(in press) Nguồn gốc và sự hình thành giọng Quảng Nam – Quang Nam phonology and sound change through contact. 2nd edition. Danang City: Danang Publishing House.
(2023) Thanh điệu tiếng Việt – một phân tích mới (Translator, English to Vietnamese “Vietnamese tone – a New Analysis” 2003, Routledge), 305 pages. Ho Chi Minh City: Dan Tri and Khai Tam Publisher.
(2022). Nguồn gốc và sự hình thành giọng Quảng Nam – Quang Nam phonology and sound change through contact, (310 pages in Vietnamese with Preface, Table of Contents and a summary for each chapter in English). 1st edition, 2nd printing. Danang city: Danang Publishing House.
(2018) Hãy nhảy cùng em – Dance with me. A bilingual collection of poems by Pham, A. H. and Lola Haskins. Translator, Vietnamese to and from English. Danang city: Danang Publishing House.
(2003) Vietnamese Tone – A New Analysis. New York: Routledge.
(1997) Tiếng Mẹ [Mother’s Voice]. Collection of poems. Toronto.
(2018) Hãy nhảy cùng em – Dance with me. A bilingual collection of poems by Pham, A. H. and Lola Haskins. English adaptation by L. Haskins. Danang city: Danang Publishing House.
(in press). Pham, A. H. & Andrew T. Pham. “Tone-Register Harmony in Vietnamese Reduplication – a Reassessment with a Statistical Analysis”. In LACUS (Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States) FORUM 47.
(submitted). Pham, A. H. & Andrew T. Pham. “New Media – New Narrative?”. Paper submitted to Journal of Sciences, Languages and Cultures, University of Foreign Languages and International Studies, Hue city.
(submitted). Pham, A. H. & Andrew T. Pham. “Social Variation in Attitude in the Use of Vietnamese Personal Pronouns – a Statistical Analysis”. Referred Proceedings, 6th International Conference on Vietnamese Studies, Vietnam National University, October 15-16, 2021. Hanoi.
“Về một trang trong Hơi thở trong bàn tay của Thái Hạo” [Linguistic analysis of an excerpt from Thai Hao’s 2024 book Hơi thở trong bàn tay]. Tiếng Việt – Văn Việt – Người Việt [Vietnamese language, literature and People]. Vietnam Agriculture magazine, pp. 8-9, August 5.
““Ngôn ngữ học Lịch sử và giọng Quảng Nam” [Historical Linguistics and Quang Nam Phonology]. Journal of Sciences, 3: 2(10), pp. 108-119. Danang city: Dong A University Press.
“Về phụ âm xát môi-môi ở thổ ngữ Kênh Thuỷ, Thanh Hoá” [On the voiced bilabial approximant in Kenh Thuy subdialect of Thanh Hoá]. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Trends of Modern Linguistics: Theoretical and Applied”, organized by University of Foreign Languages. Hanoi, Vietnam, pp. 913-923.
“Về việc tiếng Việt có 6 hay 8 thanh và ích lợi gì trong đời sống” [The issue of a six-tone or eight-tone system in Vietnamese and implications], In Tiếng Việt-Văn Việt-Người Việt [Vietnamese language, literature, and people], Nông Nghiệp [Vietnamese Agriculture]. January 1.
Pham, A. H. & Mark Alves. “Vietnamese onomatopoeia”. In Onomatopoeia in the World languages, published in Mouton de Gruyter’s prestigious series Comparative Handbooks of Linguistics (CHL), edited by Edith Moravcsik and Andrej Malchukov, pp. 331-344.
“Giọng Vĩnh Thịnh trên báo chí và sự thật từ tư liệu” [Vinh Thinh dialects in published essays and the truth from fieldwork data”. In Tiếng Việt-Văn Việt-Người Việt [Vietnamese language, literature, and people], Nông Nghiệp [Vietnamese Agriculture] magazine. August 27.
“Synchronic evidence for diachronic hypothesis: Vietnamese palatals.” In LACUS 2013 (Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States) FORUM 39:215-233.
“Kỳ thị giới tính qua việc dùng cặp từ xưng hô anh-em” [Gender discrimination through the use of address terms “anh-em” among couples]. In Tiếng Việt-Văn Việt-Người Việt [Vietnamese language, literature, and people], Nông Nghiệp [Vietnamese Agriculture] magazine. Dec 3.
“Yêu cầu của chứng cứ ngôn ngữ trong các giả thuyết về ngôn ngữ” [Importance of linguistic evidence in linguistic hypotheses]. In Tiếng Việt-Văn Việt-Người Việt [Vietnamese language, literature, and people] column, Nông Nghiệp [Vietnamese Agriculture] magazine, October 22.
“Tính khả thi của giả thiết trong nghiên cứu khoa học” [Testability of a scientific hypothesis]. Tiếng Việt-Văn Việt-Người Việt [Vietnamese language, literature, and people] column, Nông Nghiệp [Vietnamese Agriculture] magazine, October 6.
“Quang Nam phonology” In Khoa học và Phát triển [Science and Development] magazine, Special Issue. 61-100. Danang, September.
“Về bài báo Hãy bỏ quan điểm lịch sử xem sông Hồng là trung tâm” [Remarks on “It is time to change the view of Hong River Delta being the center of Vietnamese civilization]. Tiếng Việt-Văn Việt-Người Việt [Vietnamese language, literature, and people] column, Nông Nghiệp [Vietnamese Agriculture] magazine, September 15.
“Ngôn ngữ kỳ thị” [Discriminating Language]. In Tiếng Việt-Văn Việt-Người Việt [Vietnamese language, literature, and people] column, a special issue of Nông Nghiệp [Vietnamese Agriculture] magazine, August 31.
“Poetry Translation from a Tonal Language (Vietnamese) to a Non-tonal Language (English)”, Delos: A Journal of Translation and World Literature, Vol. 35:2, pp. 128-140. University of Florida Press.
“Contact-induced change and the phonemicization of the vowel /a/ in Quang Nam Vietnamese”. In Historical Linguistics 2017, Bridget Drinka (ed.), pp. 432-451. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
“Productive Reduplication in Southern Vietnamese”, Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society (JSEAL) 13:2, pp. i-x. (2nd author Andrew Anh Pham)
“Sociolinguistic variation in attitudes to pronoun use among couples in southern Vietnam – a statistical analysis”. In Enfield, N., Sidnell, J., & Zuckerman, C. (eds.) The Anthropology of Language in Mainland Southeast Asia. Hawaii: Journal of Southeast Asian Linguistic Society, pp. 111-121. With Andrew Anh Pham.
(2019) “Vietnamese dialects – A case of sound change through contact”, in Duffel, Nigel, Trang Phan and Tue Trinh (eds.) Interdisciplinary perspectives in Vietnamese Linguistics, pp. 31-66. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
(2018) “Đôi điều khi dịch cuốn thơ Hãy nhảy cùng em” [Some issues during the translating of Hãy nhảy cùng em]. In Pham, A. H. and Lola Haskins Hãy nhảy cùng em – Dance with me, pp.228-239. Danang: Danang Publishing House.
(2016) “Sự biến âm trong vần tiếng Việt: thổ ngữ làng Hến, huyện Đức Thọ, tỉnh Hà Tĩnh [Sound change in Vietnamese rhymes: the dialect of Hến Village of Đức Thọ District, Hà Tĩnh Province]”. Ngôn Ngữ Học (Journal of Vietnamese Linguistics), vol. 11, 7-28. Hanoi.
(2016) “French loanwords in Vietnamese: the role of input language phonotactics in loanword adaptation”, in Adam Albright, Michelle Fullwood (eds.) Proceedings of the 2014 annual meeting on Phonology. Linguistic Society of America. With Kang, Yoonjung and Benjamin Storme.
(2014) “Ngôn ngữ biến đổi và số phận của nguyên âm /a/ trong giọng Quảng Nam [Issues in Language change and the phonemic status of /a/ in the Quang Nam dialect].” Ngôn Ngữ Học (Journal of Vietnamese Linguistics), vol. 6, 10-18. Hanoi.
(2009) The identity of non-identified sounds- glottal stop, prevocalic :w: and tripthongs in Vietnamese. Proceedings of the 3rd Toronto Workshop on East Asian Languages in Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics (TWPL),Vol 34. University of Toronto Press.
(2008) The Non-Issue of Dialect in Teaching Vietnamese. Journal of Southeast Asian Language Teaching (JSEALT), Vol 14, pp 1-17.
(2008) “Is there a prosodic word in Vietnamese?” Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics (TWPL), Vol 29, 1-29.
(2007) “Cliticization in casual speech in Vietnamese” Cahiers de linguistique – Asie Orientale. Vol 36 (2), 219-244. Paris.
(2007) “Visual techniques to teach Vietnamese Sounds” Proceedings “Toi Khong Hieu: Improving Students’ Speaking Success in Vietnamese”, University of Maryland & Foreign Service Institute, Washington, D.C.
(2006) “Vietnamese Rhyme.” Southwest Journal of Linguistics, Vol 25, 107-142.
(2005) “Vietnamese tonal system in Nghi Loc dialect – a preliminary report” Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics (TWPL)– Special Issue on Similarity in Phonology, Vol. 24, 183-201.
(2003) “The key phonetic properties of Vietnamese tone: a reassessment.” Proceedings of 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Barcelona, Spain, 2003. CD-ROM, M. J. Sole, D. Recasens and J. Romeo (eds).
(2002) “Gender in addressing and self-reference in Vietnamese“, in M. Hellinger and H. Bussman (eds) Gender Across Languages, 281-312, Vol 2, Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
(2001) A phonetic study of Vietnamese tones: Reconsideration of the Register Flip-Flop rule in reduplication. In Linguistics in Potsdam, Vol 12, 140 -158, Caroline Fery, Antony Dubach Green and Ruben van de Vijver (eds.) Proceedings of HILP5, Potsdam: Universitatsbibliothek.
(2000) “Vietnamese learners: Markedness Differential Hypothesis and English consonants.” Proceedings of GASLA IV, p.152-162. University of Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania.
(2000) “Vietnamese reduplication: phonetics-phonology mismatch of tones.” In the Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Linguistics Association 1999, Jensen, John and Gerard Van Herk (eds.), p. 213-224. Ottawa: Cahiers Linguistiques d’Ottawa.
(2000) “Cognate objects in Vietnamese transitive verbs.” Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics (TWPL), Vol.17, 1999, p.173-184.
(1998) “The Coronal-Velar relationship in Vietnamese: a prosodic account.” Asia Pacific Language Research Vol 1, 1998 Paul Watters (ed), Australia: Cassowary Computing Publisher.
(1997) “The Coronal-Velar relationship in Vietnamese”, MA Thesis, University of Toronto.
(2019) Five Conversations between Vietnamese and American Poems. Delos – A Journal of Translation and World Literature. 34:2, pp. 145-162. University of Florida Press. With Lola Haskins.
(2018) Chiến thắng đầy tổn thất, translated “A Pyhrric Defeat” by Andrew Nguyen to Vietnamese, in Pham and Haskins 2018, pp. 125-127. Danang: Danang Publishing House.
(2013) Hãy nhảy với em tới cùng tận cơn đau [Dance with me to the end of pain] and “Surfing”, in Văn K1 – Từ Cư Xá đến Giảng Đường (Văn K1 – from Dormitory to Lecture Hall), Huỳnh et al edited, p. 237. Da Nang: Da Nang Publisher.
(2013) “Đi Thực Tế” [A field trip], in Văn K1 – Từ Cư Xá đến Giảng Đường [Văn K1 – Dormitory to Lecture Halls], a collection of poems and short stories, Huỳnh Y. T. M, Phạm, A. H. and Lý A. T. (eds.), 67-75. Da Nang: Da Nang Publisher.
(2011) Những buổi trưa thơm [Scented Noons], poem, in Pháp Uyển 3. p. 118. Da Nang: Da Nang Publisher.
(2007) “Người Việt xa xứ – “lời” vì được ăn hai cái Tết” [Overseas Vietnamese – how lucky to be able to celebrate New Year twice]. Thanh Nien Online, January 16, 2007.
(2006) “Đêm Paris Cuối Cùng” [The last night in Paris], “Những buổi trưa thơm” [Aroma of noons], poems, Thanh Nien Online Magazin, Literature section, July 10, 2006.
(2003) “Thông Điệp Nguyễn Bính” (Nguyen Binh’s Message). In Thơ Nguyễn Bính và Những Lời Bình (Nguyễn Bình’s Poetry: Commentaries and Critiques), Vũ Thanh Việt (ed), 103-111. Hanoi: Văn Hoá Thông Tin Publishing, with Nguyễn Phan Cảnh.
(2002) “Trần Huyền Trân, Nhà Thơ Kết Thúc Phong Trào Thơ Mới” (Tran Huyen Tran, the last poet of the “New Poetry” movement), in Thơ Trần Huyền Trân (Tran Huyen Tran’s Selected Poems), Trần Kim Bang (ed), 220-223. Hanoi: Van Hoc Publisher. (Reprinted from Saigon Giải Phóng, No 4287, April 29, 1989, Saigon). With Nguyễn Phan Cảnh.
(2001) “Bài Không Tên” (Untitled) and “Vó Ngựa Ô” (The Black horse’s footprints), poems, in Giao Mùa, Hồ Thế Hà & Phạm Phú Phong (eds), 11-12. Huế: Thuận Hoá Publisher. 1997.
(1992) “Gặp gỡ Trần Huyền Trân” (Meeting with the poet Tran Huyen Tran), Kiến Thức Ngày Nay, No 90, August 15. 1992. With Nguyễn Phan Cảnh.
(1992) “Số Phận Bùi Giáng” (The Destiny of the Poet Bui Giang), Vietnam Hải Ngoại, California, No 250, August. 1992. With Nguyễn Phan Cảnh.
(1989) “Nghệ Thuật Thơ Ngân Giang” (The Art of Ngan Giang’s poems), Kiến Thức Ngày Nay, No 90, August. With Nguyễn Phan Cảnh.
(1989) “Thơ Trần Huyền Trân” (Poems by Tran Huyen Tran, Introduction by Andrea Hoa Pham). Thanh Nien No 33. August 6. Saigon.
(1989) “Lần Cuối Cùng Gặp Thi Sĩ Trần Huyền Trân” (Last Meeting with Poet Tran Huyen Tran). Khánh Hoà Chủ nhật, August. Khanh Hoa Sunday.
(1989) “Chế Lan Viên, Ngôi Sao Lạ Đã Đi Qua Bầu Trời Thơ Việt” (Che Lan Vien – a unique star in the Sky of Vietnamese Poetry), Kiến Thức Ngày Nay, No 15, July. With Nguyễn Phan Cảnh.
(1989) “Thơ Chế Lan Viên” (Poems by Che lan Vien with Commentary by Andrea Hoa Phạm). Thanh Nien No 27. June 6. Saigon.
(1989) “Trần Huyền Trân, Nhà Thơ Kết Thúc Phong Trào Thơ Mới” (Tran Huyen Tran, the ending of the movement “New Poetry”), Saigon Giải Phóng, No 4287, April 29. Saigon. With Nguyễn Phan Cảnh.
(1989) “Gặp Ngân Giang Nữ Sĩ” (Meeting the poetess Ngan Giang), Thanh Nien, No 13, March 26. Saigon.
(1989) “Ngân Giang – 67 Năm Thơ Cộng Bốn Ngàn Bài” (Poetess Ngan Giang – 67 years of poetry with 4,000 poems), Saigon Giải Phóng, No 4240, March 5. Saigon. With Nguyễn Phan Cảnh.
and various poems published in Kiến Thức Ngày Nay, Thanh Niên Online, and other Vietnamese newspapers and magazines in Vietnam and North America.