Areas of Interest/Research
Ergodic theory. Elementary Number theory.
Expository Mathematics
The Usually Useful Pamphlets page
has short notes, primarily at the undergraduate level,
in Elementary Number Theory, Combinatorics, Algebra & Linear Algebra,
Analysis, Calculus & Differential Equations,
and two short notes on Euclidean Geometry.
Robert Long Prize
The Robert Long Prize is an essay
competition open to all UF undergraduates and graduate students.
Contact Information
Office Hours currently are listed at Prof. King’s schedule,
Office hours may change during the semester.
Office: 402 Little Hall (“Maximize x, y and z.”)
Eddress: squash AT ufl DOT edu
Phone: 352-294-2314 (Except during office-hours, email is better than phoning,
as I do not pick-up phone messages remotely.)
Mailing address:
Mathematics Department
University of Florida
P.O. Box 118105
Gainesville, FL 32611-7320
Math Dept. homepage, at UF.
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