Book Project
Politics of the Deformed: the biology of non-citizens in Aristotle’s best state
The telos of both the natural world and human society is the fully actualized human male. The human female falls short of this telos in all respects: biological, ethical, and political. Natural slaves and craftsmen, through their assimilation to women, are also precluded from citizenship in Aristotle’s best state. (The January 2015 Arethusa article is derived from this project.)
Sculpture Project
As part of my research into ancient sculpting methods, I took a marble sculpture class in Carrara, Italy in summer 2014. I also participated in a demonstration of the ancient method of ‘pointing,’ using calipers, to transfer measurements from a plaster model to a stone block. The plan is to incorporate this research with my encaustic research (below) into a book on ancient Greek stone carving and painting methods.

Encaustic Project
Imaginative reconstruction through encaustic paint on stone of the draped panther-skin on back of the ‘Seated Dionysos,’ Athens, National Museum, 3711 (c. 520 B.C.). See my short Prezi on the project.