General Information
MAC 2233 is the rst in the two semester sequence MAC 2233 and MAC 2234 surveying the important ideas of calculus but emphasizing its applications to business, economics, life and social sciences. The course covers important precalculus topics: basics of functions and graphing, specic functions and their applications as models (linear, quadratic, rational, exponential and logarithmic) as well as calculus: limits, the denition of the derivative, dierentiation techniques, applications of the derivative including rates of change, curve sketching, and optimization, introduction to integration and its applications including area and total change.
A minimum grade of C (not C ) in MAC 2233 satises three credits of the university General Education quantitative requirement, and three hours of the state Writing/Math requirement.
This is an ONLINE VERSION of MAC 2233 all content is delivered online. Students view 35 online lectures in the course management system CANVAS, and complete online homework and quizzes using MyMathLab software. Students are encouraged to post questions and answers on the course discussion board in CANVAS. Three semester exams and a nal are posted in CANVAS and administered through
Class materials and important announcements are posted on Canvas.
Course Materials
Lecture notes are available for download on Canvas.
Assignment grades will be available on Canvas. Course grades will be available on ISIS at the end of the semester. Assignment grade descriptions are in the syllabus.
Please do not email asking a question about a grade. Use Canvas instead for these type of conversations. Due to FERPA we can not talk about your grades over the email.