Time and Location
M, T, W, R, F 3 (11:00am)
Description and Goals
College algebra, functions, coordinate geometry, exponential and logarithmic functions, and trigonometry. This fast-paced course is designed as a review of algebra and trigonometry to prepare the student for calculus, in particular, MAC2311 Calculus 1 for engineering and science majors.
A minimum grade of C (not C-) in MAC1147 satisfies four hours of the general education requirement and also satisfies the pure math portion of the state Writing/Math requirement. Note: A student can receive at most four credits for taking both MAC1147, and MAC1140 or MAC1114, and at most five credit hours for taking MAC1147, MAC1140, and MAC1114. Students who successfully complete this course (C or better) can advance directly to MAC2311, Analytical Geometry and Calculus 1.
Students who desire a slower pace may take MAC1140 Precalculus Algebra followed by MAC1114 Trigonometry. The sequence of both MAC1140 and MAC1114 covers the same material and uses the same text as the one semester, faster paced course, MAC1147, Precalculus Algebra and Trigonometry.
Students taking this course for general education credit or the pure math portion of the Writing/Math requirement, and who do not need precalculus for their major or as preparation for calculus, might consider taking MGF1106, MGF1107, or MAC1105. For more information on math courses and math advisors go to http://www.math.ufl.edu.
Syllabus and Calendar
MAC 1147 Book HW Assignments Summer B 14
Grading Scale
A = 350-315 points (90%)
A – = 314-305 points (87%)
B+ = 304-294 points (84%)
B = 293-280 points (80%)
B – = 279-270 points (77%)
C+ = 269-259 points (74%)
C = 258-245 points (70%)
C- = 244-235 points (67%)
D+ = 234-224 points (64%)
D = 223-210 points (60%)
D- = 209-200 points (57%)
E = below 200 points