A Hundred Autumns to Live

A Hundred Autumns to Live: An Introduction to Hindu Traditions

The Hindu Temple of Atlanta, Riverdale.


  1. Introduction: The Forehead Marks
  2. Commonalities and Diversity: “Tradition” and “Traditions”
  3. “Lead me from darkness to light” : A search for the beginnings
  4. Epic and Puranic World views
  5. Gods and Goddesses
  6. “Dharma, when protected, protects us:” Dharma and Liberation in the Hindu Traditions
  7. Chapter 7
  8. Weaving Garlands of Love: Devotional Literature in the Hindu Traditions
  9. Philosophy in the Hindu Traditions
  10. Sacred Places and Temples – 1: History and Philosophy
  11. Sacred Places and Temples – 2: Worship and Pilgrimage
  12. Creating the Hindu Experience in the United States
  13. “Victory to Govinda who Lives in America”: Hindu Rituals to Sacralize the American Landscape
  14. Chapter 14
  15. “May We See a Hundred Autumns:” Life-Cycle Rituals in the Hindu Traditions
  16. Feasting and Fasting: Domestic Celebrations and Votive Rituals
  17. Well Being, Health, and Healing in the Hindu Traditions
  18. Reform, Revival, and Reinterpretation: Teachers, Activists, and Gurus in the 19th-20th Centuries
  19. Narrative, Music, and Dance in the Hindu Traditions
  20. Chapter 20