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Ad Lectorem

A study guide is a useful thing, particularly in the history of science. Standing astride the ‘Two Cultures,’ the History of Science holds a unique but challenging position. Because it draws students equally from the sciences and humanities, attention must be given to basic elements of the historical tradition as well as to the rudiments […]

Pre-Classical & Classical Science

‘Pre-Scientific’ Thought: Frankfort’s view of myth: A subjective mode of explanation/description of Nature, based on an ‘I-Thou’ intimacy with Nature; hence, a highly individual approach to phenomena concentrating on specific aspects rather than general patterns. This approach was decisively overturned by the Pre-Socratics who developed a supposedly objective ‘I-It’ relation with Nature. Giorgio de Santillana’s […]

Egyptian Chronology

Problems in Egyptian chronology are as ancient as Egypt itself. Like all ancient kingdoms the recognition of the importance of accurate historical records in Egypt grew very slowly. (There were numerous reasons, principally political, for not keeping accurate records). Thus by the third century B.C. virtually all problems connected with Egyptian chronology were already known, […]

Observed Celestial Motions

Motion of sun on ecliptic, 1 degree/day, W to E; Moon, 12 degrees/day, W to E EW Sun-linked motion of inferior planets (max. elongational: 29 degrees and 47 degrees) EW Retrograde motion of superior planets. EW Figures represent motions of the sun, moon, and planets (looking south, for those in the northern hemisphere) against the […]