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Ptolemaic & Copernican Equivalence

The Geometrical equivalence of the geostatic and heliostatic systems for representing apparent motions is often not sufficiently emphasized, though it is easily demonstrated. Superior Planets (Figure 1). In the Copernican hypothesis, O is the sun, B the earth–which revolves through any angle COB–and D is a planet which in the same period revolves through angle COD. […]

Copernicus’ Lunar Theory

Let O be the center of the Earth and the center of the lunar deferent GAE. Let A be the 7, center of the first (larger) epicycle BF . . ., and B the center of the second (smaller) epicycle CD . . . which carries the Moon. Copernicus postulated that A, the center of […]

Lysis to Hipparchus: Greetings!

A DELETED LETTER FROM COPERNICUS’ HOLOGRAPH COPY OF THE DE REVOLUTIONIBUS The letter which follows in translation–at once self-negating and ever-revealing–was intended by Copernicus to be a major document in his Introduction to his magnum opus, De revolutionibus orbium coelestiam (1543). That the original letter was spurious did not matter. Somehow, it was not printed […]