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Published and accepted papers

  • (With Y. Kifer) A nonconventional local limit theorem, J. Theor. Probab. 29 (2016), 1524-1553.

  • (With Y, KIfer) Berry-Esseen type estimates for nonconventional sums, Stoch. Proc. Appl. 126 (2016), 2430-2464.

  • (With Y. Kifer) Nonconventional polynomial CLT, Stochastics, 89 (2017), 550-591.

  • Stein’s method for nonconventional sums, Electron. Commun. Probab., Volume 23 (2018), paper no. 38, 14 pages.

  • (Book, with Y. Kifer) Nonconventional limit theorems and random dynamics, World Scientific, Singapore, 2018, 299 pages. Link

  • Nonconventional moderate deviations theorems and exponential concentration inequalities,  Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist., Vol. 56, No. 1, 428–448 (2020).

  • Limit theorems for some skew products with mixing base maps, ETDS,  Volume 41 , Issue 1 , January 2021 , pp. 241 – 271.

  • On the asymptotic moments and Edgeworth expansions for some processes in random dynamical environment,  J. Stat. Phys. 179 (2020), 945–971.

  • Limit theorems for some time dependent dynamical systems,  Nonlinearity 33, 6421  (2020).

  • A functional CLT for nonconventional polynomial arrays,  Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 40 (2020),  2827-2873.

  • (With D. Dragičević) Limit theorems for random expanding or Anosov dynamical systems and vector-valued observables, Ann. Henri Poincaré 21 (2020), 3869–3917 .

  • (With D. Dragičević) Almost sure invariance principle for random distance expanding maps with a nonuniform decay of correlations, Thermodynamic Formalism, CIRM Jean-Morlet Chair Subseries, Springer-Verlag (2021, edited by M. Pollicott and S. Vaienti),, 27 pages

  • On Eagleson’s theorem in the non-stationary setup, B. Lond. Math. Soc., Vol. 53, Issue 4, 2021,

  • A local limit theorem for number of multiple recurrences generated by some mixing processes with applications to Young towers, to appear in Journal d’Analyse Mathématique,  (72 pages).

  • (with  D. Dragičević) Almost sure invariance principle for random dynamical systems via Gouëzel ‘s approach, Nonlinearity 34 6337,  arXiv 1912.12332, 29 pages.

  • Limit theorems for random non-uniformly expanding or hyperbolic maps with exponential tails,  to appear in Ann. Henri Poincaré, (40 pages).

  • (With D. Dolgopyat)  Edgeworth expansions for independent bounded integer valued random variables, to appear in Stoch. Proc. Appl. (47 pages).

  • An almost sure invariance principle for some classes of non-stationary mixing sequences, arXiv:2005.02915, 12 pages, accepted to Stat. Prob. Lett.

  • (with D. Dolgopyat) A Berry-Esseen theorem and Edgeworth expansions for uniformly elliptic inhomogeneous Markov chains, Probability Theory and Related Fields, 186, 439–476, 2023 (38 pages), Link

  • (with D. Dragičević and J. Sedro) A vector-valued almost sure invariance principle for random expanding on average cocycles,, 41 pages (accepted to J. Stat. Phys).

  • Large deviations, moment estimates and almost sure invariance principles for skew products with mixing base maps and expanding on the average fiber maps, ETDS,  (41 pages).

  • Convergence rates in the functional CLT for alpha-mixing triangular arrays, Stoc. Proc. Appl (49 pages).

  • Explicit conditions for the CLT and related results for non-uniformly partially expanding random dynamical systems via effective RPF rates, accepted to Adv. Math,  (86 pages). See for a correction of a few misprints.

  • (With D. Dolgopyat) Rates of convergence in CLT and ASIP for sequences of expanding maps  (40 pages), accepted to PTRF 
  • (with D. Dragičević) Iterated invariance principle for random dynamical systems, (35 pages),  accepted to Nonlinearity


  • A vector valued almost sure invariance principle for time dependent non-uniformly expanding dynamical systems, arXiv 1910.12792, 21 pages.

  • On the functional CLT for slowly mixing triangular arrays,, 13 pages.

  • (with D. Dolgopyat) Edgeworth expansions for integer valued additive functionals of uniformly elliptic Markov chains,, 30 pages.

  • Non-uniform Berry-Esseen theorems and Edgeworth expansions for weakly dependent random variables, preprint, arXiv:2210.07204 (59 pages).

  • Spectral methods for limit theorems for random expanding transformations, (41 pages).

  • (with D. Dragičević) Effective quenched linear response for random dynamical systems, (54 pages).

  • (with D. Dolgopyat) Local limit theorems for expanding maps, (64 pages) 

Old versions

  • A sequential RPF theorem and its applications to limit theorems for time dependent dynamical systems and inhomogeneous Markov chains, preprint, arXiv 1903.04018, 49 pages [this paper was partially absorbed in ].

  • Complex projective metrics on Young towers, countable shifts and other countable expanding maps, preprint, arXiv 1905.01622, 26 pages [this paper was partially incorporated in arXiv 2003.08528 and arXiv 2008.06024].