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GRW 6930

Spring 2007

Time and Location Demosthenes

Thursday Periods 9-11 (Classics Library)



  • MacDowell, D.M. 2003. Demosthenes Against Meidias. London: Duckworth Publishing.


  • Butcher, S.H., ed. 1985. Demosthenis Orationes. Vol. II, Part i. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • Liddell, H.G., and Robert Scott, eds. 1945. An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon, 7th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Smyth, H.W. 1920. Greek Grammar. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • BIBLIOGRAPHY (useful to consult as you begin research for your term paper).  This list is not exhaustive nor is it expected that you will be able to read all items during the course of the semester; rather it is intended to show you the main questions and topics on the Athenian democracy that are currently under investigation and provide you a starting point for your own research.

Course Description

A reading of Demosthenes 21 with particular attention to rhetorical methods of persuasion, the social dynamics of the disputing process, and the political and cultural impact of law on the Athenian democracy.  Topics to be explored will include citizenship, authority, punishment, and ideology.  In addition, students will gain a familiarity with new approaches to Greek law drawn from cultural studies, legal anthropology, legal studies, and political science.

Course Requirements

  • Weekly Assignments, approximately 6 OCT pages.
  • Class Participation (10%) based on attendance, participation in discussions, and translation of weekly assignments.
  • Presentations (10%) on classical scholarship.  Each student will be assigned a selection of scholarly articles and books to read and prepare a report to the class that will provide an overview of the arguments, summary of the evidence, and an analysis of the strengths and weakness of the theories advanced in the literature.
  • Two Hourly Examinations (25% each) on February 22 and April 5.
  • One Term Paper (30%), 8-10 pages, due on April 27.  No extensions.

Grading Scale

A = 90-100%
B+= 87-89.9%
B = 80-86.9%
C+ = 77-79.9%
C = 70-76.9%
D+ = 67-69.9%
D = 60-66.9%
E < 60%

Weekly Assignments

January 11: Introduction

January  18: Dem. 21.1-21

January 25: Dem. 21.22-44

February 1: Dem. 21.45-63

February 8: Dem. 21.64-84

February 15: Dem. 21.85-108

February 22: Dem. 21.109-115; Examination

March 1: Dem. 21.116-139

March 8: Dem. 21.140-162

March 15: Spring Break

March 22: Dem. 21.163-188

March 29: Dem. 21.189-215

April 5: Dem. 21. 216-227; Examination

April 12: Work on Paper

April 19: Work on Paper

April 27: Papers due