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Newtonian Mechanics

Momentum = mv, where m = inertial mass of the body, v = velocity of the body Newton’s Laws of Motion: Every body persists in its state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line, except or until that state is changed by some impressed force. The force acting on a body is […]

Halley’s Review of Newton’s Principia

Philosophia Naturalis Principia Mathematica, Autore Is. Newton Trin. Coll. Contab. Soc. Matheseos Professore Lucasiano, & Societatis Regalis Sodali. 4to. Londini. Prostat apud plures Bibliopolas. This incomparable Author having at length been prevailed upon to appear in publick, has in this Treatise given a most notable instance of the extent of the powers of the Mind; and has […]