Teaching Computer Demos
Mathematica based demonstration of various concepts related to Electricity and Magnetism. The demonstrations may be downloaded (via the link in the caption of each image) and run locally on any computer using the free Wolfram CDF Player.
Electric Fields
Equilibrium angle between two repelling charges [Download cdf]
Location of maximum electric force along a plane between two charges [Download cdf]
Electric Field of a Uniform Line of Charge [Download cdf]
Electric Field of a Uniformly Charged Ring [Download cdf]
Electric Field of a Uniformly Charged Disk [Download cdf]
Electric Field of a Uniformly Charged (In)finite_Plane [Download cdf]
Electric Field of a Two Parallel Uniformly Charged (In)finite Planes [Download cdf]
Electric Field of a Dipole [Download cdf]
Electric Field and Equipotentials of a Collection of Charges [Download cdf]
Electric Field in a Dielectric Material [Download cdf]
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