
27th South Eastern Analysis Meeting and John Conway Day

17-19 March 2011

  • Slides of the talks are now available. If you would like to add your to the list, please send it to Scott as a .pdf file.
  • Scheudle and abstracts
  • SEAM 28 will be held at the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa.
  • SEAM 29 will be held at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg.

    The Southeastern Analysis Meeting (SEAM) promotes interaction between researchers and encourages research and education in the field of analysis. The meeting has a rich history and its main purpose is to bring together experienced researchers, junior faculty, and graduate students to discuss recent work and advances in Operator Theory, Classical Complex Analysis, Harmonic Analysis, Function Theoretic Operator Theory, and related areas.

    SEAM 27 will be held in conjuction with John Conway Day on Thursday March 17, 2011 on the occassion of his coming retirement in recognition of his influence on function theoretic operator theory, his many students and collaborators, and for contributions to SEAM.

    The combined meeting will take place on the University of Florida campus from the morning of March 17 through the afternoon of March 19, 2011.

SEAM Plenary Speakers

John Conway Day featured speakers

Social Activities

  • John Conway Day reception. Thursday late afternoon in the Keene Faculty Center.
  • Lunch for women participants hosted by Wing on Friday.
  • SEAM XXVII Banquet. Friday evening at the Arredondo room in the Reitz Union. The banquet will be $25 payable at the meeting either in cash or check payable to the UF Mathematics Department.
  • Trip to the Alachua Sink on the La Chua trail on Sunday morning, leaving the math building (Little Hall) at 8:45 and returning at 10:45. Sponsored by the Alachua County visitors bureau. There will be a sign up sheet at the conference.

Information and Announcements

  • SEAM 27 is supported by the Department of Mathematics, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and Graduate School at the University of Florida; Georgia Tech; the Alachua County Visitors Bureau; and the National Science Foundation.
Last updated 10 March at 11am.