- Hunter-Gatherer Reliance on Inselbergs, Big Game, and Dwarf Antelope at the Rifle Range Site, Buur Hakaba, Southern Somalia Similar to 20,000-5,000 Bp 2018
- Early Mis 3 Occupation of Mochena Borago Rockshelter, Southwest Ethiopian Highlands: Implications for Late Pleistocene Archaeology, Paleoenvironments and Modern Human Dispersals 2012-10-01
- The Holocene Archaeology of Southwest Ethiopia: New Insights From the Kafa Archaeological Project. African Archaeological Review. 27:255-289. 2010-12-01
- An Archaeological Survey of the Tropical Highlands of Kafa, Southwestern Ethiopia. Journal of African Archaeology. 8:43-63. 2010-01-01
- Lithic Technological Approaches to the African Late Pleistocene Later Stone Age. Evolutionary Anthropology. 24:167-169. 2015
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