Please check with the department or registrar for future course offerings by other faculty.
A past syllabus is linked here.
Water is a resource that is vital for life. The quality and quantity of our water resources are currently under threat. Groundwater is an important part of our water resources, but is often poorly understood. This class will introduce the basic concepts of groundwater flow, its use as a resource, and its impact on environmental hazards. International case studies will be used to illustrate the class concepts.
Who takes this course?
- Students interested in learning more about water.
- Geology majors and non-majors.
- Scientists and non-scientists.
Why isn’t rainfall enough?
The hydrologic cycle
Precipitation, Evapotranspiration, and Pumping in the High Plains (U.S.), Bangladesh, and Northeastern Africa
Streams and Floods
Too much water: Floods
Dams and levees
Water stored underground
Geology and aquifers
How information from beneath the surface is obtained and interpreted.
Mapping Groundwater Flow
How water levels in wells can be used to interpret groundwater flow.
The effects of pumping on springs in Florida and oases in NE Africa
Groundwater and Surface Water
The connections between groundwater flow and streams, lakes, and wetlands
How Slow does Groundwater Flow? Darcy’s Law and Ages
How do we calculate the rate of groundwater flow? Why is it important?
Dating groundwater ages
Pumping and Water Budgets
Water budgets: Inflow-Outflow=Change in Storage
Water Management
Water allocation
Transboundary (international) rivers and aquifers
Management strategies: storage, re-use, conservation, and treatment
Water Chemistry and Karst
Important reactions that affect water chemistry
Caves and sinkholes
Water Quality
Contaminant Sources
Saltwater and saltwater intrusion
Nutrients and eutrophication