
COVID-19 Information


In response to COVID-19, the following practices are in place to maintain your learning environment, to enhance the safety of our in-classroom interactions, and to  further the health and safety of ourselves, our neighbors, and our loved ones.  

  • If you are not vaccinated, get vaccinated.  Vaccines are readily available at no cost and have been demonstrated to be safe and effective against the COVID-19 virus. Visit this link for details on where to get your shot, including options that do not require an appointment: https://coronavirus.ufhealth.org/vaccinations/vaccine-availability/. Students who receive the first dose of the vaccine somewhere off-campus and/or outside of Gainesville can still receive their second dose on campus.  


  • You are expected to wear approved face coverings at all times during class and within buildings even if you are vaccinated.  Please continue to follow healthy habits, including best practices like frequent hand washing.  Following these practices is our responsibility as Gators.  
    • Sanitizing supplies are available in the classroom if you wish to wipe down your desks prior to sitting down and at the end of the class. 
    • Hand sanitizing stations will be located in every classroom. 


  • If you sick, stay home and self-quarantine.  Please visit the UF Health Screen, Test & Protect website about next steps, retake the questionnaire and schedule your test for no sooner than 24 hours after your symptoms began. Please call your primary care provider if you are ill and need immediate care or the UF Student Health Care Center at 352-392-1161 (or email covid@shcc.ufl.edu) to be evaluated for testing and to receive further instructions about returning to campus. UF Health Screen, Test & Protect offers guidance when you are sick, have been exposed to someone who has tested positive or have tested positive yourself. Visit the UF Health Screen, Test & Protect website for more information. 
    • If you have an excused absence, consult your instructors to work out a timeline for completing missed work and to obtain available course materials. Note that faculty are not required to record their lectures, so you may need to consult with a classmate to obtain notes from missed classes.
    • If you are withheld from campus by the Department of Health through Screen, Test & Protect you are not permitted to use any on campus facilities. Students attempting to attend campus activities when withheld from campus will be referred to the Dean of Students Office.


  • Continue to regularly visit coronavirus.UFHealth.org and coronavirus.ufl.edu for up-to-date information about COVID-19 and vaccination.  


MAS 4301 Abstract Algebra 1

Spring 2022

Class number Period Meeting Time Room
15276 MWF 4th 10:40 – 11:30 LIT 219

Professor Alexandre Turull

480 Little Hall
(352) 392-0281 ext 243

Office Hours

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9:35 – 10:25 9:35 – 10:25 9:35 – 10:25


Also by appointment



MAS 4105 (Linear Algebra) with a C or better, or MAS 3300 (Numbers and Polynomials) with a B or better, or MHF 3202 (Sets and Logic) with a B or better is required.


Contemporary Abstract Algebra, by Joseph Gallian, ninth edition


We will cover most of Chapters 0 – 11, plus additional material. This covers group theory: groups, subgroups, permutations, factor groups and homomorphisms. If time permits, we will also have an introduction to rings and fields (Chapters 12, 13).

A major emphasis will be on writing mathematics precisely and clearly. Proofs will be an important part of this course.

The catalogue’s description of this course is: Sets and mappings, groups and subgroups, homomorphisms and isomorphisms, permutations, rings and domains, arithmetic properties of domains, fields. This course requires facility in writing proofs.


Lectures. Reading and homework will be assigned and discussed in class. You are expected to participate in classroom discussions.

Homework will be assigned regularly and discussed in class.
Homework will not be graded. There will be frequent quizzes.


There will be four 60-point tests and a cumulative final.  The dates of these are given in the course calendar.


There will be frequent quizzes.

Final grade:

4 tests 240
final 100
quizzes 60

Total 400
A ≥ 360 C ≥ 280
A- ≥ 346 C- ≥ 266
B+ ≥ 333 D+ ≥ 253
B ≥ 320 D ≥ 240
B- ≥ 306 D- ≥ 226
C+ ≥ 293 E < 226

Students with disabilities

Students with disabilities requesting accommodations should first register with the
Disability Resource Center (352-392-8565, https://disability.ufl.edu/) by providing appropriate documentation. Once registered, students will receive an accommodation letter which must be presented to the instructor when requesting accommodation. Students with disabilities should follow this procedure as early as possible in the semester.

Attendance policy

Students are expected to attend class regularly.

The UF policy on attendance is here: https://catalog.ufl.edu/ugrad/current/regulations/info/attendance.aspx

Honor Code

UF students are bound by The Honor Pledge which states, “We, the members of the University of Florida community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honor and integrity by abiding by the Honor Code.”

On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the following pledge is either
required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.”

The Honor Code (http://www.dso.ufl.edu/sccr/process/student-conduct-honor-code/) specifies a number of behaviors that are in violation of this code and the possible sanctions. Furthermore, you are obliged to report any condition that facilitates academic misconduct to appropriate personnel. If you have any questions or concerns, please consult with the instructor of this class.

