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Copernicus’ Major Works

[1514] Commentariolus'Little commentary' on mathematical astronomy.Unpublished, privately circulated manuscript foreshadowing Copernicus' De Revolutionibus.
1524Letter Against WernerMotion of the eighth sphere: procession & trepidation of equinoxes.Demonstrates & outlines theory of precession of equinoxes.
1540 [Narratio prima]'First Report' by G.J. Rheticus on behalf of Copernicus.Published 'first' account to foreshadow De Revolutionibus.
1543De Revolutionbus
orbium coelestium
On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Orbs. Mathematical astronomy & physicalist / realist cosmology.Extended epicyclic astronomy of Ptolemy & asserted realist heliocentric cosmology; improved tables, later recalculated & published as Prutenic Tables.