Florida analysis

Analysis at UF


The analysis group at UF is involved in contemporary research in a broad range of mathematics with important inter and intra-discipline connections. Below is a brief synopsis of the activities. For more information, follow the links to the left to visit individual faculty and the analysis seminar homepages.

Complex Analysis and Number Theory

Complex analysis and its applications to special functions including Jacobi elliptic functions, differential equations and number theory.

Partial Differential Equations, Image Processing and Optimization

Harmonic maps on manifolds; theories and methods of non-linear PDEs. The application of PDEs to image processing, particularly medical such as fMRI. On campus collaborating units include the Brain Institute, the medical school, and computer science. Fully nonlinear PDEs, systems of elliptic and parabolic PDEs related to Algebraic Geometry and prescribed curvature type of equations. Naiver-stokes equations, Nonlinear problems in fluid dynamics and kinetic theory. A current emphasis is on deep learning from optimization perspective.

Sympletic Geometry

Representations of the Weyl and Clifford algebras. Symplectic geometry has its origins in the Hamiltonian formulation of classical mechanics. A symplectic manifold is a differentiable manifolds equipped with a closed, nondegenerate 2-form.

Operator Theory and Operator Algebras

Single and several variable operator theory, particularly with connections to analytic functions including interpolation theorems of Pick type which themselves generalize the Schwartz Lemma; composition operators; and index theory. Non-self adjoint operator algebras, and operator systems and spaces. Self-adjoint operator algebras.

Noncommutative semi-algebraic geometry

A large class of engineering problem take the form system of dimensionless matrix inequalities; i.e., polynomial inequalities where the variables are matrices and the only restriction on the sizes of the matrices involved is that the formulas make sense. A theory of noncommutative semi-algebraic parallel to the classical commutative theory is rapidly developing to understand matrix inequalities. That there are very few convex noncommutative semi-algebraic sets is one of the most mathematically striking and practically important differences that has emerged to date.

High-dimensional Probability

High-dimensional probability, concentration of measure, information theory.


Yunmei Chen
Michael Jury
Arnaud Marsiglietti
Scott McCullough
James Pascoe
Paul Robinson
Cheng Yu
Lei Zhang


Heshan Aravinda
Dixi Wang
Puja Pandey
Tapesh Yadav
Nicole Tuovila
Robert S. Monahan
Austin Jacobs
Arora Palak
Alvandipour, Mehrdad
Wanyu Bian
Qingchao Zhang
Yi Gu

Some recent graduates

Chenxi Chen
Zhijie Feng
Jeremiah Hocutt
Xiangi Li
Meric Augat
Jason Nowell
Douglas Pfeffer
Chase Saucier
Udeni Wijesooriya

Full list of PhD Alumni