
Visit the UF Anthropology Youtube Page to learn more about Dr. Kane’s research.

Interests: Transnationalism, Migration, the Politics of Diaspora and Belonging, Religion and Mobility.

Abdoulaye Kane associate Professor of Anthropology and African Studies at the University of Florida. He earned his Ph.D. in Anthropology in 2001 from the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Dr. Kane specializes in international migration and transnationalism with an emphasis on Africa and more specifically the Sahel region (Senegal, Mauritania, and Mali). He is currently working on a book manuscript exploring transnational religious circuits connecting Senegalese Sufi Orders to their followers in Europe via North Africa (Morocco). At the center of his explorations is the experience of Senegalese Tijani religious leaders and their followers in building annual travelling circuits and religious events reinforcing religious practices and belonging in a global context. Dr. Kane teaches courses on Transnationalism, International Migration, Global Connections, Africans Abroad, and Anthropology of Modern Africa.






Kane A. & Leedy T. (eds), African Migrations: Patterns and Perspectives, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 2013, 301p.

Dilger H., Kane A. & Langwick S. (eds), Medicine, Mobility, and Power in Global Africa: Transnational Health and Healing, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 2012, 348p.

Kane, A., Tontines, caisses de solidarité et banquier ambulants. Univers des pratiques financières informelles au Sénégal et dans la Diaspora [Tontines, Solidarity Funds and Mobile Bankers : The Universe of Informal Financial Practices in Senegal and in the Diaspora,]  l’Harmattan, Paris, 2010, 250p.



Kane A., “Charity and Self-Help. Migrants’ Social Networks and Health Care in the Homeland.” Anthropology Today, Vol. 26, No 4, August 2010, pp. 8-12.

Kane, A. “Les diasporas africaines et la mondialisation.” In Horizons Maghrébins, no 53/2005, Presses Universitaires du Mirail, pp. 54-61.