The topic of the optional research paper is left open to each student, provided the specific research area relates to the issues and chronology of the course. Selection of the topic is crucial; excessively broad topics should be avoided.
As you first explore possible topics, determine the scope of bibliographic sources and other available reference materials (see Select Bibliography, infra). Gradually, such examination will help you to define the topic more narrowly. You should have focused your search for a topic no later than the deadline set for the preliminary submission. A typed preliminary statement should be submitted no later than Week 8. A two paragraph statement of the topic and the basis of your interest is sufficient.
The abstract should contain a detailed description of your topic plus a brief summary and bibliography of reading done-to-date. If any specific conclusions have emerged, please state them. A two or three paragraph abstract is sufficient. Remember, the abstract should be the frontispiece of your final research essay stating the topic, thesis, a brief sketch of the evidence, and tentative conclusions. The abstract is due no later than Week 10.
The final research paper is due no later than Week 14. It must be typed; it should contain as a frontispiece your abstract (which may vary from the original), the body of the research paper itself, an annotated set of footnotes attached at the end of the paper (numbered consecutively), and the bibliography appended last. Follow the Chicago Manual of Style format for footnotes and bibliography.
Length of the paper is 10-15 pages, depending on your topic, how well you understand your material, and how clearly you communicate. If you have questions or want reactions to your paper, please see your instructor during office hours. Above all, don’t wait until the last minute. Get started as early as possible.
Finally, number all pages consecutively and staple the paper in the top left corner. No binders or folders, please.