John R. Klauder Memorial Conference Schedule

The conference will be in the New Physics Building Room 2205, February 15, 2025

8:30-9:00 – Coffee and refreshments


9-9:05  Sergei Shabanov, Opening remarks
9:05-9:20  Kevin Knudson, Opening remarks on behalf of the CLAS administration and Department of Mathematics
9:20-9:35  Pierre Ramond, Opening remarks on behalf of Institute for Fundametal Theory and Department of Physics
9:35-10:00  David Tanner, Department of Physics: “John Klauder’s legacy to gravitational wave discoveries: LIGO and squeezed states of light”
10:00-10:15  Jennifer Klauder, The John R. Klauder Memorial Award for mathematics and physics graduate students

Morning session:

10:15-10:55  Ingrid Daubechies (Duke Univ., USA) [zoom]: “The Semigroup Test for Diffusion Maps in Manifold Learning”
11:00-11:30  Bo-Sture Skagerstam (NTNU, Norway): “Some Side-Steps with John Klauder”
11:35-12:05  Giuseppe Vitiello (Univ. of Salerno, Italy) [zoom]: “Coherence as the Universal Morphogenetic Paradigm”
12:10-12:40  Richard Albanese (US Air Force Lab, USA) [zoom]: “John R. Klauder Contribution to Radar Technology”

12:45-1:45  Lunch break

Afternoon session:

1:45-2:15 Jean Pierre Gazeau (Univ. Paris Cite, France): “What I Gained from John Klauder’s Inspiring Intuitions and Achievements”
2:20-2:50 David Garfinkle (Oakland Univ., USA): “Classical and Quantum Spacetime Singularities: a John Klauder Unfinished Symphony”
2:55-3:25 Achim Kempf (Perimeter Inst., Canada): “New Mathematical Tools for Quantum Gravity”

3:30-3:45 Coffee break

3:45-4:15 Laura Gouba (ICTP, Italy): “Affine Quantization on the Semi-bounded Line”
4:20-4:50 Riccardo Fantoni (Inst. Professionale “L. Galvani”, Italy) [zoom]: “Going Back to America After 24 Years”
4:55-5:25 Sergei Shabanov (UF, USA): “John R. Klauder: A Coherent Lifetime Journey in Science”

5:30-6:15 Memories and Recollections about John Klauder
David Tunner (UF)
Joseph Bengeloun (LIPN, France) [zoom]
Robert Alicki (Univ. of Gdansk, Poland) [zoom]
Bernhard Bodman (Univ. of Houston, USA) [zoom]

If you want to share your memories about John or say a few words about John, please contact Sergei Shabanov,

7:00-9:00 Conference dinner at Mildred’s Big City Food

Remark: Coffee and small snack will be available during all the time on the conference site, free for all participants. Lunch boxes are available at $14/box for non-speakers. Please contact Margaret Somers,, if you want one. If you would like to go for the conference dinner (free for speakers), please make a reservation with Margaret.

Parking: There is a parking garage (Orange, Blue, Green) across the Gale Lemerand Drive from the New Physics Building (5 Min walk). No parking permit is required to park in this garage on weekends. There is also an Orange parking at the intersection of Museum Road and Center Drive (5 Min walk). Here is the link to UF Parking Map. The main entrance to the New Physics Building is from the Museum Road. The conference room is on the second floor of the main hall next to the physics administration office.