William Smith
Ph.D. Candidate
Areas of Interest/Research
- Latin prose
- Epistolography
- Digital Humanities
William Smith recently defendedĀ his dissertation, “Mors Honestissima: Cicero and Suicide Contemplation in the Late Republic.” After completing the Postbaccalaureate Program in Classics at UC Davis, William received his M.A. in Classics at Tufts University, writing his Master’s thesis on the maturation of Telemachos in Homer’s Odyssey. While at Tufts he contributed to the Perseus Project, developing syntactic analyses of Sallust, Thucydides, and Homer for the Greek and Latin Treebank Projects and instructing undergraduates in the use of Perseus. He enjoys teaching both the Greek and Latin Languages and has experience lecturing in Civilization and Mythology courses.
Contact Information
Email: wpsmithiii@ufl.edu
Phone: (352) 392-2075
Office: 207 ROL
Office Hours
M-W 5
Office Mailing Address
125 Dauer Hall
University of Florida
PO Box 117435
Gainesville, FLĀ 32611-7435