General Reference
Edwards, Paul, Editor-in-Chief. The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 8 vols., New York and London: Macmillan and The Free Press, 1967. Authoritative articles on major concepts in philosophy, arranged alphabetically.
Gillispie, Charles Coulston, Editor-in-Chief. The Dictionary of Scientific Biography, 15 vols. & index, New York: Charles Scribner, 1970-80. Authoritative reference on the history of science, biographical by scientist. Index provides thematic and conceptual guide to the work. Individual entries contain excellent bibliographies.
Whitrow, Martha, ed. The Isis Cumulative Bibliography, 1913-65, 3 vols., London: Mansell, 1971-76. The Isis Cumulative Bibliography, 1966-1975, 1 vol., London: Mansell, 1980, and others to follow. Comprehensive listing of scholarly books and articles in the history of science; arranged by person, institution, and subject. The best single starting place.
Wiener, Phillip, ed. The Dictionary of the History of Ideas, 4 vols. and index, New York: Charles Scribner, 1973-74. Excellent accounts of major ideas in the Western tradition.
General History of Science: Background & Surveys
Boas [Hall], Marie. The Scientific Renaissance, New York, 1962.
Burtt, E.A. The Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Physical Science, Essay, New York: 1925; reprinted Humanities Press, 1967.
Butterfield, Herbert. The Origins of Modern Science, 1300-1800, London: 1949; reprinted 1984.
Clagett, Marshall. Greek Science in Antiquity, New York, 1955.
Cohen, I. Bernard. The Birth of a New Physics, Revised and updated, New York, 1985.
—–. Album of Science: From Leonardo to Lavoisier. New York, 1980.
Debus, Allen G. Man and Nature in the Renaissance, Cambridge, 1978.
Dijksterhuis, E.J. The Mechanization of the World Picture, Oxford, 1961.
Farrington, Benjamin. GreekScience, London, 1953.
Frankfort, Henri, et al. Before Philosophy, London, 1959.
Gillispie, Charles C. The Edge of Objectivity, Princeton, 1960.
Grant, Edward. Physical Science in the Middle Ages, Cambridge, 1971.
Grant, Edward, ed. A SourceBook in MedievalScience, Cambridge, MA, 1974.
Hall, A. Rupert. From Galileoto Newton,1630-1720 New York, 1963.
—–. The Scientific Revolution1500-1800, 2nd ed., London, 1962; rev. reprint, 1984.
Hooykaas, R. Religion andthe Rise ofModernScience, Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1972.
Kuhn, Thomas S. The EssentialTension: SelectedStudiesinScientific Tradition andChange, Chicago, 1977.
Lindberg, David, ed. Sciencein the MiddleAges, Chicago, 1978.
Lovejoy, Arthur 0. The GreatChain of Being:AStudyof the Historyof anIdea, Cambridge, MA, 1936; reprinted 1964.
Lloyd, G.E.R. Aristotle:The Growth andStructureofHis Thought, Cambridge, 1968.
—–. Early GreekScience: Thales toAristotle, London, 1970.
——. Greek Scienceafter Aristotle, London, 1973.
Mason, Steven F. A Historyof the Sciences:MainCurrentsof Scientific Thought, New York, 1962.
Merchant, Carolyn. The Death of Nature: Women, Ecology, and the Scientific Revolution, San Francisco, 1980.
Merton, Robert. Science, Technology and Society in Seventeenth Century England (1938), New York, 1970.
Nasr, S.H. Science andCivilization in Islam, Cambridge, MA, 1968.
Needham, Joseph. Scienceand Civilization inChina, 7 vols. to date, Cambridge, 1954- .
Neugebauer, Otto. The ExactSciences inAntiquity, Providence, RI, 1957.
Sambursky, Samuel. The PhysicalWorld oftheGreeks, New York, 1956.
—–. Physics ofthe Stoics, London, 1959.
de Santillana, Giorgio. TheOrigins of GreekScience Chicago 1961.
Sarton, George. An Introductionto the HistoryofScience, 3 vols., Baltimore, 1927-48.
Singer, Charles, E.J. Holmyard, A.R. Hall, T.I. Williams, eds. AHistoryofTechnology, 6 vols., Oxford, 1955-79.
Stahl, William H. Roman Science:Origins, Development,andInfluenceto the LaterMiddleAges, Madison, 1962.
Taton, René, ed. AGeneral History oftheSciences, 4 vols, English trans., London, 1963-66.
Thorndike, Lynn. A Historyof Magic andExperimentalScience, 8 vols., New York, 1923-58.
Whitehead, Alfred North. Scienceand the ModernWorld, Cambridge: 1926; reprinted New York, 1958.
Wolf, Abraham. A Historyof Science, TechnologyandPhilosophyin the SixteenthCenturies, London, 1935.
Specialized Topical Studies and Biographies
Armitage, Angus. Copernicus:The Founder ofModernAstronomy, London, 1938.
—–. Edmond Halley, London, 1966.
Bell, A.E. Christian Huygensand the DevelopmentofSciencein the SeventeenthCentury, London, 1947.
Drake, Stillman. Discoveriesand Opinions ofGalileo, Garden City, NY, 1957.
—–. Galileo atWork: His ScientificBiography, Chicago, 1978.
Berry, Arthur. A ShortHistory of Astronomy, London, 1898.
Dreyer, J.L.E. A Historyof Astronomy fromThalestoKepler, New York, 1906.
—–. Tycho Brahe London, 1890; New York 1963.
Easlea, Brian. Witch-hunting, Magic and the New Philosophy, Brighton, Sussex, 1980.
Gade, John A. The Lifeand Times ofTychoBrahe, New York, 1947.
Geymonat, Ludovico. GalileoGalilei: A BiographyandInquiryinto his PhilosophyofScience, New York, 1957.
Gillispie, Charles. Science and Polity in France at the End of the Old Regime, Princeton, 1980.
Hoskin, Michael, ed. GeneralHistory of Astronomy, 4 vols., Cambridge, in preparation.
—–. Stellar Astronomy:Historical Studies, Chalfont St. Giles, 1981.
Kaspar, Max. Kepler, New York, 1959.
King, Henry C. The Historyof the Telescope, London, 1955.
Koestler, Arthur. The Watershed, New York, 1960.
Koyré, Alexandre. TheAstronomical Revolution:Copernicus,Kepler,Borelli, trans. by R.E.W. Maddison, Paris, London, Ithaca, 1973.
Neugebauer, Otto. The ExactSciences inAntiquity, 2nd. edn., Providence, RI, 1957.
—–. A History ofAncient MathematicalAstronomy, 3 vols., Berlin, 1975.
Pannekoek, A. A Historyof Astronomy, London, 1961.
Pedersen, Olaf and M. Phil. EarlyPhysics and Astronomy, London, 1974. . A Surveyof the ‘Almagest’, Odense, 1974.
Redondi, Pietro. Galileo Heretic {Galileo eretico}, Princeton, 1983.
Shapin, Stephen, and Simon Shaffer. The Leviathan and the Air Pump, Cambridge, 1989.
Shea, William R. The Magic of Numbers and Motion: The Scientific Career of René Descartes. Canton, MA, 1991.
Thoren, Victor E. The Lord of Uraniborg: A Biography of Tycho Brahe, Cambridge, 1990.
Vrooman, Jack R. RenéDescartes: A Biography, New York, 1970.
Westfall, Richard S. TheConstruction of ModernScience, Cambridge, 1977.
—–. Force in Newton’sPhysics, London and New York, 1971.
—–. Never at Rest:A BiographyofIsaacNewton, Cambridge, 1981.
Biological Sciences
Farley, J. The SpontaneousGeneration Controversy:FromDescartesto Oparin Baltimore, 1977.
Goodfield, G. June. The Growthof ScientificPhysiology, London, 1960.
Greene, John C. The Deathof Adam: EvolutionandItsImpact on WesternThought, Ames, IA, 1959.
Hall, Thomas S. Ideas ofLife and Matter, 2 vols., Chicago, 1969.
Mendelsohn, Everet. Heatand Life: The DevelopmentoftheTheory ofAnimal Heat, Cambridge, MA, 1964.
Nordenskjold, Erik. The Historyof Biology New York, 1935.
Sachs, J. von. History ofBotany (1530-1860), reprint, New York, 1967.
Singer, Charles. A ShortHistory of Biology, Oxford, 1931.
Debus, Allan G. The EnglishParacelsians, London, 1965.
Ihde, Aaron J. The Developmentof ModernChemistry, New York, 1964.
Kargon Robert. Atomism inEngland from HariottoNewton Oxford, 1966.
Knight, David M. Atoms andElements, London, 1967, 2nd edn., 1970.
Leicester, H.M. and H.S. Klickstein, eds. A Source BookinChemistry,1400-1900, Cambridge, MA, 1963.
Melsen, Andrew G. Van. FromAtomos to Atom, New York, 1960.
Multhauf, Robert P. The Originsof Chemistry, London, 1966.
Partington, J.R. A Historyof Chemistry, 4 vols., London, 1961-70.
Thackray, Arnold. Atoms andPowers: An EssayonNewtonianMatter-Theory andthe DevelopmentofChemistry, London, 1970.
Toulmin, Steven and June Goodfield. The Architecture ofMatter, New York, 1962
Earth Sciences and Natural History
Blacker, C. and M. Loewe, eds. AncientCosmologies, London, 1975.
Collier K.B. Cosmogoniesof our Fathers, New York, 1934.
Davies G.L. The Earthin Decay London, 1969.
Geikie, A. The Foundersof Geology, London, 1897.
Greene, John C. The Deathof Adam Ames, IA 1959.
Haber, F.C. The Ageof the World:MosestoDarwin, Baltimore, 1959.
Mather, K.F. and S.L. Mason. ASource Book inGeology, New York, 1939.
Porter, Roy. The Makingof Geology: EarthScienceinBritain 1660-1815, Cambridge, 1977.
Rudwick, M.J.S. The Meaningof Fossils, London, 1972.
Toulmin, Steven and June Goodfield. The Discovery ofTime, London, 1965.
Zittel, K.A. von. Historyof Geology andPaleontology, trans. M.M. Ogilvie Gordon, London, 1901.
Boyer, Carl B. The Historyof the CalculusanditsConceptual Development, New York, 1959.
—–. A History ofMathematics New York 1968.
Cajori, F. A Historyof Mathematical Notations, 2 vols., LaSalle, IL, 1928-1929.
Gillings, R.J. Mathematicsin the Time ofthePharaohs, Cambridge, MA, 1972.
Grattan-Guinness, I., ed. Fromthe Calculus toSetTheory1630-1910, London, 1980.
Heath, Thomas Little. A Historyof GreekMathematics, Oxford, 1921.
Hofmann, J.E. The Historyof Mathematics, New York, 1957.
Klein, J. Greek MathematicalThought andtheOriginsof Algebra, Cambridge, MA,
Kline, Martin. MathematicalThought from AncienttoModernTimes, New York, 1972.
Menninger, K. Number Wordsand Number Symbols, Cambridge, MA, 1969.
Needham, Joseph. Scienceand Civilization inChina, vol. 3, Cambridge, 1959.
Neugebauer, Otto. The ExactSciences inAntiquity, Providence, RI, 1957.
Novy, L. Origins ofModern Algebra, Leiden, 1973.
Smith, D.E. A SourceBook in Mathematics, New York, 1929. Struik, Derek J. A Source Book inMathematics, Cambridge, MA, 1969.
van der Waerden, B.L. ScienceAwakening, Groningen, 1954.
Medicine Related Disciplines
Ackerknecht, E.H. A ShortHistory of Psychiatry, New York, 1968.
—–. Therapeutics Fromthe Primitivestothe20th Century, New York, 1973.
Cartwright, F.F. A SocialHistory of Medicine, London, 1977.
Clendening, L., ed. SourceBook of MedicalHistory, New York, 1942; reprint, 1960.
Edelstein, Ludwig. AncientMedicine, Baltimore, 1967.
Foucault, Michel. Madnessand Civilization: AHistoryofInsanity in theAgeof Reason, London, 1965.
Garrison, E.H. An Introductionto the HistoryofMedicine, Philadelphia, 1929.
Hunter, R. and I. Macalpine, eds. Three Hundred YearsofPsychiatry1535-1860, London, 1 963.
Long, E.R. A Historyof Pathology, New York, 1965.
McNeill, W.H. Plagues andPeoples, Garden City, NY, 1976.
Sigerist, H.E. Civilizationand Disease, Ithaca, 1943; reprinted Chicago, 1962.
—–. A History ofMedicine, New York, 1951-61.
Singer, Charles, and E. Ashworth Underwood. A Short HistoryofMedicine, London, 1962.
Wangensteen, O.H., and S.D. Wangensteen. The Rise ofSurgery:FromEmpiric Craft toScientificDiscipline, Minneapolis, MN, 1978.
Philosophy, Historiography, and Sociology of Science
Agassi, J. Towards anHistoriography ofScience, Monograph no. 2, Historyand Theory, 1963.
Barber, B. and W. Hirsch, eds. TheSociology ofScience, New York, 1962.
Barnes B. Sociology ofScience: SelectedReadings Harmondsworth 1972.
—–. Scientific Knowledgeand Sociological Theory, London, 1974.
Barnes, B. and S. Shapin, eds. NaturalOrder: HistoricalStudiesof Scientific Culture, London, 1 979.
Brush, Stephen G. “Should the History of Science be Rated X?”, Science, 183 (1974):1 164-72.
Bhaskar, R. The Possibilityof Naturalism Sussex 1979.
—–. A Realist Theoryof Science 2nd edn Sussex 1978
Buchdahl G. Metaphysics andthe PhilosophyofScience, Oxford, 1969.
Chalmers, A. What isthis Thing calledScience?, Milton Keynes, 1978.
Duhem, Pierre. The Aimand Structure ofPhysicalTheory, trans. P. Weiner, New York, 1962.
Feyerabend, Paul K. AgainstMethod, London, 1975.
—–. Problems ofEmpiricism, Cambridge, 1981.
Habermas, J. Knowledge andHuman Interests, London, 1972.
Hanson, Norwood Russell. Patternsof Discovery, Cambridge, 1958.
Harre, R. Philosophies ofScience, Oxford, 1972.
Harre, R. and E.H. Madden. CausalPowers, Oxford, 1975
Harre, R. and P. Secord. TheExplanation of SocialBehaviour Oxford 1972.
Hempel, C.G. Aspects ofScientific Explanation, New York, 1965.
Hesse Mary B. The Structureof ScientificInfluence London 1974.
Koyré, Alexandre. Metaphysicsand Measurement, London, 1968.
Kuhn, Thomas S. The Structureof ScientificRevolutions, 2nd edn., Chicago, 1970.
—–. “The History of Science”, in International Encyclopediaof the SocialSciences, D.L. Sills, ed., New York, 1968; reprinted in Kuhn, TheEssential Tension, Chicago, 1977, pp. 105-126.
Lakatos, Imre. “The Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes”, PhilosophicalPapers, vol. I, J. Worrall and G. Currie, eds., Cambridge, 1978.
Lemaine, G. et al., eds. Perspectiveson the EmergenceofScientificDisciplines, The Hague, 1976.
Lilley, S., ed. “Essays on the Social History of Science”, Centaurus, 3, Nos. 1 and 2, 1953.
Losee, J. An HistoricalIntroduction tothe Philosophy of Science, 2nd edn., Oxford 1980.
Merton, Robert K. Science,Technology and Societyin Seventeenth-CenturyEngland, New York, 1970.
—–. The Sociology ofScience: TheoreticalandEmpiricalInvestigations, N.W. Storer, ed., Chicago, 1973.
Nagel, E. The Structureof Science, London, 1961.
Polanyi, Michael. PersonalKnowledge, London, 1958.
Popper, Karl R. Conjecturesand Refutations, 3rd edn., London, 1969.
—–. The Logic ofScientific Discovery, New York, 1959.
—–. The Povertyof Historicism, 2nd edn., London, 1960.
—–. Objective Knowledge, Oxford, 1972.
Ryan, A., ed. The Philosophyof Social Explanation, Oxford, 1973.
Spiegel-Rosing, I. and D. de Solla Price, eds. Science, TechnologyandSociety:A Cross-Disciplinary Perspective, London, 1977.
Taylor, C. The Explanationof Behaviour, London, 1964.
Teich, Mig and R. Young, eds. ChangingPerspectives intheHistoryof Science, London, 1973.
Thackray, Arnold. “Science: Has its Present Past a Future?”, in HistoricalandPhilosophicalPerspectivesofScience, Roger Stuewer, ed., Minneapolis, 1970, pp. 112-27.
Toulmin, Stephen. Foresightand Understanding, Bloomington, IN, 1961.
—–. Human Understanding, vol. I, Oxford, 1972.
Winch, P. The Ideaof a Social Science, London, 1958.
Wright, G.H. von. Explanationand Understanding, London, 1971.
Physics and Physical Thought
Aiton, E.J. The VortexTheory of PlanetaryMotions, London and New York, 1972.
Burtt, E A. The MetaphysicalFoundations ofModernPhysicalScience, 2nd edn., London, 1050.
Cajori, F. A Historyof Physics, 2nd edn., New York, 1929.
Clagett, Marshall. The Scienceof MechanicsintheMiddle Ages, Madison, 1959.
Dijksterhuis, E.J. The Mechanizationof theWorldPicture, Oxford, 1961.
Grant, Edward. Physical Sciencein the MiddleAges, Cambridge, 1971.
Heilbron, John L. Elementsof Early ModernPhysics, Berkeley, 1981.
Hesse, Mary B. Forces andFields: A StudyofActionat a Distancein theHistoryof Physics, London, 1961.
Koyré, Alexandre. TheAstronomical Revolution:Copernicus,Kepler,Borelli, Transl. by R.E.W. Maddison, Paris, London, Ithaca, 1973.
—–. From the ClosedWorld to theInfiniteUniverse, Baltimore, 1957.
—–. Galilean Studies, Hassocks, Sussex, 1978.
Lindberg, David. Theoriesof Vision fromal-KinditoKepler, Chicago, 1976.
Magie, W.F. A SourceBook in Physics, New York, 1935.
Pedersen, Olaf, and M. Pihl. EarlyPhysics andAstronomy, London and New York, 1974.
Sabra, A.I. Theories ofLight from DescartestoNewton, Cambridge, 1981.
Sambursky, Samuel. The PhysicalWorld oftheGreeks, New York, 1956.
Schofield, Robert E. Mechanismand Materialism, Princeton, 1970.
Shapley, H., and H.E. Howarth, eds. A Source BookofAstronomy, New York, 1929.
Thackray, Arnold. Atoms andPowers, Cambridge, MA, 1970.
Westfall, Richard S. Forcein Newton’s Physics, London and New York, 1971.
: Major Printed Sources & Reprints:
Nicolas Copernicus
Baranowski, Henryk. Bibliografia Kopernikowska 1509-1955 Warsaw 1958.
Copernicus, Nicolas. Nicholas Copernicus: Complete Works, 3 vols., London, 1973-1985.
—–. Nikolaus Kopernikus Gesamtausgabe, 2 vols., Berlin-Munich, 1944-1949.
—–. Three Copernican Treatises, trans., ed., with an introduction by Edward Rosen, 2nd ed., New York, 1959.
—–. De Revolutionibus orbium coelestium, in Great Books of the Western World, vol. XVI, Chicago, 1952.
Tycho Brahe
Brahe, Tycho. Tychonis Brahe Dani Opera Omnia, J.L.E. Dreyer, ed., 15 vols., Copenhagen, 1913-1929.
—–. Tychonis Brahe Dani Epistolarum astronomicarum Uraniborg 1601.
—–. De Nova etnullius aevi memoria prius visa stella, Copenhagen, 1573, facs. ed., 1901.
—–. Astronomia instauratae mechanica, Wandsbeck, 1598, fasc. ed., Stockholm, 1901.
—–. Tycho Brahe’s Description of His Instruments and Scientific Work, Copenhagen, 1946.
Galileo Galilei
Galilei, Galileo. Le operedi Galileo Galilei, Antonio Favaro, ed., 20 vols., Florence, 1890-1909, repr. with additions, Florence, 1929-1939; 1965.
English Translations
—–. Dialogue on the Great World Systems, Giorgio de Santillana, ed., Chicago,
—–. Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, Stillman Drake, ed. and trans., Berkeley, 1953, rev. 1967.
—–. [Discourse on the] Two New Sciences, Stillman Drake, ed., intro., and trans., Madison, 1974.
—–. Discoveries and Opinions of Galileo, Stillman Drake, ed. and trans., New York, 1957.
—–. Galileo on Motion and on Mechanics [De Motu], I. Drabkin and Stillman Drake, ed. and trans., Madison, 1960.
—–. The Controversy on the Comets of 1618 (Discorso sulle comete and Il saggiatore), S. Drake and C.D. O’Malley, ed. and trans., Philadelphia, 1960.
—–. Galileo on Bodies in Water [Discorso], Stillman Drake, ed., Urbana, IL, 1960.
—–. Galileo andthe Scientific Revolution [La bilancetta], L. Fermi and G. Bernadini, trans., C.S. Smith, New York, 1961.
—–. Mechanics in Sixteenth-Century Italy [Dialogus de Motu], Stillman Drake and I. Drabkin ed. and trans., Madison, 1969.
—–. Sidereus nuncius, or the Sidereal Messenger, Galileo Galilei, trans with introduction, conclusion, and notes by Albert Van Helden, Chicago, 1989.
—–and other of Galileo’s shorter works.
Johannes Kepler
Caspar, Max. Bibliographia Kepleriana, Munich, 1936, rev. by Martha List, Munich, 1968.
Kepler, Johannes. Joannis Kepleri astronomi opera omnia, Christian Frisch, ed., 8 vols., Frankfurt-Erlangen, 1858-1871; repr. 1971- .
—–. Johannes Kepler Gesammelte Werke, Walther von Dych, Max Caspar, Franz Hammer, et al., Munich, 1937- .
—–. Dioptrice, facs., Cambridge, 1962.
—–. Dissertatio cumNuncio sidereo, facs. Munich 1964.
—–. Astronomia nova, Harmonice mundi, Astronomia pars optica, facs., Brussels, 1968.
—–. Somnium, facs., Osnabruck, 1969.
English Translations:
—–. Epitome of Copernican Astronomy, bks. IV and V, in Great Books of the Western World, XVI, Chicago, 1952.
—–. Harmonies of the World, bk. V, in Great Books of the Western World, XVI, Chicago, 1952.
—–. Mysterium Cosmographicum: The Secret of the Universe, A.M. Duncan trans., E.J. Aiton intro. and commentary, New York, 1981.
—–. Kepler’s Dream [Somnium], John Lear, ed., P. Frueh, trans., Berkeley, 1965.
—–. Kepler’s Somnium, Edward Rosen, trans., Madison, 1966.
—–. Kepler’s Conversation with Galileo’s Sidereal Messenger, Edward Rosen, trans., New York, 1965.
—–. The Six-Cornered Snow Flake, Colin Hardie, trans., Oxford, 1966.
—–. Astronomia Nova, William Donahue, trans., in press.
Other translations exist in German, French, and other modern languages.
René Descartes
Descartes, René. Oeuvresde Descartes, 12 vols., C. Adam and P. Tannery, eds., Paris, 1897-1913.
—–. Correspondance. Charles Adam and Gerard Milhaud, eds., Paris, 1936-63.
English Translations:
—–. The Geometry of René Descartes, [La Geometrie], trans. French and Latin, David Eugene Smith and Marcia L. Latham, La Salle, IL, 1952.
—–. The Philosophical Writings of Descartes, 2 vols., trans. John Cottingham, Robert Stoothoff, Dugald Murdoch, Cambridge, 1985, 1984.
—–. The Philosophical Works of Descartes, 2 vols., Elizabeth S. Haldane and G.R.T. Ross, Cambridge, 1968.
—–. The Scientific Work of RenéDescartes, J.F. Scott, ed., London, 1952.
—–. Le Monde, ou Traité de la lumière,The World, Michael S. Mahoney, trans. and ed., New York, 1979.
—–. Principles of Philosophy, Valentine R. Miller and Reese P. Miller, trans. and ed., Dordrecht, 1983.
—–. Treatise of Man: René Descartes, [l’Homme], French text with trans and commentary by Thomas Steele Hall, Cambridge, MA, 1972.
Isaac Newton
Wallace, Peter and Ruth Wallace. Newton and Newtoniana, 1672-1975, Folkestone, England, 1977.
Newton, Isaac. The Correspondence of Isaac Newton, 7 vols., H.W. Turnbull, J.F. Scott, and A.R. Hall, and Laura Tilling, Cambridge, 1959-1977.
—–. The Mathematical Papers of Isaac Newton, 8 vols., Derek T. Whiteside, ed., 1967-1981.
—–. Isaac Newton’s Papers & Letters on Natural Philosophy, T.S. Kuhn and I.B. Cohen, ed., Cambridge, MA, 1958.
—–. Isaac Newton’sPhilosophiae naturalis principia mathematica, the Third Edition(1726) with Variant Readings, 2 vols., prepared by A. Koyré, I.B. Cohen, and Anne Whitman, Cambridge, MA, 1972.
—–. Opticks, reprint with analytical table of contents by Duane H.D. Roller, New York, 1952.
—–. Optical Lectures, Alan E. Shapiro, ed., Cambridge, 1984- .
—–. Certain Philosophicall Questions: Newton’sTrinity Notebook, J.E. McGuire and Martin Tamny, eds., Cambridge, 1983.
—–. Newton’s Philosophy of Nature: Selections from His Writings, H.S. Thayer, New York, 1953.