Kenneth E. Sassaman, Paulette S. McFadden, Micah P. Monés, Andrea Palmiotto, and Asa R. Randall
2014. Northern Gulf Coastal Archaeology of the Here and Now. In New Histories of Precolumbian Florida, edited by N.J. Wallis and A.R. Randall. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.
Kenneth E. Sassaman and Jason M. O’Donoughue
2014. In the Unlikely Event: Method for Temporalizing the Experience of Change. In The Archaeology of Events: Cultural Change and Continuity in the Pre-Columbian Southeast, edited by Z.I. Gilmore and J.M. O’Donoughue. University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa.
Kenneth E. Sassaman
2013. Drowning Out the Past: How Humans Historicize Water and Water Historicizes Them. In Big Histories, Human Lives: Tackling Problems of Scale in Archaeology, edited by J. E. Robb and T. R. Pauketat, pp.171-192. School for Advanced Research, Santa Fe.
David G. Anderson and Kenneth E. Sassaman
2012. Recent Developments in Southeastern Archaeology: From Colonization to Complexity. Society for American Archaeology Press, Washington, D.C.
Kenneth E. Sassaman
2012. Futurologists Look Back. Archaeologies 8:250-268.
Kenneth E. Sassaman and Asa R. Randall
2012. Shell Mounds of the Middle St. Johns Basin, Northeast Florida. In Early New World Monumentality, edited by R. Burger and R. Rosenswig, pp. 53-77. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.
Kenneth E. Sassaman and Donald H. Holly, Jr. (editors)
2011. Hunter-Gatherer Archaeology as Historical Process. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.
Kenneth E. Sassaman
2010. The Eastern Archaic, Historicized. AltaMira, Lanham, MD.