Ph.D. University of Idaho, 2006
- Google scholar citations
- Open Access metrics: @Impactstory
- ORCID ID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID)
- Office: 309 Carr Hall
- Phone: (352)-392-2784
- josemi@ufl.edu
- Lab webpage
- twitter: @josemiponciano
Updated (2020) website
Updated CV-May 2020
Research Interests
My research focuses on the use of stochastic processes in Biology. I view stochastic processes and statistics as the ideal language to translate fundamental questions in Biology into testable hypotheses that can be confronted with real data. This research focus grew from the the application of stochastic processes in Ecology, Population Genetics and Evolution, to Wildlife Management, Conservation Biology and Fisheries, to Epidemiological modeling, Microbial Community Ecology, Population Genetics and Phylogenetics. Early in my academic formation as a Biologist I recognized the importance of Mathematics in Biology. I traded the field boots for paper, pencils, lots of erasers and countless hours of programming! The journey has been both, fascinating and rewarding. Here you’ll find links to publications, projects and working ideas from my Lab at University of Florida. Students in my lab are either mathematicians/statisticians learning biology or biologists learning math and stats.
- 2006,PhD Bioinformatics and Comp. Bio., Math Dept. at University of Idaho
- 2004, Ms Statistics, University of Idaho
- 2001, Ms Ecology, Universidad Austral de Chile
- 1998, BS Biology and Licenciatura at the Universidad del Valle de Guatemala
Research Keywords
- Statistical and Theoretical Ecology
- Population dynamics and State Space Models
- Stochastic processes in Ecology, Evolution and Phylogenetics
Personal website
Mailing address:
Department of Biology
University of Florida
P.O. Box 118525
Gainesville, FL 32611-7320.