
When I teach the courses listed below, they are available at lss.at.ufl.edu. Use your Gatorlink username and password to access the course.
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Courses at the University of Florida

Undergraduate courses

  • EAB 3002: Principles of Behavior Analysis
  • EAB 3764: Applied Behavior Analysis
  • EAB 4184: Behaviorism and Contemporary Society
  • IUF 1000: What is the Good Life?
  • PSY 4903: Tobacco Use and Abuse
  • BMS 3023: Epidemiology and Health Issues of Tobacco Addiction
  • PSY 3912: Intro to Research in Psychology
  • PSY 4905: Individual Work
  • PSY 4970: Senior Thesis

Graduate courses

  • EAB 6118: Theoretical Foundations of Behavior Analysis
  • EAB 6939: Ethics and Professional Issues
  • EAB 6099: Behavior Analysis and Therapy
  • EAB 6750: Quantitative Methods
  • EAB 6099: Survey of Behavior Analysis
  • PSY 6971: Research for Master’s Thesis
  • PSY 7980: Research for Doctoral Dissertation

Courses at Emory University

  • Research Methods and Experimental Design

Supervision of Student Research

Doctoral Dissertations Chaired

Villegas, Andrea (2022).  Behavioral Economic Analysis of Food Variety
Stinson, Lesleigh (2022).  Social Media Use as Operant Behavior: Determinants and Treatment.
Barlow, Molly (2020).  Effects of Economic Context on the Discounting of Delayed and Probabilistic Gains and Losses
Lisa Stedman-Falls (2019).  Technology-Based versus In-Person Deposit Contract Treatments for Promoting Physical Activity and Weight Loss
Nick Green (2019).  Evaluation of Behavioral Procedures and Workers Preferences to Increase Workplace Physical Activity.
Triton Ong (2019).  Comparing Winner-Take-All and Proportional Competition
Nick Green (2019).  Evaluation of Behavioral Procedures and Workers Preferences to Increase Workplace Physical Activity.
Hypatia Bolivar (2019).  Human Operant Studies of Resurgence: Effects of Context and Response Cost
Sarah Martner (2019).  Technology-Based Assessment of Smoking and Vaping
David Cox (2018). Influences on Delay and Probability Discounting in Humans.Philip Erb (2015). Protocol analysis of delay discounting.
Brantley Jarvis (2015). Tailored commitment contracts for smoking cessation.
Allison Kurti (2014). Exercise and smoking: Human laboratory studies.
Rachel Cassidy (2013). Behavioral economic analysis of nicotine and the essential value of conditioned reinforcement.
Steven Meredith (2012) Promoting smoking cessation with group contingency management.
Alana Rojewski (2012). An Internet-Based Tailored Feedback Intervention for Smoking Cessation
Jennifer Rusak (2011). The Boundaries of Freedom: An Evaluation of the Parameters of Preference for Choice. (T. Hackenberg, Primary Advisor)
Carla Lagorio (2010). A Parametric Analysis of Preferences for Fixed versus Variable Amounts in a Token Reinforcement Paradigm. (T. Hackenberg, Primary Advisor)
Matthew Locey (2008). Behavioral mechanisms of nicotine’s effects on choice. University of Florida.
Bethany Raiff (2008). Sex differences in the effects of nicotine on responding maintained by environmental stimuli.
Served as a member on 20+ additional committees.

Honors and Awards Granted to Advisees

Lesleigh Stinson (2022).  Schumacher Dissertation Award.  Department of Psychology, University of Florida.
Lesleigh Stinson (2021).  Forrest J. Files Student Paper Competition for the Mid Atlantic Association for Behavior Analysis in basic research
Lesleigh Stinson (2021).  BF Skinner Research Award, Florida Association for Behavior Analysis.
Ryan Higginbotham (2020).  Undergraduate Research Scholar Award, University of Florida.
Andrea Villegas (2020).  Ruth McQuown Scholarship Supplementary Award, University of Florida.
Hypatia Bolivar (2019).  Shumacher Dissertation Award, Department of Psychology.
David Cox (2018).  Pioneer Award, Department of Psychology.  Awarded to a single outstanding graduate student in the department.
David Cox (2017).  Gerber Behavior Analysis Research Award, Department of Psychology, University of Florida
Bethany Raiff (2015). APA Division 25, BF Skinner Foundation New Investigator Award.Allison Kurti (2015). APA Division 28 Outstanding Dissertation Award.
Brantley Jarvis (2015). Graduate School Dissertation Scholarship Award.
Allison Kurti (2014). Gerber Research Award, Behavior Analysis Program, University of Florida
Allison Kurti (2014). Research Award, Behavior Analysis Program, University of Florida
Allison Kurti (2013). College of Liberal Arts and Science, Dissertation Award.
Rachel Cassidy (2013). College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Teaching Award. University of Florida.
Rachel Cassidy (2013). Behavior Analysis Program, University of Florida, E. F. Malagodi Jr. Memorial Scholarship.
Steven Meredith (2011). American Psychological Association, Dissertation Award.
Jennifer Rusak (2011). Graduate School, University of Florida. Delores Auzenne Dissertation Award.
Steven Meredith (2011). Behavior Analysis Program, University of Florida, E. F. Malagodi Jr. Memorial Scholarship.
Steven Meredith (2009). Society for the Advancement of Behavior Analysis Doctoral Dissertation Grant. Society for the Advancement of Behavior Analysis.
Steven Meredith (2009). B. F. Skinner Foundation Florida Graduate Student Research Award. Awarded to a meritorious graduate student in the State of Florida.
Bethany Raiff (2008). Pioneer Award, Department of Psychology. Awarded to a single outstanding graduate student in the department.
Bethany Raiff (2006). Society for the Advancement of Behavior Analysis, Experimental Analysis of Behavior Fellowship.
Bethany Raiff (2006). Behavior Analysis Program, University of Florida, Research Award.
Matthew Locey (2006). American Psychological Association’s Committee on Animal Research & Ethics, Imprinting Award.
Mathew Locey (2006). Behavior Analysis Program, University of Florida, E. F. Malagodi Jr. Memorial Scholarship.

Undergraduate Theses Chaired

Kiah Kramer (2022), Delay Discounting and Contraceptive Usage: Sexual Risk Behavior and the Discounting of Sexual Reward Valuation.
Zoila Santos (in progress), Relations between sexual risk taking and sexual and monetary discounting in WSW and WSM.
Higginbotham, Ryan (2020).  Surrogate discounting rate depends on observation of different health behavior.
De Cola, Briana (2019).  Surrogate delay discounting depends on the smoking status of the recipient.
Monica Martinez (2017).  An evaluation of group contingencies for health behavior.
Betsy Middleton (2016).  Reinforcing value of macronutrient subtypes and delay discounting.
Virginia Weiss (2012). Cocaine and delay discounting (honors thesis, co-chair, primary chair Dr. Barry Setlow).
Marissa Turturici (2010). Social validity of Internet-based contingency management to promote smoking cessation.
Matthew Capriotti (2009). Work and welfare in rats.
Chirag Kulahalli (2010). Does nicotine increase appetitive value of alcohol cues? (Undergraduate Scholar Recipient)
Dwight Hutchinson (2004). Matching in the National Football League. University of Florida.
Irene Glenn (2003). Effects of nicotine deprivation on delay discounting in smokers. University of Florida.
Cynthia Karlson (2003). A functional assessment of cigarette smoking. University of Florida.
Taryn Manders (2003). On the feasibility of Internet-based abstinence reinforcement for cigarette smoking. University of Florida.
Christen Lukart (2002). Effects of the nicotine patch on delay discounting in non-smokers. University of Florida.
Served as a member on 12 additional committees.