University of Florida Homepage

Department of Psychology


I appreciate that you have taken the time to get to know about me! I originally came from South Korea.  My main research focus is economic marginalization, encompassing constructs, such as suboptimal work (e.g., underemployment, work precarity), poverty, social class, social class capital, social mobility, and classism. This includes (a) investigating how structural and intersectional forces (e.g., economic, racial, and linguistic marginalization) unfairly distribute social class capital and other resources to access work opportunities, (b) advancing the literature on the conceptualization and measurement of subjective social mobility and social class, and (c) examining how economic marginalization and suboptimal work relate to mental health and well-being. A smaller area of my research is to develop non-US-based therapy and supervision models to support clients and international clinicians’ clinical work.


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Contact Information

Office: PSY 218