My name is Leila Barq and I am a third-year student at UF majoring in Political Science, Arabic Language, and International Studies with a Middle East focus. I am from Orlando, Florida, but originally I am Palestinian and Syrian. I am open to answering any questions regarding the Arabic Language, Arab culture, and the major itself!
Tutoring hours:
Available upon appointment
Email: lbarq@ufl.edu
Where: online via Zoom or In Person
My name is Leyan Albustami, and I am a third year undergraduate student majoring in Political Science and International Studies with a focus in the Middle East and minoring in Arabic and the Sociology of Social Justice and Policy. I am available to answer any questions you may have about Arabic language, culture, and related subjects! I look forward to hearing from you all this year and for the opportunity to be an additional resource to anyone in the Arabic Department!
Tutoring Hours
Available Upon Appointment
Email: lalbustami@ufl.edu
Where: Online via Zoom or In Person