Year | Book | Subject | Contribution |
1687 | Philosophia naturalis principia mathematica | Terrestial physics; celestial mechanics. | Revised edition, Cambridge, 1713; reprints, Amsterdam, 1714, 1723; London, 1726. Synthesis of terrestrial physics (three laws of motion) and celestial physics (universal gravitation). |
1704 | Optics | Phenomena of colors (reflection, refraction, etc.) the nature of light; experimentation. | First edition, English; Enlarged editions, 1706 (Latin), and 1717 and 1718 (English). Laws of reflection, refraction; experimental method; experimental physics. |
1711 | De analysi | Pure mathematics; calculus. | Foundational work on calculus. |
1717 & 1718 | Enumerato linearum tertii ordinis [1667] and Tractavus de uadratura curvarum | Pure mathematics; calculus. | Specific illustrations of his fluxions and fluents later generalized in the Methodus fluxionum. |
1736 [1671] | Methodus fluxionum et serierum infinitarum | Pure mathematics, fluxions. Calculus in more general terms. | Shows Newton's methods for fluxional calculus in more general terms that De analysi (1711), e.g., the method of quadrature and the inverse method of tangents. |