Regression Analysis
Course Materials
Applied Regression Analysis, 2nd. Ed. by Rawlings, Pantula, Dickey (e-book for UF Students)
Statistical Regression Analysis (Course Notes) Available at Target Copy
Course Description
This course provides a survey of theory and applications in linear regression analysis. A full treatment of the linear regression model is covered, focusing on results from mathematical statistics making use of matrix algebra. Computational methods will be used to analyze datasets based on “canned routines” as well as a matrix language.
Grading Scale
There will be three exams, each worth 25% and additional homework assignments worth 25%.
- A 93+
- A- 92.99-88
- B+ 87.99-83
- B 82.99-75
- B- 74.99-65
- C+ 64.99-5
Attendance/Exam/Assignment Policies:
While attendance is not taken, students are expected to attend lectures and participate in class. Make-up exams will only be considered with documented medical event or conference attendance (graduate students). Early exams will be given under no circumstances. Assignments are to be handed in during class on the date the assignment is due in paper format. Electronic submission of assignments will not be accepted. Turn off cell phones during classes.
Instructor: Larry Winner
Office Hours: TBA
E-mail: winner@stat.ufl.edu
Phone: (352) 273-2995
TA: Michael Kim Office Hours: TBA E-mail: michaelkkim@ufl.edu Office:
Regression Notes – New Version (Do not print this out on Department Copier!)