MWF 3rd period (9:35 – 10:25am) Section 5590 – LIT 205 – FALL 2015
INSTRUCTOR:Krishnaswami Alladi OFFICE HOURS:M,W – 6th period (12:50 – 1:40pm) in LIT 304 and by appointment.
PREREQUISITES:grade of C or better in MAC 2312, MAC 2512 or MAC 3473.
TEXT:Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems by Dennis G. Zill and Warren S. Wright, 8-th Edition, Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning.
Material to be covered: Chapters 1 – 7. GRADING:The course grade will be based on Four in-class tests each worth 25% of the grade. 4 x 25% = 100% total
ACADEMIC HONESTY:The course will be conducted in accord with the University honor code and academic honesty policy which can be found in the Students Rights and Responsibilities which is part of the Student Handbook.
ACCOMMODATION FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES:Students requesting classroom accommodation must first register with the Dean of Students Office. The Dean of Students Office will provide documentation to the accommodation. See Disability Resource Center for further information. |