sources and Methods: David chapter 1 (especially pp.1-19, 32-46); chapter 2 pp.57-62.
- Module II. The Land of Egypt: David chapter 3 (especially pp. 111-115).
- Module III. Elements of Egyptian History: David chapter 2 pp.62-110.
- Module IV. Egyptian Art and Architecture: David chapter 7 pp.209-232.
- Module V. Egyptian Religion and Funerary Practice: David chapter 5 pp.149-184; chapter 6 pp.185-208.
- Egyptian Writing and Language Zauzich pp.1-34.
01 | SEP 01 | Orientation | |
02 | SEP 03 | Egyptian Writing and Language | |
03 | SEP 08 | Sources and Methods 1 | |
04 | SEP 10 | Egyptian Writing and Language | |
05 | SEP 15 | Sources and Methods 2 | |
06 | SEP 17 | QUIZ 1 | |
07 | SEP 22 | The Land of Egypt 1 | |
08 | SEP 24 | Egyptian Writing and Language | |
09 | SEP 29 | The Land of Egypt 2 | |
10 | OCT 01 | Egyptian Writing and Language | |
11 | OCT 06 | The Land of Egypt 3 | |
12 | OCT 08 | QUIZ 2 | |
13 | OCT 13 | Elements of Egyptian History 1 | |
14 | OCT 15 | Egyptian Writing and Language | |
15 | OCT 20 | Elements of Egyptian History 2 | |
16 | OCT 22 | Egyptian Writing and Language | |
17 | OCT 27 | Elements of Egyptian History 3 | |
18 | OCT 29 | QUIZ 3 | |
20 | NOV 05 | Egyptian Writing and Language | |
21 | NOV 10 | Egyptian Art and Architecture 1 | |
23 | NOV 12 | Egyptian Art and Architecture 2. | |
24 | NOV 17 | Egyptian Art and Architecture 3 | |
25 | NOV 19 | QUIZ 4 | |
00 | NOV 24 | Egyptian Religion and Funerary Practice 1 | |
00 | NOV 26 | Egyptian Religion and Funerary Practice 2 | |
26 | DEC 01 | Egyptian Religion and Funerary Practice 3 | |
27 | DEC 03 | QUIZ 5 | |
28 | DEC 08 | QUIZ 6 on Egyptian Writing and Language | |
00 | DEC 10 | NO CLASS. Reading Day | |
29 | DEC 16 | FINAL EXAMINATION (12:30 pm – 2:30 pm, on Canvas) |