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Major Figures of the Scientific Revolution

Nicolas Copernicus (1473-1543) Astronomical Background. Ptolemaic astronomy, within the general framework of Aristotelian physics, dominated contemporary astronomical thought–a mathematical, non-observational approach concerned with ‘saving the phenomena’. Basic premises of ancient astronomy: Geostatic and geocentric cosmos. Celestial bodies possess uniform, circular motion around a central point. Celestial bodies are composed of a fifth element, the quintessence. […]

Conic Sections – Sections of a Cone

Studied since the time of Plato’s Academy, conic sections (sections of a cone: circles, ellipses, parabolas, hyperbolas) were brought to force during the Scientific Revolution to describe planetary paths and projectile trajectories. Apollonius of Perga (3rd century B.C.) was the first to treat conics rigorously, and his work was the basis of several of Newton’s […]