Advanced Managerial Statistics
Course Materials
Statistics for Managers (3rd /4th Ed), Levine, et al.
PHSTAT (EXCEL add on that comes with text)
Course Description
This course covers regression applications that help solve problems faced by managers. In particular, we will cover: simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, and time series analysis. Further, we will cover model description, testing, assumptions and their evaluations, and building. All aspects will be studied using computer package, with a minimum of hand calculations being made.
Grading Scale
- Attendance/Class Participation 10%
- In-Class Projects: 5% Each
- Quizzes: 15% Each
- Presentations: 15%
- Final Exam 30%
Course Policies
- Computers will be turned off during lectures. You may bring printed copies of course notes to class.
- Bring your computers to class each day, there will be class participation exercises on random days. Be sure you have the datasets from the PHSTAT package on your computer hard drive.