Combinatorics Learning Seminar

If you are interested in speaking for this seminar please contact or

Spring 2025 Schedule

Meetings take place in LIT 423 on Mondays during Period 6 (12:50 – 1:40 PM).

Date Meeting Information
10 Feb. Speaker: several volunteers

Title: Combinatorics PhD Exam solutions session

Abstract: Several students will take turns presenting their solutions to problems from previous Combinatorics PhD Exams at UF.

17 Feb. Speaker: Fatima Akinola

Topic: TBA

24 Feb. Speaker: TBA
3 March Speaker: TBA
10 March Speaker: TBA
24 March Speaker: TBA
31 March Speaker: TBA
7 April Speaker: TBA
14 April Speaker: TBA

Fall 2024 Schedule

Meetings take place in LIT 423 on Fridays during Period 7 (1:55 – 2:45PM).

Date Meeting Information
13 Sept. Speaker: Adam Gregory

Topic: Presenting an open problem

Abstract: Given a permutation w, we consider three sets:
PD(w), BPD(w), and KD(w). There are some recent bijections
F: BPD(w) to PD(w) and G: PD(w) to KD(w).
We request an explicit bijection H: BPD(w) to KD(w) such that H=G◦F.
This talk will expose you to these very interesting sets of objects & maps between them, and along the way we’ll see a few fundamental combinatorial objects to know about, like ‘reduced words’.

20 Sept. Speaker: Adam Gregory

Topic: Open problems on flattened Stirling permutations

Abstract: In 1978, Gessel and Stanley defined a Stirling permutation of size n to be a permutation of the multiset {1,1,…,n,n} that avoids the pattern 212. These objects are in bijection with rooted increasing plane trees and enumerated by (2n-1)!!. Last year, Buck et al. called a Stirling permutation flattened if the leading terms for each of its ascending runs are in weakly increasing order. They showed that flattened Stirling permutations are in bijection with type B set partitions and hence enumerated by the Dowling numbers. We present two lines of research: (1) identify the subset of rooted increasing plane trees that correspond to flattened Stirling permutations, and (2) define a notion of flatness for quasi-Stirling permutations, which are the pre-image of the aforementioned map applied to all rooted plane trees (removing the increasing requirement).

talk notes

27 Sept. No meeting due to hurricane Helene
4 Oct. Speaker: Josh Arroyo

Topic: Introduction to RSK and other Insertion Algorithms

Abstract: Insertion algorithms are bijections between words and combinatorial objects, defined such that the combinatorial objects are constructed iteratively from the word. The Robinson-Schensted-Knuth algorithm is a bijection between permutations and pairs of standard Young tableaux of the same shape. In this talk we will go over how the algorithm functions and what properties it captures. Time permitting, we will discuss different variants of RSK and other insertion algorithms.

11 Oct. No meeting due to hurricane Milton
18 Oct. No meeting due to Homecoming
25 Oct. Speaker: Valentino Vito

Topic: Introduction to asymmetric hypergraphs

Abstract: A graph G is called asymmetric if it admits no non-identity automorphisms. Erdős and Rényi famously showed that almost all graphs are asymmetric. The graph G is said to be minimal asymmetric if it is asymmetric and every non-trivial induced subgraph of G is symmetric. Confirming a conjecture of Nešetřil, Schweitzer and Schweitzer proved that there are only finitely many, namely 18, minimal asymmetric graphs up to isomorphism. Jiang and Nešetřil later constructed infinitely many minimal asymmetric k-uniform hypergraphs for k > 2. Afterward, Bohnert and Winter modified their construction so that the hypergraphs further satisfy a few desirable properties. In this talk, we will discuss their results and present relevant open problems. No familiarity with hypergraphs will be assumed.

1 Nov. Speaker: Dmitrii Smorchkov

Topic: Introduction to extremal combinatorics with probabilistic flavor: Relations to Complex Networks

Abstract: Given random Erdos-Renyi graph $G_n(p)$, what is the smallest probability of the edge such that for large $n$ almost all graphs are connected? Largest probability for not having triangles? We discuss the methodology of answering such classical questions and discuss proper/rainbow colorings.

8 Nov. Speaker: Michael Coopman

Topic: Boltzmann Samplers

Abstract: Given a combinatorial family of objects, it is helpful to visualize what a typical large element would look like. However, uniformly selecting an element of a fixed size can be difficult, even if the generating function for the family is known. Boltzmann samplers provides an alternative approach to sampling. It allows for a quick way to sample a family with a known generating function (or even just its functional recurrence) at the cost of controlling the size. This talk will provide an overview of Boltzmann samplers, the advantages of them, and ways to alleviate their limitations.

15 Nov. TBA
22 Nov. TBA