


Sylvie Eve Blum-Reid, Impressions from Paris: Women Creatives in Interwar Years France (Nov. 2023) 179 p.

  • Sylvie Eve Blum-Reid (Ed.) and with Melba Joyce Boyd (Wayne State University), Dantzel Cenatiempo (University of Washington), Adeline Soldin (Dickinson College), Sherry Buckberrough (University of Hartford), Sylvie Eve Blum-Reid (University of Florida), Catherine Portuges (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Catherine R. Montfort (Santa Clara University), Clara Oropeza (Santa Barbara City College), and Samia I. Spencer (Auburn University).

Sylvie Bum-Reid, Traveling in French Cinema. London, New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2016. 237 pp.

  • This book covers different travel modes and tropes at play in French cinema since 1980 to the present day. It follows the archetypal figure of the traveler and the way these journeys are ‘performed.’ Films travel for us, spectators, and we in turn virtually take off with them. Examinations of departures and returns, as well as destinations and healing rituals attached to travels, take place, as do the way women travel and the urgent situation of migrants attempting to find refuge in the Global North across borders. The book questions high-speed travel, efficiency and technology at a time when slow speed and inner reflection are being revisited, and analyses film narratives that offer a way out of the daily routine and allow the traveler to escape a situation at home.

Sylvie Blum-Reid, East-West Encounters. Franco-Asian Cinema and Literature. Wallflower Press/Columbia University Press, spring 2003. 179 pp.

  • A study of French and Franco-Asian filmic and literary productions in the context of France’s postcolonial history.


Traveling in French Cinema East-West Encounters- book cover, 2003







(abridged résumé)

Book Chapters

“Reminiscences on Food by Expatriate Journalist Janet Flanner,” Impressions from Paris, Chapter 5. Vernon Press, Nov. 2023.

“Vagabondage from Budapest to Florida – Jim Jarmusch’s Stranger than Paradise.”  Les Variations Jarmusch. Ed. Esther Heboyan. Presses Université d’Artois, June 2017. 253-262.

“Dans le pays Chimo, ” Où en est la littérature ‘beur’ ? Najib Redouane, editor, Paris: L’Harmattan, October 2012. 93-105.

“Gatlif’s Manifesto : Cinema is Travel,” Open Roads, Closed Borders. The Contemporary French-Language Road Movie. . Ed. Thibaut Schilt, Michael Gott.London: Intellect Press. 2013.  203-217.

“Cooking with Julia (Child) in 1950s France or An American in Paris. A film-inflected essay,” Cuisine and Symbolic Capital: Food in Film and Literature, edited by Cheleen Ann-Catherine Mahar, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010. 181-197.

« Voyage dans le passé/présent de La femme sans sépulture d’Assia Djebar. » Assia Djebar. Ed. Najib Redouane & Yvette Bénayoune-Szmidt. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2008, 285-291.

“The Voice-Over in India Song by Marguerite Duras,” Marguerite Duras Lives On, Ed. Janine Ricouart, Lanham: The University Presses of America, (fall 1998), 21-28.


“Else, The foreign femme fatale in Jean Renoir’s La Nuit du Carrefour (1932). Genre en série. 16, 2024.

“Marseille-Transit,” GRADIVA. Revue Européenne d’Anthropologie Littéraire, Double numéro Printemps-Automne 2022, no. 21, Fall 2022. 16 pp. [About Anna Seghers’ Transit, René Allio’s 1991 film Transit, and Christian Petzold’s Transit (2018)]

“Sylvain Tesson: La Consolation de la Forêt.”  Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, vol. 25, issue 4, 2021. Parler la Terre/Speaking the Earth, pp. 433-440.

“Evolving Mannequins in Jacques Becker’s Falbalas (1944-1945)”, Film, Fashion & Consumption. Vol. 6, no. 2 (December 2017) 141-156.

“François Cheng. Voyage entre deux langues.” [Voyage between two languages]  Gradiva-Revue d’Anthropologie Littéraire. Vol. XVII, No. 2, Printemps  2017. 14 pp.

“Looking Back: Cinematic Impressions of Asia in French Cinema,” Visions of the East: Asia through French Eyes. National Museum of Singapore/Cinematheque, 4-16 October 2011, 87-99.

Proceedings of the Marcel Ophüls’ The Sorrow and the Pity Roundtable, Center for Jewish  Studies website as a download in past events November 2009, and summary of presentations appear in haTanin,  Newsletter of the Center for Jewish Studies at University of Florida, Spring/Fall 2010, #20+21, 18-20.

Vietnam,” International Film Guide 2010, Edited by Ian Haydn Smith,  London: Wallflower press, 2011: 281-282.

 “Vietnam,” International Film Guide 2009, 45th edition,Edited by Ian Haydn Smith, London, New York: Wallflower Press, 2009: 334-335

Marguerite Duras bibliographical entry for Les Ecrits de Marguerite Duras, edited by Robert  Harvey, Bernard Alazet, Hélène Volat, a commented bibliography, Paris: Editions de l¹IMEC, 2009.

“Away from Home: Two Directors in Search of their Identity,” Quarterly Review of Film and Video. Volume 26, 1 (2009), 1-9.



“Les pieds nus.”/”Barefoot,” Linda Lê. A short story. Delos. A Journal of Translation and World Literature.  vol 33, No.1 (2018) spring 2018. 1-2.

La maison du joueur de flûte. Alexandre Vialatte (exerpt), Delos. A journal of Translation and World Literature. vol. 31 (2016). 82-83.


