MAR 5620


Introduction to Managerial Statistics

Course Materials

Statistics for Managers (4th Ed), Levine, Stephan, Krehbiel, Berenson

PHSTAT (EXCEL add on that comes with text)

Course Description

Introduction to probability and statistics with applications to business decision making under uncertainty. Topics include: collecting and describing data, basic probability, random variables and probability distributions, decision analysis, hypothesis testing and interval estimation.

Grading Scale

  • In-class projects will total 20% (Bring laptop with PHSTAT to lectures)
  • Quizzes will each count 20%
  • Final Exam (Tuesday, Feb 22 @ 7:15PM) counts 40%.
  • You may bring a hand-written 4×6 index card for each quiz.
  • You may bring a hand-written 8.5×11 1-sided sheet for the final exam.

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