Year | Book | Subject | Contribution |
1596 | Mysterium Cosmographicum | Use of the 5 perfect solids to explain the solar system. | Illustrates 'old' side of Kepler. Since this idea failed it laid groundwork for his New Astronomy. |
1602 | De fundamentia Astrologise Certioribus | Astrology | Shows Kepler's views on astrology. He appears to accept judicial but not personal astrology. |
1604 | Astronomiae pars Optica | Optics | Presents a new theory of vision and an approximation to the laws of refraction. |
1609 | Astronomia Nova | Solar System; physical astronomy | Kepler's first law, the planetary orbit of Mars is an ellipse, and second law, the radius vector sweeps out equal areas in equal times. Introduced idea of 'force' into solar system. |
1611 | Dioptrice | Theory of Telescope | Theory of lenses and refraction. |
1615 | Nove Stereometric Doliorum | Mathematics | Approached the Concepts of infinitesimal calculus. |
1619 | Harmonice Mundi | Harmony of the World | Shows Kepler's harmonic thought. Kepler's third law |
1621 | Epitome Astronomiae Copernicanae | Physical Astronomy | Extended Kepler's three laws to the entire solar system. |
1627 | Rudolphine Tables | Astronomy | Provided most accurate astronomical tables available. Showed superiority of the Keplerian system based on Tycho's data. Vehicle of acceptance of the New Astronomy. |